Save i-effect
Complete backup of i-effect
If i-effect® is to be completely backed up, this manual contains the necessary processing steps. Since the automated installation of i-effect also creates an automatic backup, the procedure described here should only be used if a further backup is to be created specifically.
i-effect® must be terminated before starting the backup (End i-effect).
Restore from this backup
The copy made with this backup can be saved back at any time as described under restore.
Backup objects
With the help of the following script call, the current installation with all components can be backed up.
The backups are marked with a sequential number. This backup is assigned the next available number.
The backups made can be viewed in the IEFFSAVE library. The version and date of the backup can be read from the object description.
Objekt | Art | Attribut | Text | Erläuterung |
APP1 | *FILE | SAVF | APP 3.0.3 2022-11-25 13:07:29 | Backup of the application schema from Version3.0.3 - 25.11.2022, 13:07:29 |
DB1 | *FILE | SAVF | DB 3.0.3 2022-11-25 13:07:29 | Backup of the database schema from Version 3.0.3 - 25.11.2022, 13:07:29 |
ENV1 | *FILE | PF_DTA | ENV 3.0.3 2022-11-25 13:07:29 | Backup of the environment variables from Version 3.0.3 - 25.11.2022, 13:07:29 |
IFS1 | *FILE | SAVF | IFS 3.0.3 2022-11-25 13:07:29 | Backup of the IFS directories from Version 3.0.3 - 25.11.2022, 13:07:29 |
LNG1 | *FILE | SAVF | LNG 3.0.3 2022-11-25 13:07:29 | Backup of the secondary language from Version 3.0.3 - 25.11.2022, 13:07:29 |
LNGS1 | *FILE | SAVF | LNGS 3.0.3 2022-11-25 13:07:29 | Backup of the secondary language (SYSBAS) from Version 3.0.3 - 25.11.2022, 13:07:29 |
SYS1 | *FILE | SAVF | SYS 3.0.3 2022-11-25 13:07:29 | Backup of the SYSBAS schema from Version 3.0.3 vom 25.11.2022, 13:07:29 |
VER1 | *FILE | PF-DTA | VER 3.0.3 2022-11-25 13:07:29 | Backup of the version status from Version 3.0.3 - 25.11.2022, 13:07:29 |
Saving the current status in the IEFFSAVE standard library
After entering the following command in a QSH session, the current status is saved
QSH <enter>
/home/ieffect/current/base/tools/scripts/ -v v3r0m0
In older versions, the script is located in the program directory of the respective version
/ieffect/V2R9M0/base/tools/scripts/ -v v3r0m0
Save the current status in your own library with the specification of the IBM i target release
The backup can also be made to a separate library. For example, to transfer this backup to another system by specifying a specific target release.
QSH <enter>
/home/ieffect/current/base/tools/scripts/ -v v3r0m0 --library LIBNAME --target_release V7R4M0
In older versions, the script is located in the program directory of the respective version
/ieffect/V2R9M0/base/tools/scripts/ -v v2r9m0 --library LIBNAME --target_release V7R4M0-v v2r9m0
The following messages appear on the console during a backup:
/home/ieffect/current/base/tools/scripts/ -v v3r0m0 [13:07:15] *** ( ) Gestartet um: Fr Nov 25 13:07:16 2022 [13:07:15] Prüfe Zugriffsrechte... [13:07:24] Prüfe Sperren... [13:07:24] Starte Sicherung... [13:07:54] Sichern erfolgreich beendet [13:07:54] *** ( ) Beendet um : Fr Nov 25 13:07:56 2022 <0 Minuten und 43 Sekunden> $
The log file /tmp/YYYYMMDD-save.log contains the extended log for this backup.