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ZF2INVHT - header information

If you want to create ZUGFeRD files, fill the tables below with your data. If you need help with the filling, please contact the support.

Column nameIn use?StatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample

VARCHAR(15)Internal Pagination NumberInternal invoice number (i-effect column)

HTPDFxoptionalVARCHAR(200)PDF Name

Name of the file generated at the end (i-effect column)

HTTEMPLDIRxoptionalVARCHAR(100)Template Directory NameName of the template folder of the invoice (i-effect column)

HTDIRECTxrequiredCHAR(4)Direction of the ZUGFeRD

Process control (required)

HTNTESTCHxoptionalVARCHAR(5)Test indicatorTest indicator

true / false

Gruppierung der Geschäftsprozessinformationen (required)

HTNPROCESSxoptionalVARCHAR(255)Process typeBusiness Process Type

Production material, other material,

Freight invoice

Grouping of the application recommendation information (required)

HTNAPPREFxrequiredVARCHAR(255)Application referenceRecommendation for use




Grouping of properties that affect the document as a whole. (required)

HTNDOCNRxrequiredVARCHAR(35)Document numberinvoice number2012-12345

HTNDOCTCxrequiredVARCHAR(255)Document Type(Free text)Document type (free text)INVOICE


 Document type (Code),


Code for the invoice type

380 = Commercial invoice

381 = Credit note display

83  = Value credit     

84  = Value exposure

more Codes can be found in the Codelist.

HTNDOCDxrequiredDATE '0001-01-01'

Document date

Date of invoice2018-12-10


Specification only required if the item is not a multiple of the same content.


Indicator Original/Copy

Original/copy indicatortrue / false

LALLNGxoptionalCHAR(3)Language KeyLanguage code

Contractual due date of the invoice (dependent)

HTNPAYDxrequiredDATE '0001-01-01'Payment dateContractual due date of the invoice2018-12-24

Free text at header level (optional)

Note table ZF2INVTX.

Grouping of information on the business transaction (required)

Invoice item (optional)

Note table ZF2INVPI.

Grouping of contract details (required)

HTGBYREFxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Buyer referenceBuyer's referenceINV 082

Detailed information about the seller (required)

HTGSEIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the SellerIdentification of the seller (supplier number)

HTGSEGLNxempfohlenVARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the SellerGlobal identifier of the seller4000001000005

HTGSEGLNTxrequiredCHAR(5)Type of global IdentifierIdentification of the scheme

0021 : SWIFT

0088 : EAN

0060 : DUNS

0177 : ODETTE

HTGSENAMExrequiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the SellerCompany name/name of the sellerLieferant GmbH

HTGSDESCxoptionalVARCHAR(255)Other remaining information of the SellerOther legal information of the seller

Details of the organization (optional)


xoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the OrganizationIdentification of the legal registration of the seller


xoptionalVARCHAR(10)Type of Organization IdentifierIdentification of the scheme


xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Trading Business nametrade name of the seller

Detailed information on the business address of the seller



ZIP Code of the Seller Organization




Address line 1 of the Seller Organization

Address line 1



Address line 2 of the Seller Organization

Address line 2



Address line 3 of the Seller Organization

Address line 3



City of the Seller Organization




Country ISO of the Seller Organization

Country (code)

Contact details of the seller (optional)

HTGSECTxabhängigVARCHAR(50)Contact Name of the Sellerseller's contact pointKarin Mustermann

HTGSECTDxabhängigVARCHAR(50)Department name of the Sellerseller's contact pointInvoicing

Detailed information about the phone number of the seller (optional)

HTGSETExrequiredVARCHAR(50)Phone number of the SellerPhone number of the seller+49 (123) 456789-0

Detailed information on the fax number of the seller (optional)

HTGSEFXxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Fax number of the SellerFax number of the seller+49 (123) 456789-999

Detailed information about the email address of the seller (optional)

HTGSEEMxrequiredVARCHAR(200)Mail adress of the SellerEmail address of the sellerkarin.mustermann@seller.tld

Postal address of the seller (required)

HTGSEZIPxoptionalVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the SellerPostcode of the seller address80333

HTGSEAD1xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 1 of the SellerLine 1 of the seller addressSupplier Street 20

HTGSEAD2xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 2 of the SellerLine 2 of the seller addressBuilding 3


xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 3 of the SellerLine 3 of the seller addressBuilding 3

HTGSELCxoptionalVARCHAR(50)City of the SellerPlace of the sellerMunich

HTGSECRxrequiredCHAR(3)Country ISO of the SellerLand des Verkäufers (Code)DE

HTGSCSDNxoptionalVARCHAR(25)Country federal stateFederal state

Electronic address details (optional)

HTGSURIDxrequiredVARCHAR(55)Electronic addressElectronic address of the seller

HTGSURIDTxrequiredVARCHAR(10)Electronic address typeIdentification of the scheme

Detailed information on tax details of the seller (optional)

HTGSETAXxrequiredVARCHAR(35)Taxnumber of the SellerTax number of the seller (FC)01/113/40209

HTGSETAXTxrequiredVARCHAR(35)USTid of the SellerValue added tax identification number (VA)DE234567891

Detailed information about the buyer (required)


xoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the BuyerIdentifier of the buyer (customer number)B123456


xoptionalVARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the BuyerGlobal identifier of the buyer4000001000006


xrequired wenn HTGBYGLN gefĂĽllt ist.CHAR(5)Type of global IdentifierIdentification of the scheme


xrequiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the BuyerCompany name/name of the buyerKunden AG Mitte

Details of the organization (optional)



Identifier of the Organization

Identification of the legal registration of the buyer



Type of Organization Identifier

Identification of the scheme



Trading Business name

Trade name of the buyer

Detailed information on the business address (optional)



ZIP Code of the Buyer Organization




Address line 1 of the Buyer Organization

Address line 1



Address line 2 of the Buyer Organization

Address line 2



Address line 3 of the Buyer Organization

Address line 3



City of the Buyer Organization




Country ISO of the Buyer Organization

Country (code)

Contact details of the buyer (optional)

HTGBCTxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Contact Name of the BuyerContact point of the buyerHans Muster

HTGBCTDxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Department name of the BuyerContact point of the buyerInvoicing

Detailed information on the telephone number of the contact person (optional)


xrequiredVARCHAR(50)Phone number of the BuyerPhone number of the buyer's contact point+49 (123) 56789-0

Detailed information on the fax number of the contact person (optional)


xrequiredVARCHAR(50)Fax number of the BuyerFax number of the buyer+49 (123) 56789-999

Detailed information on the email address of the contact person (optional)


xrequiredVARCHAR(200)Mail adress of the BuyerE-mail address of the buyer's contact pointhans.muster@buyer.tld

Detailed information on the address of the buyer (required)


xoptionalVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the BuyerPostcode of the buyer69876


xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 1 of the BuyerLine 1 of the buyer addressCustomer Street 15


xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 2 of the BuyerLine 2 of the buyer address3rd floor right


xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 3 of the BuyerLine 3 of the buyer address3rd floor right


xoptionalVARCHAR(50)City of the BuyerCity of buyer's addressFrankfurt


xrequiredCHAR(3)Country ISO of the BuyerCountry code of the buyer addressDE



Country federal state

Federal state

Electronic address details (optional)


xrequiredVARCHAR(55)Electronic addressElectronic address of the buyer


xrequiredVARCHAR(10)Electronic address typeIdentification of the scheme

Detailed information on tax details of the buyer (recommended)


xrequiredVARCHAR(35)Taxnumber of the BuyerTax number of the buyer (FC)201/123/12341


xrequiredVARCHAR(35)USTid of the BuyerValue added tax identification number (VA)DE234567781

Tax representative of the seller (optional)



Identifier of the Seller Tax Representative

Identifier of the tax representativeB123456



Global identifier of the Seller Tax Representative

Global identifier of the tax representative4000001000006


xrequired wenn HTGBYGLN gefĂĽllt ist.CHAR(5)

Type of global Identifier

Identification of the scheme

0021 : SWIFT

0088 : EAN

0060 : DUNS

0177 : ODETTE



Company/Name of the Seller Tax Representative

Name of the tax representative of the sellerKunden AG Mitte

Details of the organization (optional)



Identifier of the Organization

Identifier of the tax representative



Type of Organization Identifier

Global identifier of the tax representative



Trading Business name

Identification of the scheme

Detailed information on the contact person (optional)



Contact Name of the Seller Tax Representative

Contact point of the buyerHans Muster



Department name of the Seller Tax Representative

Contact point of the buyerInvoicing

Detailed information on the telephone number of the contact person (optional)



Phone number of the Seller Tax Representative

Phone number of the buyer's contact point+49 (123) 56789-0

Detailed information on the fax number of the contact person (optional)



Fax number of the Seller Tax Representative

Fax number of the buyer+49 (123) 56789-999

Detailed information on the email address of the contact person (optional)



Mail address of the Seller Tax Representative

E-mail address of the buyer's contact pointhans.muster@buyer.tld

Postal address of the tax representative of the seller (required)



ZIP Code of the Seller Tax

Postcode of the tax agent's address



Address line 1 of the Seller Tax Representative

Line 1 of the tax agent's document



Address line 2 of the Seller Tax Representative

Line 2 of the tax agent's document



Address line 3 of the Seller Tax Representative

Line 3 of the tax agent's document



City of the Seller Tax Representative

City of the tax attorney's office



Country ISO of the Seller Tax Representative

Country code of the tax representative address



Country federal state

Federal state

Electronic address details (optional)


Electronic address

Electronic address


Electronic address type

Type of electronic address

Detailed information on the tax number of the tax representative of the seller (required)


Taxnumber of the Seller Tax Representative

Tax number (FC)


USTid of the Seller Tax Representative

Value added tax identification number (VA)

Detailed information on the deviating end consumer (optional)

HTGUDIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the deviating end userIdentification of the deviating end user

HTGUDGLNxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the deviating end userGlobal identifier of the deviating end user


xrequired wenn HTGUDGLN gefĂĽllt ist.CHAR(5)Type of global identifierType of global identification number

0021 : SWIFT

0088 : EAN

0060 : DUNS

0177 : ODETTE

HTGUDNAMExrequiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the deviating end userName/name of the end user

Details of the organization (optional)



Identifier of the Organization

Commercial register number


xrequired wenn HTGUDOID gefĂĽllt ist.VARCHAR(10)

Type of Organization Identifier

Type of number



Trading Business name

Trade name

Detailed information on the contact person of the deviating end user (optional)

HTGUDCTxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Contact Name of the deviating end userName of contact person

HTGUDCTDxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Department name of the deviating end userDepartment of the contact person

Detailed information on the telephone number of the contact person (optional)

HTGUDTExrequiredVARCHAR(50)Phone number of the deviating end userTelephone number of the contact person

Detailed information on the fax number of the contact person (optional)

HTGUDFXxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Fax number of the deviating end userFax number

Detailed information on the email address of the contact person (optional)

HTGUDEMxrequiredVARCHAR(200)Mail adress of the deviating end useremail address

Detailed information on the address of the deviating end consumer (required)

HTGUDZIPxoptionalVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the deviating end userPostcode

HTGUDAD1xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 1 of the deviating end userAddress line 1

HTGUDAD2xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 2 of the deviating end userAddress line 2

HTGUDAD3xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 3 of the deviating end userAddress line 3

HTGUDLCxoptionalVARCHAR(50)City of the deviating end userCity

HTGUDCRxrequiredCHAR(4)Country ISO of the deviating end userCountry (code)





Country federal state

Federal state

Electronic address details (optional)





Electronic address

Electronic address





Electronic address type

Type of electronic address

Detailed information on the tax number of the alternative end consumer (optional)

HTGUDTAXxrequiredVARCHAR(35)Taxnumber of the deviating end userTax number

HTGUDTAXTxrequiredVARCHAR(35)USTid of the deviating end userValue added tax identification number

Detailed information on the delivery conditions (optional)

HTGDPTERMxoptionalVARCHAR(3)Delivery Conditions (CODE)Delivery condition (code)

Details of the associated order confirmation (optional)

HTGORDERNRxrequiredVARCHAR(35)Order numberSales order reference

HTGORDERDxoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Date of orderDetails of the order confirmation date

Details of the associated order (optional)


xrequiredVARCHAR(35)Order numberOrder reference


xoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Date of orderorder date

Details of the associated contract (optional)

HTGCONTRNRxrequiredVARCHAR(35)Agreement numberContract reference

HTGCONTRDxoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Date of agreementContract date

Justifying documents (optional)

Note table ZF2INVDR.

Detailed information on a project reference (optional)


Project reference ID

Project reference


Project name

Project name

UltimateCustomerOrderReferencedDocument (x) (optional)

Note table ZF2INVUDR.

Grouping of delivery data (required)

Detailed information on the shipping method (x) (optional)

Note table ZF2INVDM.

Delivery information (optional)

HTLWRDIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the were recipientsIdentification of the ship-to partyTO123456

HTLWRDGLNxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the were recipientsGlobal identifier of the ship-to party (GLN)4000001000007

HTLWRDGLNTxrequired wenn HTLWRDGLNT gefĂĽllt ist.CHAR(5)Type of global identifierIdentification of the scheme

0021 : SWIFT

0088 : EAN

0060 : DUNS

0177 : ODETTE

HTLWRDRECxrequiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the were recipientsName/name of the consignee

Details of the organization (optional)

HTLWROIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the OrganizationCommercial register number

HTLWROIDTxoptionalVARCHAR(10)Type of Organization IdentifierType of number

0021 : SWIFT

0088 : EAN

0060 : DUNS

0177 : ODETTE

HTLWROTRBNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Trading Business nameTrade name

Detailed information on the contact person of the ship-to party (optional)

HTLWRDCNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Contact Name of the were recipientsName of contact person

HTLWRDDNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Department name of the were recipientsDepartment of the contact person

Detailed information on the telephone number of the contact person (optional)

HTLWRDTELxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Phone number of the were recipientsTelephone number of the contact person

Detailed information on the fax number of the contact person (optional)

HTLWRDFAXxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Fax number of the were recipientsFax number

Detailed information on the email address of the contact person (optional)

HTLWRDMAILxrequiredVARCHAR(200)Mail adress of the were recipientsemail address

Delivery address (optional)

HTLWRDPLZxoptionalVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the were recipientsPostcode of the delivery address

HTLWRDAD1xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 1 of the were recipientsLine 1 of the delivery address

HTLWRDAD2xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 2 of the were recipientsLine 2 of the delivery address

HTLWRDAD3xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 3 of the were recipientsLine 3 of the delivery address

HTLWRDCITYxoptionalVARCHAR(50)City of the were recipientsCity of delivery address

HTLWRDLCxrequiredCHAR(4)Country ISO of the were recipientsCountry code of delivery address

HTLWRCSDNxoptionalVARCHAR(25)Country federal stateFederal state

Electronic address details (optional)

HTLWRURIDxoptionalVARCHAR(55)Eletronic addressElectronic address

HTLWRURIDTxoptionalVARCHAR(10)Eletronic address typeType of electronic address

Detailed information on the tax number of the ship-to party (optional)

HTLWRDSNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Taxnumber of the were recipientsTax number

HTLWRDASNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)USTid of the were recipientsUmsatzsteueridentnummer

Detailed information on the different final recipient (optional)

HTLFRDIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the final recipientIdentification of the final recipient

HTLFRDGLNxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the final recipientGlobal identifier of the final recipient

HTLFRDGLNTxrequired wenn HTLFRDGLN gefĂĽllt ist.CHAR(5)Type of global IdentifierIdentification of the scheme

HTLFRDRECxoptionalVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the final recipientName/name of the final recipient

Details of the organization (optional)

HTLFROIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the OrganizationCommercial register number

HTLFROIDTxoptionalVARCHAR(10)Type of Organization IdentifierIdentification of the scheme

HTLFROTRBNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Trading Business nameTrade name

Detailed information on the contact person of the final recipient (optional)

HTLFRDCNxabhängigVARCHAR(50)Contact Name of the final recipientName of contact person

HTLFRDDNxabhängigVARCHAR(50)Department name of the final recipientDepartment of the contact person

Detailed information on the telephone number of the contact person (optional)

HTLFRDTELxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Phone number of the final recipientTelephone number of the contact person

Detailed information on the fax number of the contact person (optional)

HTLFRDFAXxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Fax number of the final recipientFax number

Detailed information on the email address of the contact person (optional)

HTLFRDMAILxrequiredVARCHAR(200)Mail adress of the final recipientemail address

Detailed information on the address of the final recipient (optional)

HTLFRDPLZxoptionalVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the final recipientPostcode

HTLFRDAD1xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 1 of the final recipientAddress line 1

HTLFRDAD2xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 2 of the final recipientAddress line 2

HTLFRDAD3xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 3 of the final recipientAddress line 3

HTLFRDCITYxoptionalVARCHAR(50)City of the final recipientCity

HTLFRDLCxrequiredCHAR(4)Country ISO of the final recipientCountry (code)

HTLFRCSDNxoptionalVARCHAR(25)Country federal stateFederal state

Electronic address details (optional)

HTLFRURIDxoptionalVARCHAR(55)Eletronic addressElectronic address

HTLFRURIDTxoptionalVARCHAR(10)Eletronic address typeType of electronic address

Detailed information on tax data of the final recipient (optional)

HTLFRDSNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Taxnumber of the final recipientTax number

HTLFRDASNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)USTid of the final recipientValue added tax identification number

Identification of the deviating shipper (optional)

HTLCDIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the consignorIdentification of the consignor

HTLCDGLNxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the consignorGlobal identifier of the sender

HTLCDGLNTxrequired wenn HTLCDGLN gefĂĽllt ist.CHAR(5)Type of Organization IdentifierType of global identification number

HTLCDRECxrequiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the consignorName/name of the sender

Details of the organization (optional)

HTLCDOIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the OrganizationCommercial register number

HTLCDOIDTxoptionalVARCHAR(10)Type of Organization IdentifierType of number

HTLCDOTRBNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Trading Business nameTrade name

Detailed information on the shipper's contact person (optional)

HTLCDCNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Contact Name of the consignorName of contact person

HTLCDDNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Department name of the consignorDepartment of the contact person

Detailed information on the telephone number of the contact person (optional)

HTLCDTELxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Phone number of the consignorTelephone number of the contact person

Detailed information on the fax number of the contact person (optional)

HTLCDFAXxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Fax number of the consignorFax number

Detailed information on the email address of the contact person (optional)

HTLCDMAILxrequiredVARCHAR(200)Mail adress of the consignorEmailadresse

Detailed information on the sender's address (optional)

HTLCDPLZxoptionalVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the consignorPostcode

HTLCDAD1xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 1 of the consignorAddress line 1

HTLCDAD2xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 2 of the consignorAddress line 2

HTLCDAD3xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 3 of the consignorAddress line 3

HTLCDCITYxoptionalVARCHAR(50)City of the consignorCity

HTLCDLCxrequiredCHAR(4)Country ISO of the consignorCountry (code)

HTLCDCSDNxoptionalVARCHAR(25)Country federal stateFederal state

Electronic address details (optional)

HTLCDURIDxoptionalVARCHAR(55)Eletronic addressElectronic address

HTLCDURIDTxoptionalVARCHAR(10)Eletronic address typeType of electronic address

Detailed information on tax details of the sender (optional)

HTLCDSNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Taxnumber of the consignorTax number

HTLCDASNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)USTid of the consignorValue added tax identification number,

Detailed information on the actual delivery (optional)

Note: In Germany, the date of delivery and performance is a mandatory entry on invoices. This can be specified here or at item level.

HTLDTDxrequiredDATE '0001-01-01'Actual Delivery TimeActual date of delivery2018-12-10

Detailed information on the corresponding shipping notification (optional)

HTLDANRxrequiredVARCHAR(25)Despatch advice numberShipping notification reference

HTLDALDxoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Date of Despatch adviceShipping notification date

Detailed information on the corresponding final backflush (optional)

HTLWDANRxrequiredVARCHAR(25)Goods receipt notification numberReference to the final backflush

HTLWDALDxoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Date of goods receipt notificationGoods receipt date

Detailed information on the corresponding delivery note (optional)

HTLDLSNRxrequiredVARCHAR(35)Delivery Note numberDelivery note number

HTLDLSDxoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Date of Delivery NoteDelivery note date

Grouping of payment and invoice settlement details (required)

HTZGPCIDxoptionalVARCHAR(15)Creditor IDIdentification of the creditor

HTZGPZRxempfohlenVARCHAR(200)Intended purposeIntended use

HTZGPTCxoptionalVARCHAR(5)Tax Currency CodeCode for the currency of the sales tax posting

HTZGPICxrequiredVARCHAR(5)Invoice Currency CodeCode for the invoice currency

HTZGPIRNxoptionalINTEGERIssuer reference numberSeller's reference number

InvoicerTradeParty (optional)

HTZITDREIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the Invoicing party Trade partnerIdentifier

HTZITDGLNxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the Invoicing party Trade partnerGlobal identifier

HTZITDGLNTxrequired wenn HTZITDGLN gefĂĽllt ist.CHAR(5)Type of global IdentifierType of global identification number

HTZIRDRECxrequiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the Invoice recipientName

Details of the organization (optional)

HTZITOIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the OrganizationCommercial register number

HTZITOIDTxoptionalVARCHAR(10)Type of Organization IdentifierType of number

HTZITOTRBNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Trading Business nameTrade nameType of global identification number

DefinierterHandelskontakt (optional)

HTZITDCNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Contact Name of the Invoicing party Trade partnerContact person name

HTZITDDNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Department name of the Invoicing party Trade partnerDepartment name

Detailed information on the telephone number (optional)

HTZITDTELxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Phone number of the Invoicing party Trade partnerPhone number

Detailed information about the fax number (optional)

HTZITDFAXxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Fax number of the Invoicing party Trade partnerFaxnummer

Detailed information about the email address (optional)

HTZITDMAILxrequiredVARCHAR(200)Mail address of the Invoicing party Trade partneremail address

PostalTradeAddress (optional)

HTZITDEPLZxoptionalVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the Invoicing party Trade partnerPostcode

HTZITDAD1xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Address line 1 of the Invoicing party Trade partnerAddress line 1

HTZITDAD2xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Address line 2 of the Invoicing party Trade partnerAddress line 2

HTZITDAD3xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Address line 3 of the Invoicing party Trade partnerAddress line 3

HTZITDCITYxoptionalVARCHAR(50)City of the Invoicing party Trade partnerCity

HTZITDLLCxrequiredCHAR(4)Country ISO of the Invoicing party Trade partnerCountry (code)

HTZITCSDNxoptionalVARCHAR(25)Country federal state of the Invoicing party Trade partnerFederal state

Electronic address details (optional)

HTZITURIDxoptionalVARCHAR(55)Electronic address of the Invoicing party Trade partnerElectronic address

HTZITURIDTxoptionalVARCHAR(10)Electronic address type of the Invoicing party Trade partnerType of electronic address

Detailed information on tax numbers (optional)

HTZITDSNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Taxnumber of the Invoicing party Trade partnerTax number (FC)

HTZITDASNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)USTid of the Invoicing party Trade partnerTax number (VA)

Detailed information on the different invoice recipient (optional)

HTZIRDREIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the Invoice recipientIdentification of the invoice recipient

HTZIRDGLNxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the Invoice recipientGlobal identifier of the different invoice recipient

HTZIRDGLNTxrequired wenn HTZIRDGLN gefĂĽllt ist.CHAR(5)Type of global IdentifierIdentification of the scheme

HTZIRDRECxrequiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the Invoice recipientName/name of the invoice recipient

Details of the organization (optional)


xoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the OrganizationCommercial register number


xoptionalVARCHAR(10)Type of Organization IdentifierType of number


xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Trading Business nameTrade name

Detailed information on the contact person of the invoice recipient (optional)

HTZIRDCNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Contact Name of the Invoice recipientName of contact person

HTZIRDDNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Department name of the Invoice recipientDepartment of the contact person

Detailed information on the telephone number of the contact person (optional)

HTZIRDTELxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Phone number of the Invoice recipientTelephone number of the contact person

Detailed information on the fax number of the contact person (optional)

HTZIRDFAXxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Fax number of the Invoice recipientFax number

Detailed information on the email address of the contact person (optional)

HTZIRDMAILxrequiredVARCHAR(200)Mail adress of the Invoice recipientemail address

Detailed information on the address of the invoice recipient (recommended)

HTZIRDEPLZxoptionalVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the Invoice recipientPostcode

HTZIRDAD1xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 1 of the Invoice recipientLine 1 of the address of the invoice recipient

HTZIRDAD2xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 2 of the Invoice recipientLine 2 of the address of the invoice recipient

HTZIRDAD3xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 3 of the Invoice recipientLine 3 of the address of the invoice recipient

HTZIRDCITYxoptionalVARCHAR(50)City of the Invoice recipientCity of the address of the invoice recipient

HTZIRDLLCxrequiredCHAR(4)Country ISO of the Invoice recipientCountry code of the address of the invoice recipient

HTZIRCSDNxoptionalVARCHAR(25)Country federal stateFederal state

Electronic address details (optional)

HTZIRURIDxrequiredVARCHAR(55)Electronic addressElectronic address

HTZIRURIDTxrequiredVARCHAR(10)Electronic address typeType of electronic address

Detailed information on the tax number of the invoice recipient (optional)

HTZIRDSNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Taxnumber of the Invoice recipientTax number

HTZIRDASNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)USTid of the Invoice recipientValue added tax identification number

Payee (optional)

HTZPRDREIDxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the Payment ReceiverIdentification of the alternative payee

HTZPRDGLNxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the Payment ReceiverGlobal identifier of the deviating

HTZPRDGLNTxrequired if HTZPRDGLN is filledCHAR(5)Type of global IdentifierIdentification of the scheme

HTZPRDRECxrequiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the Payment ReceiverName/name of the payee





Identifier of the Organization

Identification of the legal registration of the payee





Type of Organization Identifier

Identification of the scheme





Trading Business name

Trade name

Detailed information on the contact person of the payee (optional)

HTZPRDCNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Contact Name of the Payment ReceiverName of the payee's contact person

HTZPRDDNxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Department name of the Payment ReceiverDepartment of the payee's contact person

Detailed information on the telephone number of the contact person (optional)

HTZPRDTELxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Phone number of the Payment ReceiverTelephone number of the payee's contact person

Detailed information on the fax number of the contact person (optional)

HTZPRDFAXxrequiredVARCHAR(50)Fax number of the Payment ReceiverFax number of the payee's contact person

Detailed information on the email address of the contact person (optional)

HTZPRDMAILxrequiredVARCHAR(200)Mail adress of the Payment ReceiverEmail address of the contact person of the payee

Detailed information on the address of the payee (optional)

HTZPRDPLZxoptionalVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the Payment ReceiverPostcode

HTZPRDAD1xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 1 of the Payment ReceiverLine 1 of the payee's address

HTZPRDAD2xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 2 of the Payment ReceiverLine 2 of the payee's address

HTZPRDAD3xoptionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 3 of the Payment ReceiverLine 3 of the payee's address

HTZPRDCITYxoptionalVARCHAR(50)City of the Payment ReceiverCity of the payee's address

HTZPRDLLCxrequiredVCHAR(4)Country ISO of the Payment ReceiverCountry code of the payee's address

HTZPRCSDNxoptionalVARCHAR(25)Country federal stateFederal state

Electronic address details (optional)





Electronic address

Electronic address





Electronic address type

Type of electronic address

Detailed information on the tax number of the alternative payee (optional)

HTZPRDSNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)Taxnumber of the Payment ReceiverTax number (FC)

HTZPRDASNRxoptionalVARCHAR(35)USTid of the Payment ReceiverValue added tax number (VA)

Specification of invoice currency, home currency and the exchange rate (optional)

HTZTASCxrequiredCHAR(5)Invoicing currencyInvoice currency

HTZTATCxrequiredCHAR(5)Home currencyLocal currency

HTZTACRxrequiredDECIMAL(10, 5)Exchange rateConversion rate

HTZTACDxoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Date for exchange rateDate at exchange rate

Payment instructions (optional)

Note table ZFINVOICPT.

Sales tax breakdown (optional)

Note table ZFINVOICTI.

Detailed information on the billing period (dependent)

HTZBILLPDxoptionalVARCHAR(50)Description of Bill periodFree text for the accounting period

HTZBILLBPxoptionalVARCHAR(15)Beginning of the accounting periodBeginning of the financial period

HTZBILLBPFxrequired if HTZBILLBP is filledCHAR(3)Date FormatDate, Format102

HTZBILLEPxoptionalVARCHAR(15)End of the accountingEnd of the financial period

HTZBILLEPFxrequired if HTZBILLEP is filledCHAR(3)Date FormatDate, Format102

Surcharges and discounts at document level (optional)

Note table ZF2INVAC.

Detailed information on logistic service fees (optional)

Note table ZF2INVSC.

Detailed information on payment terms (optional)

Note table ZFINVOICTP.

Totals at document level (required)

HTZTSMSLTxrequiredDECIMAL(15, 2)Total amount of positionsTotal of the net amounts of all invoice items6913.60

HTZTSMSCTxoptionalDECIMAL(15, 2)Total amount of surchargesTotal surcharges at document level0.00

HTZTSMSATxoptionalDECIMAL(15, 2)Total amounts of discountsTotal discounts at document level0.00

HTZTSMSTB1xrequiredDECIMAL(15, 2)Tax basic amount 1Total invoice amount without sales tax 16913.60

HTZTSMSTB2xoptionalDECIMAL(15, 2)Tax basic amount 2Total invoice amount without sales tax 2

HTZTSMSTT1xrequiredDECIMAL(15, 2)Tax total amount 1Total amount of invoice sales tax Total tax amount in posting currency 11313.58

HTZTSMSTT2xoptionalDECIMAL(15, 2)Tax total amount 2Total amount of invoice turnover tax Total tax amount in posting currency 2

HTZTSMSRAxoptionalDECIMAL(15, 2)Rounding amountRounding amount

HTZTSMSGT1xrequiredDECIMAL(15, 2)

Grand total amount 1

Total invoice amount including sales tax 18227.18

HTZTSMSGT2xoptionalDECIMAL(15, 2)

Grand total amount 2

Total invoice amount including sales tax 2

HTZTSMSTPAxoptionalDECIMAL(15, 2)Deposit amountAdvance payment amount0.00

HTZTSMSDPAxrequiredDECIMAL(15, 2)Payment amountPayment amount due8227.18

Reference to previous invoices (optional)Total invoice amount without sales tax 1

HTZIRDIAIDxrequiredVARCHAR(35)Number of previous invoiceNumber of the previous invoice

HTZIRDFIDTxoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Invoice Date of previous invoiceDate of invoice

Detailed information on the booking reference (optional)

Note table ZF2INVBR.

Tax information on advance payments received (optional)

Note table ZF2INVAP.

i-effect fields


State of Order

Status column

Empty string = Not processed,

1 = Processed

DECIMAL(15, 0)i-effect Session Numberi-effect session number

CHAR(255)External recipient for SNDFILEi-effect recipient from partner master data

CHAR(255)External originator fĂĽr SNDFILEi-effect originator from partner master data

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