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The i-effect command STRPGP works according to the OpenPGP standard (RFC 4880) to encode and decode signing and verification of data. It can be used to sign, encode and decode any files compatible to the OpenPGP.

Key rings

To be able to work with STRPGP you need your own key. Your communication partners can use the public part to send you encoded data. With the private part you can sign the data.

PGP keys can be produced with the free available Windows Program Gpg4win (URL

The Gpg4win installation package includes the graphic tool ?Kleopatra? , with which PGP key rings and keys can be administered.

Install Gpg4win on your pc and start ?Kleopatra?. What you have to do now to create keys, you can readin the Kleopatra handbook or the help function of the program.

Kleopatra saves the keys in two different so-called key files in the folder:


The private keys are saved in the file ?secring.gpg?, the public ones are saved in ?pubring.gpg?.

After you have created your key, both files have to get copied from system i on the pc to the i-effect crypt folder (/i-effect/crypt): ( /i-effect/Crypt ):

Just overwrite the two files in that folder. Like this the keys are now available in i-effect and can be used in STRPGP.

Access to keys in key files

In STRPGP it is possible to access the keys within the key files with the User-ID or the Key-ID.

The User-ID doesn?t have to be stated completely a part of the character string is enough to identify the key.

For a key with the User-ID ?menten GmbH (for testing purposes) <>?, it is enough to state the character string ?menten GmbH?.




If multiple keys are found with the same character string the processing will stop with an error.

In such cases it is mandatory to state the Key-ID, because the ID identifies the used key clearly.

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