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Menu item 14: Convert spool file into CSV(CVTSPLCSV)

The command CVTSPLCSV converts spooled files to stream files in CSV (Comma Separated Variable) or other delimited text formats.
Delimited text files, such as CSV (comma-separated variable) or TSV (tab-separated variable) files, are ideal for loading reports containing columns of numbers into a spreadsheet, Business Intelligence tool or other application for further processing.
i-effect can use any field delimiter (by default a comma, but also tabs, semicolons, blanks etc.) and any string separator specified (by default a double quote „) allowing file generation in the precise format required by any PC application.

Spooled File (FILE)The description of this parameter can be found under Menu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
OUTPFILEThe description of this parameter can be found under Menu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
JOBNAMThe description of this parameter can be found under Menu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLNBRThe description of this parameter can be found under Menuepunkt 11: Spooldatei in PDF konvertieren CVTSPLPDF Teil 1
STMFOPTThe description of this parameter can be found under Menu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
Column Creation Options (COLUMNOPT)

This controls the way in which i-effect calculates columns, into which the data from the spooled file will be arranged in the CSV file.

This parameter contains 2 elements:

Column Determination Method

*CALCi-effect calculates column positions automatically.
*POSSpecify the column positions manually, using the COLUMNPOS parameter.
*CALCPOSi-effect calculates column positions automatically, but the user fine-tunes the selected column positions using options in the COLUMNPOS parameter.
*TOKENi-effect calculates column positions automatically by identifying text "Tokens" in the spooled file. This is equivalent to the EXCEL (*OLD) method available from CVTSPLSTMF.

Column Generation Value

This option can influence the way in which i-effect's algorithm for calculating column position operates. The algorithm uses statistical techniques to identify character positions in the report where left-aligned alphanumerical or right-aligned numerical columns of data appear. The algorithm will select character positions where such items occur with a frequency which is more than a given number of standard deviations from the norm. The value specified here is the number of standard deviations to use. If the default value (1 standard deviation from the norm) does not give good results, it can be adjusted to a different value.

0.00-9.99The number of standard deviations from the mean, which will be used by the column selection algorithm.

Excel Column Position (COLUMNPOS)

This parameter specifies column positions, which will be used in the Excel file (in conjunction with COLUMNOPT(*POS)) or to override the column positions determined automatically by i-effect (in conjunction with COLUMNOPT(*CALCPOS).
Note: i-effect will send messages to the job log regarding the column positions selected. These messages can be helpful in identifying the column positions, which need to be modified, with the COLUMNPOS parameter.
Possible Values:

*CALCNo column positions are defined. COLUMNOPT(*CALC) must be specified.
Other Values(Up to 100 are possible)

This parameter contains 5 elements:

Column Position in the Spooled file

1-999The character position in the report where the column will be added or removed.

Action to Take at this Position

*RMVThe column, which was created at the specified character position, will be removed.

Further Values:

*ADDA column will be created at the character position specified in the report.
*LEFTThe column will be left-aligned.
*RIGHTThe column will be right-aligned.
*ALPHAThe column contains alphanumerical data (labels).
*NUMERICThe column contains numerical data.


This parameter can fine-tune the decisions made by i-effect regarding allocation and format of data in columns in CSV files.

Column ID

*NONENo column action is defined.
CharacterSpecify the column's column letter to which the action is applied. Use Excel-style column letters( A=first column, B=second column, etc.).

Column Action
6 Values can be entered for this element.

*DROPThe column and the data it contains are excluded from output.
*MRGLFTMerges the column and its data with the column on its left.
*MRGRGTMerges the column and its data with the column on its right.
*ALNLFTAligns the column to the left.
*ALNRGTAligns the column to the right.
*CVTLBLCreates a label not a numerical cell.
LINTYPES (Line Type)The description of this parameter can be found under Menu item 13: Convert spool file into XLS (CVTSPLXLS).
SPLITThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLITPAGEThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLITPOSThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXITPGMThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXITPGMPRMThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXITPGMPOSThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXITPGMKEYThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
TEXTThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
DBCSThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
CSV Options (CSV)

Determines various options related to the format of the delimited text file, which i-effect creates.
There are 11 basic options:

Record delimiter

This element specifies the characters indicating the end of a record in the CSV file.

*CRLFCarriage return and line feed. Both carriage return (ASCII x'0D' or the equivalent in the CCSID selected) and line feed (ASCII x'0A' or the equivalent in the CCSID selected) are used to denote the end of a record
*LFOnly line feed (ASCII x'0A' or equivalent) is used to denote the end of a record.
*CROnly carriage return (ASCII x'0D' or equivalent) is used to denote the end of a record.

Character String Delimiter

This element determines the character that encloses string (alphanumerical) data in the delimited file, which will be created.
Either type the character to be used, or select one of the special values:

*DBLQUOTEA double quote („)
*SGLQUOTEA single quote (‚)
*NONENo alphanumnerical string delimiter is used.
Character ValueEnter the string delimiter, which will be used.

Field Delimiter

This element determines the character that separates fields in the delimited file, which will be created.
Either type the character to be used, or select one of these special values:

*COMMAA comma (,)
*TABA tab
*SEMICOLONA semicolon (;)
*PIPEA pipe (|)
*BLANKA blank ( )
CharacterType the character to be used..

The field delimiter will be rendered in the CCSID selected for the file.

Use Page Headings?

This element defines how i-effect deals with the file's page headings.
Following statistical analysis of a sample of the data in the spooled file, i-effect will decide which lines are report data content and which are not. Any lines, which precede the first report data line, but do not appear to be a column heading, will be considered a page heading. This element determines how such lines are handled


The first occurrence of a unique page heading line is retained, but all subsequent occurrences of that line will not appear in the output.

Note: Any variation in the page heading from one page to the next (such as a change in the time that is printed at the top of the page) may cause i-effect to retain a heading, which should be excluded. The EXCLLINNBR or EXCLLINKEY parameters can be used to exclude unwanted headings, which i-effect did not excluded.

*ALLAll page headings will be retained.
*NONENo page headings will be retained.

Use Column Headings?

This element controls how i-effect handles the file's column headings.
Following statistical analysis of a sample of the data in the spooled file, i-effect will decide which lines are report data content and which are not. Any lines, which immediately precede the first report data line and overlap the data columns in the report, will be considered column headings
This element then determines how these lines will be handled.


The first occurrence of a unique column heading line is retained, but all subsequent occurrences of that line are dropped from the output.

Note: any variation in the column heading from one page to the next may cause i-effect® to retain a heading, which should be excluded. The EXCLLINNBR or EXCLLINKEY parameters can be used to exclude unwanted headings which, i-effect did not excluded.

*ALLAll column headings will be retained.
*NONENo column headings will be retained.

Spooled File's Currency Symbol

This element defines the currency symbol that appears when printing currency values in the report. It is important that i-effect knows which currency symbol will be used in the report, so that it can correctly identify columns of numbers that include a currency symbol as numerical data rather than treating them as text.

*SYSVALThe currency symbol defined by the QCURSYM system value will be used in the report
Currency SymbolSpecify the currency symbol to be used in the report if it is different from the system's currency symbol. For example, if processing a report containing values in dollars on a system where the currency symbol is a pound sign (£), specify $. i-effect will interpret data containing dollar signs as numerical data not text

File's Decimal Separator

This element defines the decimal separator that is used when printing numbers in the report. It is important that i-effect knows which decimal separator is used in the report so that it can correctly identify columns of numbers as numerical data rather than treating them as text.

*JOBThe decimal separator determined by the current job's DECFMT attribute is used in the report.
*SYSVALThe decimal separator determined by the QDECFMT system value is used in the report.
Decimal SeparatorSpecify the decimal separator, which will be used in the report. For example, if processing a report containing numbers that have a period as the decimal separator on a system where the normal thousands separator character is a comma (,), specify (.) period. i-effect will interpret periods in numerical data as a decimal separator, not as a thousands separator.

Spooled File's Thousands Separator

This element defines the thousands separator that is used when printing numbers in the report. It is important that i-effect knows which thousands separator is used in the report so that it can correctly identify columns of numbers as numerical data rather than treating them as text.

*JOBThe thousands separator determined by the current job's DECFMT attribute is used in the report.
*SYSVALThe thousands separator determined by the QDECFMT system value is used in the report.
Thousands SeparatorSpecify the thousands separator which will be used in the report. For example, if processing a report containing numbers that have a period as the thousands separator on a system where the normal thousands separator character is a comma (,), specify . (period). i-effect will interpret periods in numeric data as a thousands separator, not a decimal point.

Date Format of the Spooled file

This element determines the report's date format.

*JOBThe report's date format is determined by the DATFMT attribute of the current job.
*SYSVALThe report's date format is determined by the QDATFMT system value.
*DMYThe report's date format will be day-month-year. i-effect will identify data in the report, which looks like a valid DMY date, as a date (2-digit or 4-digit year).
*MDYThe report's date format will be month-day-year. i-effect will identify data in the report, which looks like a valid MDY date, as a date (2-digit or 4-digit year).
*YMDThe report's date format will be year-month-day. i-effect will identify data in the report, which looks like a valid YMD date, as a date (2-digit or 4-digit year).

Spooled File's Date Separator

This element determines the date separator that is used for printing dates in the report. It is important that i-effect knows which date separator is used in the report so that it can correctly identify dates and treat them as such.

*JOBThe thousands separator determined by the current job's DECFMT attribute is used in the report.
*SYSVALThe thousands separator determined by the QDECFMT system value is used in the report.
Thousands SeparatorSpecify the thousands separator which will be used in the report. For example, if processing a report containing numbers that have a period as the thousands separator on a system where the normal thousands separator character is a comma (,), specify . (period). i-effect will interpret periods in numeric data as a thousands separator, not a decimal point.

Word used for "Page" in the Spooled File

This element defines the word "Page" as it appears in the report.
When excluding page headings, i-effect attempts to take account of lines, which differ only by a change of page number. To do so, it looks for the word defined with this element followed by a number, treating that text as a page number and ignoring it when deciding if a page heading is a new one or a repetition of a previous one.


The word for "Page" is taken from the text of message CVT0008 in message file CS_MSGF. In the English-language version of i-effect the word is "Page".

Please note: If the text in this message file has been changed, it must be changed again when applying PTFs or new versions.

Character ValueSpecify the word for "Page" which is used with page numbers in the report. For example, if it is abbreviated to „P" specify P here. Similarly, if processing a Spanish-language report, "Página" may be appropriate.
Remove Dot Leaders

The description of this parameter can be found under Menu item 13: Convert spool file into XLS (CVTSPLXLS)


Decimal Separator

The character that will be used as a decimal separator when outputting text which i-effect identifies as decimal numerical data.

*SYSVALThe decimal separator as identified by the sys-tem value QDECFMT.
*JOBThe decimal separator as identified by the DECFMT job attribute.
*PERIODA period (.).
*COMMAA comma (,).
Decimal SeparatorThe character which will be used.

Thousands Separator

The character which will be used as a thousands separator when outputting text which i-effect identifies as decimal numerical data.

*SYSVALThe separator identified by the system value QDECFMT.
*JOBThe separator as identified by the DECFMT job attribute.
*PERIODA period (.).
*COMMAA comma (,).
Thousands SeparatorThe character which will be used.
Suppress Underlining

The description of this parameter can be found under menu item 13 (CVTSPLXLS)

EXCLPAGNBRThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXCLPAGKEYThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXCLLINNBRThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXCLLINKEYThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
RSCDIRThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
STMFCODPAGThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLFCCSIDThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
AUTThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
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