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i-effect *SIGG - At a Glance

  • Secure and closed system environment when used within IBM Power Systems .
  • Parallel use of any number of card readers (scaling)
  • Legally qualified signing
  • High capacity mass signing of invoices.
  • One license fee with an unlimited number of signatures.
  • Integrated in i-effect V1R5 or higher - the integrated solution for IBM Power Systems
  • i-effect *SIGG, the signature server module of i-effect - the integrated solution for IBM Power Systems - can sign files generally, and PDF files in particular in accordance with the German signature ordinances (SigV) and the German signature law (SigG). The manufacturer's declaration for i-effect *SIGG is also in line with the requirements of SigV and SigG.
  • i-effect *SIGG software is written in the Java programming language and requires a Java Runtime Edition of version 5.0 Update 6 or higher.
  • An installation license for the application software i-effect - the integrated solution for IBM Power Systems -is required.
  • i-effect *SIGG is the module which is responsible for generating qualified signatures.
  • i-effect - the integrated solution for IBM Power Systems - creates and sends signature jobs to the signature server module i-effect *SIGG. i-effect - the integrated solution for IBM Power Systems - must be installed on the IBM Power Systems where the IXS PCI card is located. The *BASE module must also be installed in order to generate signature jobs. A detailed description of the generation of signature jobs can be found under "Start Signature Job."
  • i-effect *SIGG offers a high level of security in a closed system environment.
  • i-effect *SIGG is run on an IXS PCI card within IBM Power Systems .

i-effect *SIGG - Safe from Manipulation

To comply with the German signature law, i-effect *SIGG is equipped with a mechanism that can diagnose manipulations of the software.
Even the setup file of i-effect *SIGG can be tested. With our diagnostic tool, the hash sum of the file can be calculated and compared to the hash sum, corresponding to the setup file, on our website.
Successful testing gives the user reassurance that the setup file of i-effect *SIGG is the original and has not been manipulated.

After i-effect *SIGG is started, a status message as to the integrity of the software will be displayed.

Any manipulation is detectable directly after the application has been started.

If a manipulation is detected, signing sessions can no longer be activated.
The server service, too, can no longer be started.


i-effect *SIGG can manage and use several card readers for signature processes. By purchasing a license, an open slot can be activated by one or more card readers for signature processes. If the use of several slots for signature processes is desired, than the purchase of more licenses is required. Every additional license guarantees the parallel use of one further slot. The license encompasses the generation of signatures which are saved in a separate P7S file. A license for the i-effect module *CRYPT is required to create signatures, which will be embedded into the corresponding PDF document or saved in a file with the data that will be signed (P7M).
A license for the i-effect module *EDIFACT is required to sign EDIFACT files with EANCOM 2002 Syntax 4; D.01B "Attached Digital Signature". "Attached Digital Signature" means that one signature will be generated for each EDIFACT message and embedded in this message.
After the start of i-effect *SIGG the current status of the available licenses and modules will be shown.

Slots are used to access the information which is saved on a SmartCard (provided by a Token). Signature jobs are processed by the logic which is contained in the slot.

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