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i-effect * SERVER parameter (data selection table)

The following gives an overview of the parameters for the commands ADDSRVLTE and CHGSRVSLTE.
The overview contains a complete list of the fields, whose contents are saved in the data selection table and are used by i-effects *SERVER module.

Sequence Number (POS)The sequence number of the server entry in the main table.
Sequence Number (FOLGE)Assigns a unique number to the entry in the file selection table.
Type of Source File (FILETYPE)See "i-effect *SERVER Parameters" (main table of server processing) of this chapter.
Job Type (JOBTYPE)See section "Option 14 Define Processing" of this chapter.
Delete After Processing (DELETE)

After successful processing the source files can be deleted, moved, or copied, if desired.

*NOSource files will not be deleted.
*YESThe source files will be deleted after successful processing.
*MOVEThe source files will be moved after successful processing.
*COPYThe source files will be copied after successful processing.

For the description of the following parameters (up to output queue), see Chapter 4 "Conversion", section "CVTSPL Command."

  • File (FILE)
  • Job Name (JOBNAM)
  • Spooled File Number (SPLNBR)
  • User (USER)
  • Form Type (FORM)
  • User Data (USRDTA)
  • Status (STATUS)
  • Devices (DEVICE)
  • Output Queue (OUTQ)
Output Queue for COPY/MOVE (TARGETOUTQ)The name of the output queue to which the spooled files should be copied or moved.
Input File(s) (NEWFILES)

Qualified name of the file(s) to be processed. If desired, the special value *ALL can be specified in order to process all files or members of a library. Wildcards are allowed as well. For example, if "SALES*" is defined, all files whose name begins with "SALES..."are processed.

*ALLAll physical files of the specified library are processed.
generic*A name followed by a "*" tells the system to process all files, whose name begins with the specified string.
Member File Text (MBRTEXT)

The text which describes the member file. The special value *ALL may be used to

determine that all files are to be processed. Generic names are also supported. For example, if "SALES*" is defined, all file members whose name begins with "SALES..." are processed.

*ALLAll member files will be processed.
generic*A name followed by a "*" tells the system to process all
member files whose name begins with the specified string.
Target File(s) for COPY/MOVE (TARGETFILE)Specify the fully qualified name of the target file(s) if the options MOVE or COPY have been chosen in the DELETE parameter. This option is only valid for DB2 files.
Input Path (FRMPATH)Name of the IFS path from which the input data is to be read. This option is only valid for IFS file(s).
IFS Input File(s) (*, ?) (FRMIFSFILE)Name of the file(s) to be processed. By selecting the wildcards "*" or "?" all files with a special name pattern will be selected. The wildcard "*" substitutes any string in a filename; the wildcard "?" substitutes exactly ONE character. This option is only valid for IFS files.

Specify the name of the destination path if *MOVE or *COPY have been specified in

the DELETE parameter. This option is only valid for IFS files.

Target File Name for Copy (TARIFSFILE)

If the options *MOVE or *COPY were selected in the DELETE parameter, the name of

the target files is to be specified here. This option is only valid for IFS files.


The parameter CHOICE determines whether data which is in the server data selection entry should be processed or if it should be omitted.

*SELECTThe chosen data will be processed.
*OMITThe chosen data will not be processed.
Description (TEXT)A brief description of the server entry.
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