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Table ZFINVOICHT , Header Information
Column name | Column definition | Column description |
HTKEY | VARCHAR(15) | Internal Pagination Number |
HTPDF | VARCHAR(200) | PDF Name |
HTNTESTCH | VARCHAR(10) | Test indicator |
HTNPROCESS | VARCHAR(255) | Process type |
HTNAPPREF | VARCHAR(255) | Application reference |
HTLLNG | VARCHAR(3) | Language key, de = German fr = French en = English es = Spanish |
HTNDOCNR | VARCHAR(35) | Document number |
HTNDOCTC | VARCHAR(255) | Document Type(Free text) |
HTNDOCT | VARCHAR(35) | Document type (Code), 380 = Commercial invoice 381 = Credit note display 83 = Value credit 84 = Value exposure |
HTNDOCD | DATE '0001-01-01' | Document date |
HTNMSGFUNC | VARCHAR(1) | Indicator Original/Copy 7 = Copy 9 = Original |
HTNPAYD | DATE '0001-01-01' | Payment date |
HTGBYREF | VARCHAR(35) | Buyer reference |
HTGSEID | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the Seller |
HTGSEGLN | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the Seller |
HTGSENAME | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the Seller |
HTGSECT | VARCHAR(50) | Contact Name of the Seller |
HTGSECTD | VARCHAR(50) | Department name of the Seller |
HTGSETE | VARCHAR(50) | Phone number of the Seller |
HTGSEFX | VARCHAR(50) | Fax number of the Seller |
HTGSEEM | VARCHAR(200) | Mail adress of the Seller |
HTGSEZIP | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the Seller |
HTGSEAD1 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 1 of the Seller |
HTGSEAD2 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 2 of the Seller |
HTGSELC | VARCHAR(50) | City of the Seller |
HTGSECR | VARCHAR(3) | Country ISO of the Seller |
HTGSETAX | VARCHAR(35) | Taxnumber of the Seller |
HTGSETAXT | VARCHAR(35) | USTid of the Seller |
HTGBYID | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the Buyer |
HTGBYGLN | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the Buyer |
HTGBYNAME | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the Buyer |
HTGBYCT | VARCHAR(50) | Contact Name of the Buyer |
HTGBYCTD | VARCHAR(50) | Department name of the Buyer |
HTGBYTE | VARCHAR(50) | Phone number of the Buyer |
HTGBYFX | VARCHAR(50) | Fax number of the Buyer |
HTGBYEM | VARCHAR(200) | Mail adress of the Buyer |
HTGBYZIP | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the Buyer |
HTGBYAD1 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 1 of the Buyer |
HTGBYAD2 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 2 of the Buyer |
HTGBYLC | VARCHAR(50) | City of the Buyer |
HTGBYCR | VARCHAR(3) | Country ISO of the Buyer |
HTGBYTAX | VARCHAR(35) | Taxnumber of the Buyer |
HTGBYTAXT | VARCHAR(35) | USTid of the Buyer |
HTGUDID | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the deviating end user |
HTGUDGLN | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the deviating end user |
HTGUDNAME | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the deviating end user |
HTGUDCT | VARCHAR(50) | Contact Name of the deviating end user |
HTGUDCTD | VARCHAR(50) | Department name of the deviating end user |
HTGUDTE | VARCHAR(50) | Phone number of the deviating end user |
HTGUDFX | VARCHAR(50) | Fax number of the deviating end user |
HTGUDEM | VARCHAR(200) | Mail adress of the deviating end user |
HTGUDZIP | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the deviating end user |
HTGUDAD1 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 1 of the deviating end user |
HTGUDAD2 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 2 of the deviating end user |
HTGUDLC | VARCHAR(50) | City of the deviating end user |
HTGUDCR | VARCHAR(4) | Country ISO of the deviating end user |
HTGUDTAX | VARCHAR(35) | Taxnumber of the deviating end user |
HTGUDTAXT | VARCHAR(35) | USTid of the deviating end user |
HTGDPTERM | VARCHAR(3) | Delivery Conditions (CODE) |
HTGORDERD | TIMESTAMP | Date of order |
HTGORDERNR | VARCHAR(35) | Order number |
HTGCONTRD | TIMESTAMP | Date of agreement |
HTGCONTRNR | VARCHAR(35) | Agreement number |
HTGDOCD | TIMESTAMP | Date of Document |
HTGDOCTC | VARCHAR(3) | Type of referenced Document |
HTGDOCNR | VARCHAR(35) | Document number |
HTGCORDD | TIMESTAMP | Date of Costumer order |
HTGCORDNR | VARCHAR(35) | Customer order number |
HTLSHIPT | VARCHAR(3) | Delivery service (Code) |
HTLSHIPNR | VARCHAR(35) | Shipment load reference number |
HTLSHIPNRT | VARCHAR(10) | Type of identification number |
HTLWRDID | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the were recipients |
HTLWRDGLN | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the were recipients |
HTLWRDREC | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the were recipients |
HTLWRDCN | VARCHAR(50) | Contact Name of the were recipients |
HTLWRDDN | VARCHAR(50) | Department name of the were recipients |
HTLWRDTEL | VARCHAR(50) | Phone number of the were recipients |
HTLWRDFAX | VARCHAR(50) | Fax number of the were recipients |
HTLWRDMAIL | VARCHAR(200) | Mail adress of the were recipients |
HTLWRDPLZ | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the were recipients |
HTLWRDAD1 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 1 of the were recipients |
HTLWRDAD2 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 2 of the were recipients |
HTLWRDCITY | VARCHAR(50) | City of the were recipients |
HTLWRDLC | VARCHAR(4) | Country ISO of the were recipients |
HTLWRDSNR | VARCHAR(35) | Taxnumber of the were recipients |
HTLWRDASNR | VARCHAR(35) | USTid of the were recipients |
HTLFRDID | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the final recipient |
HTLFRDGLN | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the final recipient |
HTLFRDREC | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the final recipient |
HTLFRDCN | VARCHAR(50) | Contact Name of the final recipient |
HTLFRDDN | VARCHAR(50) | Department name of the final recipient |
HTLFRDTEL | VARCHAR(50) | Phone number of the final recipient |
HTLFRDFAX | VARCHAR(50) | Fax number of the final recipient |
HTLFRDMAIL | VARCHAR(200) | Mail adress of the final recipient |
HTLFRDPLZ | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the final recipient |
HTLFRDAD1 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 1 of the final recipient |
HTLFRDAD2 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 2 of the final recipient |
HTLFRDCITY | VARCHAR(50) | City of the final recipient |
HTLFRDLC | VARCHAR(4) | Country ISO of the final recipient |
HTLFRDSNR | VARCHAR(35) | Taxnumber of the final recipient |
HTLFRDASNR | VARCHAR(35) | USTid of the final recipient |
HTLCDID | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the consignor |
HTLCDGLN | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the consignor |
HTLCDREC | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the consignor |
HTLCDCN | VARCHAR(50) | Contact Name of the consignor |
HTLCDDN | VARCHAR(50) | Department name of the consignor |
HTLCDTEL | VARCHAR(50) | Phone number of the consignor |
HTLCDFAX | VARCHAR(50) | Fax number of the consignor |
HTLCDMAIL | VARCHAR(200) | Mail adress of the consignor |
HTLCDPLZ | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the consignor |
HTLCDAD1 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 1 of the consignor |
HTLCDAD2 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 2 of the consignor |
HTLCDCITY | VARCHAR(50) | City of the consignor |
HTLCDLC | VARCHAR(4) | Country ISO of the consignor |
HTLCDSNR | VARCHAR(35) | Taxnumber of the consignor |
HTLCDASNR | VARCHAR(35) | USTid of the consignor |
HTLDTD | DATE '0001-01-01' | Actual Delivery Time |
HTLDALD | TIMESTAMP | Date of Despatch advice |
HTLDANR | VARCHAR(25) | Despatch advice number |
HTLDLSD | TIMESTAMP | Date of Delivery Note |
HTLDLSNR | VARCHAR(35) | Delivery Note number |
HTZGPZR | VARCHAR(200) | Intended purpose |
HTZGPC | VARCHAR(5) | Currency |
HTZIRDREID | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDGLN | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDREC | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDCN | VARCHAR(50) | Contact Name of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDDN | VARCHAR(50) | Department name of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDTEL | VARCHAR(50) | Phone number of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDFAX | VARCHAR(50) | Fax number of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDMAIL | VARCHAR(200) | Mail adress of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDEPLZ | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDAD1 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 1 of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDAD2 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 2 of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDCITY | VARCHAR(50) | City of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDLLC | VARCHAR(4) | Country ISO of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDSNR | VARCHAR(35) | Taxnumber of the Invoice recipient |
HTZIRDASNR | VARCHAR(35) | USTid of the Invoice recipient |
HTZPRDREID | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDGLN | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDREC | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDCN | VARCHAR(50) | Contact Name of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDDN | VARCHAR(50) | Department name of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDTEL | VARCHAR(50) | Phone number of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDFAX | VARCHAR(50) | Fax number of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDMAIL | VARCHAR(200) | Mail adress of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDPLZ | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDAD1 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 1 of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDAD2 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 2 of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDCITY | VARCHAR(50) | City of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDLLC | VARCHAR(4) | Country ISO of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDSNR | VARCHAR(35) | Taxnumber of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPRDASNR | VARCHAR(35) | USTid of the Payment Receiver |
HTZPAYTYP | VARCHAR(5) | Payment Type |
HTZPAYFT | VARCHAR(200) | Free text for payment method |
HTZPAYMID | VARCHAR(15) | mandate reference |
HTZPAYGID | VARCHAR(15) | Creditor ID |
HTZBUYFANR | VARCHAR(25) | Account number |
HTZSELFAN | VARCHAR(25) | Account name |
HTZSELFANR | VARCHAR(25) | Account number |
HTZBUYBLZ | VARCHAR(15) | Bank identification code |
HTZBUYBN | VARCHAR(50) | Bank name |
HTZSELBLZ | VARCHAR(15) | Bank identification code |
HTZSELBN | VARCHAR(50) | Bank name |
HTZBILLBP | VARCHAR(15) | Beginning of the accounting period |
HTZBILLBPF | VARCHAR(3) | Date Format |
HTZBILLEP | VARCHAR(15) | End of the accounting period |
HTZBILLEPF | VARCHAR(3) | Date Format |
HTZSERVI | VARCHAR(200) | Identification of the Service charge |
HTZSERVF | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Amount of the Service charge |
HTZSERVTK | VARCHAR(5) | Type of Tax (Code) |
HTZSERVTCA | VARCHAR(2) | Tax category |
HTZSERVTCU | DECIMAL(6, 2) | Tax rate |
HTZPATFT | VARCHAR(200) | Freetext of the terms of payment |
HTZPAMD | DATE '0001-01-01' | Due Date |
HTZPAHA | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Amount of instalment |
HTZPAPTD | DATE '0001-01-01' | Refernce Date of maturity |
HTZPAPTMP | INT | Maturity period |
HTZPAPTMPU | VARCHAR(10) | Maturity period, (Unit) |
HTZPAPTBA | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Basic amount of Payment surcharge |
HTZPAPTPV | DECIMAL(6, 2) | Percentage of payment surcharge |
HTZPAPTAPM | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Amount of Payment surcharge |
HTZPADTD | DATE '0001-01-01' | Refernce Date of maturity |
HTZPADTMP | INT | Maturity period |
HTZPADTMPU | VARCHAR(10) | Maturity period, (Unit) |
HTZPADTBA | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Basic amount of Payment surcharge |
HTZPADTPV | INT | Percentage of payment surcharge |
HTZPADTAPM | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Amount of Payment surcharge |
HTZTSMSLT | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Total amount of positions |
HTZTSMSCT | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Total amount of surcharges |
HTZTSMSAT | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Total amounts of discounts |
HTZTSMSTBT | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Tax basic amount |
HTZTSMSTT | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Tax total amount |
HTZTSMSGT | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Gross amount |
HTZTSMSTP | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Deposit amount |
HTZTSMSDP | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Payment amount |
HTZTAAII | VARCHAR(25) | Booking reference |
HTSTATE | VARCHAR(1) | State of Order Emty String = Not Finished 1 = Finished |
Table ZFINVOICTX , Bill Texts(Head / Positions)
Column name | Column definition | Column description |
TXKEY | VARCHAR(15) | Internal pagination number |
TXLFD | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Current Number 0 = Belegkopf/Fuss |
TXPOS | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Textline number |
TXQKEY | VARCHAR(3) | Qualification of the text |
TXTEXT | VARCHAR(255) | Free text |
TXQKEYT | VARCHAR(3) | Qualification of text type |
Table ZFINVOICAC , Surcharges/Deductions(Head / Positions)
Column name | Column definition | Column description |
ACKEY | VARCHAR(15) | Internal pagination number |
ACLFD | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Current Number 0 = Belegkopf/Fuss |
ACPOS | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Line Number |
ACATAXC | VARCHAR(5) | Allowance Charge Identifier for Gross or Net Price |
ACTACI | VARCHAR(5) | Switch for Sur/deduction |
ACTACS | VARCHAR(1) | Calculation Order |
ACTACP | DECIMAL(6, 2) | Discount Percentage |
ACTACBAD | DECIMAL(15, 4) | Basic amount of discount |
ACTACBQ | DECIMAL(15, 4) | Base quantity of discount |
ACTTEACBPU | VARCHAR(10) | UNIT pricing Base |
ACTACBA | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Amount of Sur/deduction |
ACTACRC | VARCHAR(5) | Reason of Sur/deduction(Code) |
ACTACRF | VARCHAR(200) | Reason of Sur/deduction(Free text) |
ACTRATK | VARCHAR(5) | Tax type(Code) |
ACTRATC | VARCHAR(2) | Tax category |
ACTRATPC | DECIMAL(6, 2) | Percentage |
Table ZFINVOICPI , Positions
Column name | Column definition | Column description |
PIKEY | VARCHAR(15) | Internal pagination number |
PILFD | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Position number |
PIDOLIO | INT | Order position |
PIDOIIO | VARCHAR(35) | Order number |
PICOIDTC | TIMESTAMP | Contract date |
PICOLIC | INT | Contract position |
PICOIIC | VARCHAR(5) | Contract number |
PIGPCA | DECIMAL(15, 4) | Gross price |
PIGPBQ | INT | Price base amount |
PIGPBQU | VARCHAR(35) | Type of Price base amount |
PINPCA | DECIMAL(15, 4) | Net price |
PINPBQ | INT | Price base amount |
PINPBQU | VARCHAR(5) | Type of Price base amount |
PIDOLICE | INT | Order position |
PIDOIICE | VARCHAR(35) | Order number |
PIDPTDBQ | DECIMAL(15, 4) | Amount, calculated |
PIDPTDBQU | VARCHAR(5) | Unit of measurement |
PIDPTDCFQ | DECIMAL(15, 4) | Amount, not calculated |
PIDPTDCFQU | VARCHAR(5) | Unit of measurement |
PIDPTDPQ | INT | Number of packages |
PIDPTDPQU | VARCHAR(5) | Unit of measurement |
PIWRDID | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the were recipients |
PIWRDGLN | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the were recipients |
PIWRDREC | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the were recipients |
PIWRDCN | VARCHAR(50) | Contact Name of the were recipients |
PIWRDDN | VARCHAR(50) | Department name of the were recipients |
PIWRDTEL | VARCHAR(50) | Phone number of the were recipients |
PIWRDFAX | VARCHAR(50) | Fax number of the were recipients |
PIWRDMAIL | VARCHAR(200) | Mail adress of the were recipients |
PIWRDPLZ | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the were recipients |
PIWRDAD1 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 1 of the were recipients |
PIWRDAD2 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 2 of the were recipients |
PIWRDCITY | VARCHAR(50) | City of the were recipients |
PIWRDLC | VARCHAR(4) | Country ISO of the were recipients |
PIWRDSNR | VARCHAR(35) | Taxnumber of the were recipients |
PIWRDASNR | VARCHAR(35) | USTid of the were recipients |
PIFRDID | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the final recipient |
PIFRDGLN | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the final recipient |
PIFRDREC | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the final recipient |
PIFRDCN | VARCHAR(50) | Contact Name of the final recipient |
PIFRDDN | VARCHAR(50) | Department name of the final recipient |
PIFRDTEL | VARCHAR(50) | Phone number of the final recipient |
PIFRDFAX | VARCHAR(50) | Fax number of the final recipient |
PIFRDMAIL | VARCHAR(200) | Mail adress of the final recipient |
PIFRDPLZ | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the final recipient |
PIFRDAD1 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 1 of the final recipient |
PIFRDAD2 | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 2 of the final recipient |
PIFRDCITY | VARCHAR(50) | City of the final recipient |
PIFRDLC | VARCHAR(4) | Country ISO of the final recipient |
PIFRDSNR | VARCHAR(35) | Taxnumber of the final recipient |
PIFRDASNR | VARCHAR(35) | USTid of the final recipient |
PIDELTD | DATE '0001-01-01' | Actual Delivery Time |
PIDALD | TIMESTAMP | Date of Despatch advice |
PIDALI | INT | Despatch advice position |
PIDANR | VARCHAR(35) | Despatch advice number |
PIGRIDC | TIMESTAMP | Good receipt date |
PIGRDLI | INT | Good receipt positon |
PIGRII | VARCHAR(35) | Good receipt number |
PIDNIDC | TIMESTAMP | Date of Delivery Note |
PIDNDLI | INT | Delivery Note position |
PIDNDII | VARCHAR(35) | Delivery Note number |
PITAXCA | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Tax amount |
PITAXTC | VARCHAR(5) | Type of Tax |
PITAXERT | VARCHAR(255) | Reason for tax exemption |
PITAXCC | VARCHAR(2) | Tax category |
PITAXAP | DECIMAL(6, 2) | Tax percent |
PIAPSDT | VARCHAR(15) | Beginning of the accounting period |
PIAPSDTF | VARCHAR(3) | Date Format |
PIAPEDT | VARCHAR(15) | End of the accounting period |
PIAPEDTF | VARCHAR(3) | Date Format |
PIBR | VARCHAR(35) | Booking reference |
PIPSTA | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Total amount of position |
PIPSTACA | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Total amount of position increases and reductions |
PIPPPGIC | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the Product |
PIPPPSAII | VARCHAR(35) | Product number of the Seller |
PIPPPBAII | VARCHAR(35) | Product number of the Buyer |
PIPPPNT | VARCHAR(255) | Product name |
PIPPPDT | VARCHAR(255) | Product description |
PIPHCIIC | VARCHAR(3) | Country of product origin (Code) |
Table ZFINVOICDR , Document Referenz
Column name | Column definition | Column description |
DRKEY | VARCHAR(15) | Internal pagination number |
DRLFD | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Current Number |
DRDOIDTD | TIMESTAMP | Document date |
DRDOLID | INT | Referenced position |
DRDOLIC | INT | Document number |
DRDORT | VARCHAR(10) | Type of referenced Document |
Table ZFINVOICPP , Article Properties
Column name | Column definition | Column description |
PPKEY | VARCHAR(15) | Internal pagination number |
PPLFD | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Position Number |
PPPOS | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Line Number |
PPCTC | VARCHAR(35) | Type of Product feature(Code) |
PPCDT | VARCHAR(200) | Type of Product feature(free text) |
PPCVM | INT | Value of Product property(numerical measured variable) |
PPCVMC | VARCHAR(3) | Unit of measurement |
PPCVT | VARCHAR(200) | Value of Product property(text) |
Table ZFINVOICPC , Article Classification
Column name | Column definition | Column description |
PCKEY | VARCHAR(15) | Internal pagination number |
PCLFD | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Current Number |
PCPOS | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Position Number |
PCCCC | VARCHAR(35) | Classification of the Product(Code) |
PCCCI | VARCHAR(25) | Name of Product Classification |
PCCCVI | VARCHAR(4) | Version of Product Classification |
PCCCNT | VARCHAR(200) | Classification of the Product(free text) |
Table ZFINVOICIP , Included Articles
Column name | Column definition | Column description |
IPKEY | VARCHAR(15) | Internal pagination number |
IPLFD | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Current Number |
IPPOS | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Position Number |
IPPGIC | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the Product |
IPPSAIC | VARCHAR(35) | SKU Seller |
IPPNTC | VARCHAR(255) | Product Name |
IPPDTC | VARCHAR(255) | Product description |
IPPUQC | DECIMAL(15,4) | Contained amount |
IPPUQUC | VARCHAR(5) | Unit of measurement |
Table ZFINVOICTI , Tax Information
Column name | Column definition | Column description |
TIKEY | VARCHAR(15) | Internal pagination number |
TIPOS | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Position Number |
TITAXA | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Tax amount |
TITAXT | VARCHAR(5) | Type of Tax |
TITAXFT | VARCHAR(255) | Reason for tax exemption |
TITAXBA | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Basic Amount for Tax calculation |
TITAXGA | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Goods amount of the Tax rate |
TITAXCOMA | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Total amount increases and reductions in the tax rate |
TITAXCAT | VARCHAR(2) | Tax category |
TITAXPER | DECIMAL(6, 2) | Tax rate |