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Menu item 8: Simple GZIP decompression (STRGZIP COMPRESS(*DECOMP))

  1. From the i-effect Compression menu enter menu item 8 "Simple GZIP Decompression". (STRGZIP COMPRESS(*DECOMP)) can also be entered directly.
  2. Fill in the fields as required and press enter. i-effect will show the compression status at the bottom of the display.

The screen content will vary, depending on whether the archive is from the DB2 or IFS file system, and whether it is to be extracted into the DB2 or IFS files system.
For a desrciption of the parameters see menu item 7 "Simple GZIP Compression"

At the end of decompression, i-effect will give notice and a detailed account of the number of decompressions, errors and overread files.

The last diagnostic message will contain information about the total number of files processed.

File System (FS)

The file system of the ZIP archive which will be decompressed.
Possible Special Values:

*IFSThe IFS file system (root) will be used.
*DB2The /QSYS.LIB file system (library/file/member) will be used.
Archive File (ARCFILE)

Name of the existing archive file which will be converted into a self-extracting archive. This parameter consists of three elements:

The first element names the file name of the ZIP archive file.

The second element allows the input of the library Possible Special Values:

*CURLIBCurrent library
*LIBLSearch library list

The third element names the member file. Possible Special Value:

*FIRSTFirst member file of the file.
Archive File (ARCPATH)The complete path name of the archive file in the IFS file system, e.g. /tmp/
Output Files System (OUTFS)

The file system for the self-extracting archive.
Possible Special Values:

*IFSThe IFS file system (root) will be used.
*DB2The /QSYS.LIB files system (library/file/member) will be used.
Name of the Self-Extracting (SFX) File (SFXFILE) to be created.

Name of the Self-Extracting (SFX) File (SFXFILE) to be created.

The first element names the name of the SFX file.

The second element allows library input. Possible Special Values:

*CURLIBCurrent Library
*LIBLSearch library list

The third element names the member files. Possible Special Values:

*FIRSTCreates the member file of the file

Path of the SFX File to be created (SFXPATH)

The complete path name of the self-extracting file to be created.
Possible Special Values:

*EXEThe name will be created from the name of the input file with the ending .exe. All existing expansions will be removed.

Replace (REPLACE)

An output file which will be created can replace an existing file with the same name.
Possible Special Values:

*YESAn existing file with the same name will be replaced.
*NOAn existing file will NOT be repleaced.
Operating System (OS)

Determines the operating system for which the SFX will be created.
Possible Special Values :

*WINDOWSThe SFX will be created for Windows (98, 2000, XP)

The self-extracting archive can be configured by using the following options.

Its charcateristics will be different at its run time.

GUI Interface 
The parameter consists of 5 elements.    

The first parameter (GUI Interface) determines the appearance. Possible Special Values:

*YESA grafic user interface will appear during extraction.
*NOThe extraction will occur without a grafic interface.
Automatic Extraction

The second parameter deterimes if the contents will be extracted automatically from the archive as soon as the self-extracted archive is run.

Possible Special Values:

*YESThe contents of the archive will be extracted automatically. The user can determine other options such as target directory etc.
*NONo automatic extraction will occur. The user must confirm the extraction and enter the target path before the contents of the ZIP archive will be decompressed.

 Open Directory The third parameter offers the possibility to view the contents of the target folder after the extraction is complete.
The following options are possible:

*YESAfter extraction the contents of the target folder will be shown in a new window.
*NOThe contents of the target folder will not be displayed.

 Run after extraction With the fourth parameter, a program can be run in the target system after the files have been extracted from the archive. For example, Batch procedures for setup programs can be run.
Here it is possible to determine documents that will be linked to the application that is determinded by the file suffix. Supported file formats are: Word documents (.DOC), Excel- documents (.XLS), Adobe Acrobat documents (.PDF), PowerPoint presentations (.PPT), Text files (.TXT), Adobe Photoshop documents (.PSD), HTML files (.HTM and .HTML), XML files, and MP3s.

 Standard Directory The target directory is specified with the fifth parameter. If "Automatic Extraction" was selected, this is the specified path. An acceptable Windows path or name must be specified. It cannot contain any invalid path characters ( e.g. / : * ?"<> |) or the program will abort.
The following path variables are supported:

$desktop$The user's desktop
$programfiles$Program directory of the computer
$temp$Temporary system directory
$windir$Windows directory
$sysdir$Windows system directory
$curdir$The directory from which the SFX ran.
$targetdir$The target directory (shortcuts only)
$favorites$Internet Explorer Favorites folder.
$startup$The folder "Startup" (User's Startmenu )
$sendto$The send to directory of the user
$quicklaunch$QuickLaunch directory (IE4+); default is $temp$ if not found
$startmenu$The folder progam in the user's startmenu



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