WebControl SSL configuration for own certificates
The integrated NGINX WebServer is installed with a certificate created during installation. The most common web browsers point this out when opening the WebControl address and you have to agree to the use of this certificate. If you want to avoid this, you can use your own certificate.
To import your own certificate you have to copy it as .crt file with the appropriate key as .key file into this folder \HOME\ieffect\WEBCTRL.
In the php.conf file also contained in the folder, the following lines must be adapted to the name of the new certificate:
ssl_certificate /home/ieffect/WEBCTRL/webctrl.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /home/ieffect/WEBCTRL/webctrl.key;
If you want to use a port number other than 443, you can also change it in the following line:
listen 443 ssl;
It is important that the server name in the config file is also adjusted to the new DNS name and the name in the certificate.
server_name demo1.menten.com
In addition, the environment variables from i-effect in the operating system should be adjusted to the new configuration file:
Access the menu for editing the system's environment variables
Edit the environment variables for link/port (the VxRxMx part should represent your i-effect version)
Afterwards, close and restart the *WEBCTRL subsystem in the GreenScreen: