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Menu item 5: Convert archiv (CVTARCHIVE)

This command converts an archive into another archive-format.

  1. In the "i-effect compression tasks" choose item 5 „Convert archive" . You can enter the command CVTARCHIVE directly aswell.
  2. The now displayed screen enables further specification of the parameters that are used for convertion. Enter these parameters like in the following explanation.

The screen depends on the previousely entered parameters. This depends on the previousely entered parameters. It is visible by the addition of "- only for...". For example are parameters that depend on a specific file-system - marked by "- only for "FS(*IFS)" and "-only for FS(*DB2)" - only visible if this was selected before.

File-system (FS)

Name of the file-system in which the archive was created.
Possible values:

*DB2The archive will be created as a physical file, with a member.
*IFSThe archive will be created as a file in a path.
Archive-format (FORMAT)

The format in which the archive was created.
Possible special values:

Archive-formats. They have no compression, therefore they are mostly combined with a compressor. The following can be selected: *BZIP2, *GZ, *PACK200, *XZ, *LZMA.
*ZIPArchive-format. The compression can be set up for every entry individually.
*JARJava archive (also called JAR-file) is a ZIP-file, that can contain additional meta-data in a file "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF". JARs are mostly used for Java programs.
*SEVENZIP7z-archive-format.For the whole archive, different compressions can be chosen: *COPY, *LZMA2, *DEFLATE, *BZIP2
Archive-formats. The compression is determined by the format.
Compressor-formats. Mostly used together with archive-formats (c.f. archive formats), can also be used to compress single files.

Method of compression (COMPRESS)

The meaning of the method of compression depends on the format. For the Zip-format as the source-archive for compression there is no specification needed for converting. For Tar, Ar and Cpio the method has to match with the source-archive if one was entered during the creation. For the 7z-format as source-archive there is no specification needed for converting.
Possible special values for Tar, Ar and Cpio:

*BZIP2A really good but slow compression. Most often used because it is free of patents.
*GZThe well known and commonly used Gzip compression
*PACK200Developed and optimized for the Jar-format.
Possible special values for 7zip:For the 7z-format as source-archive there is no specification needed for converting.
Possible special values for Zip:For the Zip-format as source-archive there is no specification needed for converting.
Archive-file (ARCFILE) - only for FS(*DB2)

The qualified name of the archive-file.


Name of the library where the source-archive is located.
Possible special values:

*CURLIBThe archive file will be created in the current library.
*LIBLThe archive file will be created in the current library.

Name of the part-file in the archive-file.
Possible special values:

*FIRSTThe first part-file is selected.
Archive-file (ARCPATH) - only for FS (*IFS)

Complete path (z.B. /usr/usrlib1/ for the archive-file.

The following variables are available in any combination. The path is generated automatically:

%TMP% Default value. The output path "/TMP" is used.
%HOME% Using this option, i-effect searches for the home path ("/HOME/USERNAME") of the current user.
%CURDIR%Current directory.
%USER%Name of current user.
%DATE%Current date DD.MM.YYYY.
%YEAR%Current year YYYY.
%YEAR2%Current year YY.
%MONTH%Current month MM.
%MONTHNAME%Name of current month.
%DAY% Current day.
%WEEKDAY%Current day of week, e.g. 'Friday'.
%TIME%Current time HH:MM:SS.
%DEFAULTPATH%This variable inserts the standard path value from the standard settings of the *ZIP module.
Password (PASSWORD) - only for FORMAT(*SEVENZIP) or FORMAT (*ZIP)

Encrypted 7z-archives need a password to work.
While converting a Zip-archive all passwords of all encrypted entries have to match. If a password does not match, the process is cancelled. All previous entries with matching passwords or without a password are taken over into the new archive.
Possible special values:

*NONENo password is used.

CCSID The codepage where the password is entered.
Possible special values:

*DFTThe standard ASCII Codepage 819 is used.
File-system output (OUTFS)

Name of the file-system where the new archive is to be created.
Possible values:

*DB2The archive will be created as a physical file, with a member.
*IFSThe archive will be created as a file in a path.
Archive-format output (OUTFORMAT)

The format in which the new archive is to be created in.
Possible special values:



Archive formats. They have no compression, therefore they are mostly combined with a compressor. You can choose between the following: *BZIP2, *GZ, *PACK200, *XZ, *LZMA

*ZIPArchive. The compression can be created individually for every single entry.
*JARJava archive (also called JAR-file) is a ZIP-file that can contain additional meta-data in the file "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF". JARs are mostly used for Java-programs.
*SEVENZIPSevenzip archive. For the whole archive you can choose between these compressions: *COPY, *LZMA2, *DEFLATE, *BZIP2
Compressor. Mostly used with an archive-format (c.f. individual archive-formats), but can compress single files aswell.
Method of compression output (OUTCOMPRESS)

The method with which the new archive (or rather its entries) are to be compressed. The selection depends on the chosen archive-format.
Possible special values for Tar, Ar and Cpio:

*BZIP2A really good but slow compression. Most often used because it is free of patents.
*GZThe well known and commonly used Gzip compression
*PACK200Developed and optimized for the Jar-format.
Possible special values for 7zip:
*COPYThere is no compression happening. The file is copied into the archive in the original size.
*LZMA2The standard compression in the 7zip format. Significantly better than other formats.
*DEFLATEThe well known compression of Zip-formats is used.
*BZIP2A very good but slow compression. Mostly used because it is free of patents.
Possible special values for Zip:
*COPYNo compression is happening. The file is copied into the archive in its original size.
*DEFLATEThe standard-method for compression in a Zip-archive.
Stage of compression output (OUTSPEED) - only for OUTFORMAT(*GZ), OUTFORMAT(*ZIP) or OUTCOMPRESS(*GZ)i-effectcan vary the algorithm in 9 different stages from "fast and barely compressed" to "slow but highly compressed". By choosing 1 reaches its highest speed, by choosing 9 it reaches its highest compression but the time is prolonged. The user can choose his own preferred values and take the machine-ressources into account.
Archiv-file output (OUTARCFILE) - only for OUTFS(*DB2)

The qualified name of the archive-file to be created. With this name a physical file is created in the library that matches the empty archive of the chosen format.


Name of the library where the file should be created.
Mögliche SonderwertePossible special values:

*CURLIBThe archive file will be created in the current library.

Name of the part-file in the archive-file.
Possible special values:

*FIRSTThe name of the member with the archive data corresponds to the name of the file.


Writing in the special library QTEMP is not supported.

Archiv-file output (OUTARCPATH) - only for OUTFS (*IFS)

Name of the archive-file as a complete path (e.g. /usr/usrlib1/ With this name a file is created under the given path, that matches the empty archive of the entered format.

Following variables are available in any combination. The matching path is generated automatically:

%TMP% Default value. The output path "/TMP" is used.
%HOME% Using this option, i-effect searches for the home path ("/HOME/USERNAME") of the current user.
%CURDIR%Current directory.
%USER%Name of current user.
%DATE%Current date DD.MM.YYYY.
%YEAR%Current year YYYY.
%YEAR2%Current year YY.
%MONTH%Current month MM.
%MONTHNAME%Name of current month.
%DAY% Current day.
%WEEKDAY%Current day of week, e.g. 'Friday'.
%TIME%Current time HH:MM:SS.
%DEFAULTPATH%This variable inserts the standard path value from the standard settings of the *ZIP module.
Encryption (ENCRYPT) - only for OUTFORMAT(*ZIP)

The entries on the Zip-archives can be encrypted. Therefore you have to set following parameters.


The passowrd with which entries can be decrypted afterwards.
Possible special values:

*NONENo encryption is happening.

The codepage that is used for entering the password.
Possible special values:

*DFTThe standard ASCII Codepage 819 is used.

The stage on which AES encrypts.
Possible special values:

128AES uses a key length of 128 bit.
192AES uses a key length of 192 bit.
256AES uses a key length of 256 bit.

The method that is used for the encryption.
Possible special values:

*STDThe standard encryption method is used.
*AESThe AES encryption method is used.
CCSID of entry name (ENTRYCCSID)

This parameter can set the entry name CCSID (Coded character set identification) if a detection problem occurs. The content of the files is not affected.
A complete list of all CCSID can be found in the Appendix
Possible special values:

*AUTOReads the CCSID from the archive (recommended).
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