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Open WebControl

Starting Webcontrol

To access the browser management interface, click on the following link:

https://<DNS name oder IP address>

If there are other web services installed on port 443 (SSL) on your system, i-effect was adjusted during installation and uses a different port. 

You can see the link to be used, and thus the configured port number, in the following environment variable from *SYS level (WRKENVVAR LEVEL(*SYS))

Name . . . . . . . . . : IEFFECT_V2R8M0_WEBCONTROL_LINK
Value. . . . . . . . . : 'https://MENTEN.GL.MENTEN.DE:443'

When you open WebControl, the browser informs you that the certificate used is not secure. This is because only a self-signed certificate is used during installation.

You can replace this certificate with your own certificate at any time to avoid this warning: WebControl SSL configuration for own certificates


A login page is then displayed. A user name and password already created on the System i must be entered here. By clicking on the language icon, you can switch between the German and English language versions.

Webcontrol automativally detects the installed i-effect version and loads all necessary settings.

 User restriction:

The amount of users registering and working with i-effect WebControl at the same time is limited by existing license. The delivering status limits the amount to one user, but it can be extended by the purchasing further licenses.
Licenses are reserved by the login-process in the system. It is therefore necessary to log out of the system via the logout button in order to clear licenses again.

System requirements not met

Before the login page is displayed, WebControl checks whether the browser and the on the server installed ZendFramework version meet the given system requirements. If one of the system requirements is not fulfilled, a corresponding error message is displayed instead of the login page.

Determine webcontrol link (greenscreen)

If you do not know how to access WebControl, use the following command to get to the URL to open:


Error during login

If an error message appears during login, log files can be opened from the login screen.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.