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ZF2INVPI - Grouping of position data

Column name

ProfilStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample

Internal pagination number (i-effect Spalte)

Internal invoice number
Grouping of general position specifications (required)
PIREFxrequiredDECIMAL(5, 0)PositionnumberIdentification of the invoice item
PILISTCOxoptionalVARCHAR(15)Type of the LinePositionType of invoice item (code)
PILISTRECOxoptionalVARCHAR(15)Under type of the Line PositionSubtype of invoice item
Detailed information on free text for the item (optional)

Note table ZF2INVTX.

Artikelinformationen (erforderlich)
PIPPPGICxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the ProductGlobal identifier of the product
PIPPPSIDxrequired if PIPPPGIC is filledCHAR(5)Type of global article numberType of global article number
PIPPPSAIIxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Product number of the SellerSeller's part number
PIPPPBAIIxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Product number of the BuyerItem number of the buyer
PIPPPNTxrequiredVARCHAR(255)Product nameArticle description
PIPPPDTxoptionalVARCHAR(255)Product descriptionArticle description
Article attribut (optional)
Note table ZF2INVPP.
Detailed information on product classification (optional)
Note table ZF2INVPC.
Detailed information on product origin (optional)
PIPPPOTCxrequiredCHAR(2)Origin Trade CountryArticle country of origin
Detailinformationen zu enthaltenen Produkten (optional)
Note table ZF2INVIP.
Detailinformationen zum Preis (required)
Detailangaben zur zugehörigen Bestellung (optional)
PIDOIIOxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Order numberOrder number
PIDOLIOxoptionalINTEGEROrder positionOrder item
PIDOIDTOxoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Order dateOrder date
Details of the associated contract (optional)
PICOIICxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Contract numberContract number
PICOLICxoptionalINTEGERContract positionContract item
PICOIDTCxoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Contract dateContract date
Details of an additional document reference (optional)

Note table ZF2INVDR.

Detailed information on the gross price of the article (optional)
PIGPCAxrequiredDECIMAL(15, 4)Gross priceGross price of the article
PIGPBQxoptionalINTEGERPrice base amountBase quantity at item price1, 10, 100
PIGPBQUxrequired if PIGPBQ is availableCHAR(5)Type of Price base amountCode for the unit of measurement of the base quantity at item price

LTR = Liter (1 dm3)

MTQ = Cubic meters

KGM = Kilogram

MTR = Meter PCE = piece

TNE = Ton

Detailed information on surcharges and discounts (optional)
Note table ZF2INVAC.
Detailed information on the net price of the article (required)
PINPCAxrequiredDECIMAL(15, 4)Net priceNet price of the article
PINPBQxoptionalINTEGERPrice base amountBase quantity at item price1, 10, 100
PINPBQUxrequired wenn PINPBQ vorhanden ist.CHAR(5)Type of Price base amountCode for the unit of measurement of the base quantity at item price

LTR = Liter (1 dm3)

MTQ = Cubic meters

KGM = Kilogram

MTR = Meter PCE = piece

TNE = Ton

Included tax for B2C (optional)
PITAXAxrequiredDECIMAL(15, 2)Tax amount calculatedIncluded tax for B2C
PITAXTxrequiredCHAR(5)Type of TaxIncluded tax for B2C
PITAXFTxoptionalVARCHAR(255)Reason for tax exemptionIncluded tax for B2C
PITAXCATxrequiredCHAR(2)Tax categoryIncluded tax for B2C
PITAXFTCxoptionalCHAR(5)Reason for tax exemption (CODE)Code for the reason for exemption from turnover tax
PITAXPERxrequiredDECIMAL(6, 2)Tax rateIncluded tax for B2C
UltimateCustomerOrderReferencedDocument (optional)
Note table ZF2INVUDR.
Grouping of delivery details from item level (optional)
PIDPTDBQxrequiredDECIMAL(15, 4)Amount, calculatedQuantity invoiced
PIDPTDBQUxrequiredCHAR(5)Unit of measurementUnit of measurement code for the quantity invoiced

LTR = Liter (1 dm3)

MTQ = Cubic meters

KGM = Kilogram

MTR = Meter PCE = piece

TNE = Ton

PIDPTDCFQxoptionalDECIMAL(15, 4)Amount, not calculatedQuantity, without calculation
PIDPTDCFQUxrequired if, PIDPTDCFQ is availableCHAR(5)Unit of measurementUnit of measurementC62
PIDPTDPQxoptionalINTEGERNumber of packagesNumber of packages
PIDPTDPQUxrequired if, PIDPTDPQ is availableCHAR(5)Unit of measurementUnit of measurementBX
Detailed information on the different ship-to party (optional)
PIWRDIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the were recipientsIdentification of the ship-to party
PIWRDGLNxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the were recipientsGlobal identifier of the consignee
PIWRDGLNTxrequired if PIWRDGLN is filledCHAR(5)Type of global identifierType of global identification number
PIWRDRECxrequiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the were recipientsName/name of the consignee
Details of the organization (optional)
PIWCOMRNxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the OrganizationCommercial register number
PIWCOMRNTxoptionalVARCHAR(10)Type of numberType of number
PIWTRBUSINxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Trading Business nameTrade name
Detailed information on the contact person of the ship-to party (optional)
PIWRDCNxabhängigVARCHAR(50)Contact Name of the were recipientsName of contact person
PIWRDDNxabhängigVARCHAR(50)Department name of the were recipientsDepartment of the contact person
Detailed information on the telephone number of the contact person (optional)
PIWRDTELxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Phone number of the were recipientsTelephone number of the contact person
Detailed information on the fax number of the contact person (optional)
PIWRDFAXxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Fax number of the were recipientsFax number of the contact person
Detailed information on the email address of the contact person (optional)
PIWRDMAILxrequiredVARCHAR(200)Mail adress of the were recipientsemail address
Detailed information on the address of the ship-to party (optional)
PIWRDPLZxoptionalVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the were recipientsPostcode
PIWRDAD1xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 1 of the were recipientsAddress line 1
PIWRDAD2xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 2 of the were recipientsAddress line 2
PIWRDAD3xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 3 of the were recipientsAddress line 3
PIWRDCITYxoptionalVARCHAR(50)City of the were recipientsCity
PIWRDLCxrequiredCHAR(4)Country ISO of the were recipientsCountry (code)





Country federal state

Federal state

Electronic address details (optional)


xrequiredVARCHAR(55)Eletronic addressElectronic address


xrequiredVARCHAR(10)Eletronic address typeType of electronic address
Detailed information on tax details of the ship-to party (optional)
PIWRDSNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Taxnumber of the were recipientsTax number
PIWRDASNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)USTid of the were recipientsValue added tax identification number
Detailed information on the different final recipient (optional)
PIFRDIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the final recipientIdentification of the final recipient
PIFRDGLNxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the final recipientGlobal identifier of the final recipient (GLN)
PIFRDGLNTxrequired if PIFRDGLN is filledCHAR(5)Type of global identifierType of global identification number
PIFRDRECxrequiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the final recipientName/name of the final recipient
Details of the organization (optional)


xoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the OrganizationCommercial register number


xoptionalVARCHAR(10)Type of numberType of number


xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Trading Business nameTrade name

Detailed information on the contact person of the final recipient (optional)

PIFRDCNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Contact Name of the final recipientName of contact person
PIFRDDNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Department name of the final recipientDepartment of the contact person
Detailed information on the telephone number of the contact person (optional)
PIFRDTELxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Phone number of the final recipientTelephone number of the contact person
Detailed information on the fax number of the contact person (optional)
PIFRDFAXxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Fax number of the final recipientFax number
Detailed information on the email address of the contact person (optional)
PIFRDMAILxrequiredVARCHAR(200)Postanschrift des Endempfängersemail address
Detailed information on the address of the final recipient (optional)
PIFRDPLZxoptionalVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the final recipientPostcode
PIFRDAD1xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 1 of the final recipientAddress line 1
PIFRDAD2xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 2 of the final recipientAddress line 2
PIFRDAD3xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 3 of the final recipientAddress line 3
PIFRDCITYxoptionalVARCHAR(50)City of the final recipientCity
PIFRDLCxrequiredCHAR(4)Country ISO of the final recipientCountry (code)
PIFRDCSDNxoptionalVARCHAR(25)Country federal stateFederal state
Electronic address details (optional)
PIFRURIIDxrequiredVARCHAR(55)Eletronic addressElectronic address
PIFRURIIDTxrequiredVARCHAR(10)Eletronic address typeType of electronic address
Detailed information on tax data of the final recipient (optional)
PIFRDSNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Taxnumber of the final recipientTax number
PIFRDASNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)USTid of the final recipientValue added tax identification number
Detailed information on the actual delivery (optional)
PIDELTDxrequiredDATE '0001-01-01'Actual Delivery TimeActual delivery date
Detailed information on the corresponding shipping notification (optional)
PIDANRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Despatch advice numberShipping notification number
PIDALIxoptionalINTEGERDespatch advice positionShipping notification
PIDALDxoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Date of Despatch adviceShipping notification date
Detailed information on the corresponding final backflush (optional)
PIGRIIxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Good receipt numberGoods receipt number
PIGRDLIxoptionalINTEGERGood receipt positonGoods receipt item
PIGRIDCxoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Good receipt dateGoods receipt date
Detailed information on the corresponding delivery note (optional)
PIDNDIIxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Delivery Note numberDelivery note number
PIDNDLIxoptionalINTEGERDelivery Note positionDelivery note item
PIDNIDCxoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Date of Delivery NoteDelivery note date
Grouping of data for settlement at item level (required)
Sales tax information at the invoice item level (required)

Note table ZF2INVTI.

Detailed information on the accounting period (optional)
PIAPSDTxoptionalVARCHAR(15)Beginning of the accounting periodBeginning of the financial period
PIAPSDTFxrequired if PIAPSDT is filled.CHAR(3)Date FormatDate, Format
PIAPEDTxrequiredVARCHAR(15)End of the accounting periodEnd of the financial period
PIAPEDTFxrequired if PIAPEDT is filled.CHAR(3)Date FormatDate, Format
Budget billing amounts at invoice item level (optional)
Note table ZF2INVAC.
Detailed information on item totals (required)
PIPSTAxrequiredDECIMAL(15, 2)Total amount of positionTotal item amount
PIPSTACAxoptionalDECIMAL(15, 2)Total amount of position increases and reductionsTotal amount of item markups and markdowns
Object identification at invoice item level (optional)
Note table ZF2INVDR.
Detailed information on the booking reference (optional)
Note table ZF2INVBR.
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