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ZF2INVPP - Article attributes

Column name

In use?StatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
VARCHAR(15)Internal pagination number (i-effect Spalte)Internal invoice number
DECIMAL(5, 0)Reference ID to the Specified Table

Reference to table


DECIMAL(5, 0)Order of the Product CharacteristicSequence of the product property
PPCTCxrequiredVARCHAR(35)Type of Product feature(Code)Type of product characteristic (code)
PPDESCxrequiredVARCHAR(55)Description of the Product CharacteristicArticle attribute name
PPCVMxoptionalINTEGERValue of Product property(numerical measured variable)Value of the product property (numerical measurand)
PPCVMCxIf PPCVM is filled, this field is required.CHAR(3)Unit of measurementUnit of measurement
PPCVTxrequiredVARCHAR(200)Value of Product property(text)Article attribute value
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