ZF2INVTP - Detailed information on payment terms
Column name | In use? | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
TPKEY | x | VARCHAR(15) | Internal pagination number | Internal invoice number (i-effect column) | ||
TPLFD | x | DECIMAL(5, 0) | Order of Payment Term | Order of payment terms | ||
TPTEXT | x | optional | VARCHAR(255) | Description of Payment Term | Terms of payment | |
TPPAMD | x | optional | DATE '0001-01-01' | Due Date | due date of payment | 2018-12-24 |
TPPAPMID | x | optional | VARCHAR(15) | mandate reference | Identification of the mandate reference | |
TPPAPAHA | x | optional | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Amount of instalment | Amount of the partial payment | |
Detailed information on payment surcharges (optional) | ||||||
TPPAPTD | x | optional | DATE '0001-01-01' | Refernce Date of maturity | Reference date of maturity | 2018-12-18 |
TPPAPTMP | x | optional | INTEGER | Maturity period | Due date | 10 |
TPPAPTMPU | x | required wenn TPPAPTMP gefüllt ist. | VARCHAR(10) | Maturity period, (Unit) | Maturity period, unit | DAY |
TPPAPTBA | x | optional | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Basic amount of Payment surcharge | Basisbetrag des Zahlungszuschlags | 102.10 |
TPPAPTPV | x | optional | DECIMAL(6, 2) | Percentage of payment surcharge | Percentage value of the payment surcharge | 19.00 |
TPPAPTAPM | x | optional | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Amount of Payment surcharge | Amount of the payment surcharge | 45.00 |
Detailed information on payment discounts (optional) | ||||||
TPPADTD | x | optional | DATE '0001-01-01' | Refernce Date of maturity | Reference date of maturity | 2018-12-14 |
TPPADTMP | x | optional | INTEGER | Maturity period | Due date | 5 |
TPPADTMPU | x | equired wenn TPPADTMP gefüllt ist. | VARCHAR(10) | Maturity period, (Unit) | Maturity period, unit | DAY |
TPPADTBA | x | optional | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Base amount of the payment discount | Base amount of the payment discount | 100.00 |
TPPADTPV | x | optional | DECIMAL(6, 2) | Percentage of payment discount | Percentage value of the payment budget billing amount | 7.00 |
TPPADTAPM | x | optional | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Amount of Payment discount | Amount of the payment instalment | 21.00 |