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ZF2INVTX - General free texts


Column name

In use?StatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionFachbegriffExample
TXKEYxrequiredVARCHAR(15)Internal pagination numberInternal invoice number (i-effect column)
TXREFxrequiredDECIMAL(5, 0)

Reference ID to the Specified Table

Reference to the tables (i-effect column)

0 = Document header/footer

TXLFDxrequiredDECIMAL(5, 0)

Order of the text

Order of the texts (i-effect column)

Qualification of the text

Free text at document level (qualification of the text)

TXTEXTxrequiredVARCHAR(1024)Free text

Free text for the invoice (text content)

Billing as discussed with Mrs. Sample Woman. There are discounts and bonus agreements.

TXQKEYTxoptionalVARCHAR(3)Qualification of text type

Code for qualifying the free text for the invoice (code for type)

AAI : General Information

SUR : Remarks of the seller

REG : Regulatory information

ABL : Legal information

TXD : Information about the tax

CUS : Customs information


Column name

In use?StatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
TXKEYxrequiredVARCHAR(15)Internal pagination numberInternal invoice number (i-effect column)
TXREFxrequiredDECIMAL(5, 0)

Reference ID to the Specified Table

Reference to the tables (i-effect column)


TXLFDxrequiredDECIMAL(5, 0)

Order of the text

Order of the texts (i-effect column)

Qualification of the text

Free text for position (code for content)

TXTEXTxrequiredVARCHAR(1024)Free text

Free text for the invoice item (text content)

Billing as discussed with Mrs. Sample Woman. There are discounts and bonus agreements.

TXQKEYTxoptionalVARCHAR(3)Qualification of text type

Free text for position (code for type)

AAI : General Information

SUR : Remarks of the seller

REG : Regulatory information

ABL : Legal information

TXD : Information about the tax

CUS : Customs information

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