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Command parameter of the ADDEFFSRVE-command (Main table of the i-effect server modules)

This section describes the parameters in the order in which they are displayed.
The parameters displayed may depend on selections that have already been made.

Sequence Number (POS)

To identify the entries in the *SERVER list, enter the sequence number,that labels each entry.

Source File Type (FILETYPE)Choose the type of files for automatic processing.
Possible Special Values:
*SPOOLAutomates the processing of spooled files.
*DB2Automates the processing of database files.
*IFSAutomates the processing of IFS files.

*SERVER will not put source files in the selection table.

Choose this option to automate user defined tasks.

Monitor or Schedule (JOBTYPE)i-effect's *SERVER module has two methods of automation: Either *MONITOR or *SCHEDULE define the manner in which the processes are controlled.
Possible Special Values:
*MONITORDefines a *SERVER job in which one or more output queues are monitored for new spooled files, that match predefined criteria.
*SCHEDULEDefines a *SERVER job which schedules the defined tasks.
Valid From, Valid Until (TIMVALFRM/TIMVALTO)Specifies the time of day when the conversion should be started. The *SERVER entry will only be chosen if the current system time is within the specified time span.
If for example 180000 is entered as begin and 235959 as the end, the i-effect *SERVER will only run the job if the system time is between 18:00 and 23:59.
This parameter is only for JOBTYPE (*SCHEDULE).
Valid Day of the Week (WEEKVAL)The execution time of *SERVER can be further limited to a particular day of the week.
This parameter is only valid for JOBTYPE (*SCHEDULE).
The following options are possible:
*ALLProcessing will occur on any day.
*MONOnly Mondays
*TUEOnly Tuesdays
*WEDOnly Wednesdays
*THUOnly Thursdays
*FRIOnly Fridays
*SATOnly Saturdays
*SUNOnly Sundays
Valid Day of the Month (DAYVAL)The execution time of *SERVER can be further limited to a particular calendar day.
This parameter is only valid for JOBTYPE (*SCHEDULE).
The following options are possible:
*ALLThe process will be run on all calendar days.
*FIRSTOnly at the beginning of the month.
*LASTOnly at the end of the month.
*01-31Only on the designated calendar day.
Delay in Minutes (TIMER)

Specifies the duration in minutes that *SERVER has to wait before the process is started. If *YES is specified in parameter "Start Immediately", the process starts immediately, but will be repeated after the specified time has expired.

This parameter is only valid for JOBTYPE (*SCHEDULE).

Start Immediately (START)

Determines whether the processing should be started immediately after a new sequence has been entered or after the time specified in the parameter TIMER has expired.

This parameter is only valid for JOBTYPE (*SCHEDULE).

Description (TEXT)Describes the process which will be run with the server entry.
Message Queue (ERRMSGQ)

Name of the message queue to which abort messages from server processing will be sent.
Possible Special Value:

*SYSOPRAbort messages will be sent to the system operator.
*NONENo messages will be sent.
Job Description for Server Entry (JOBD) 

Enter a name for the job description, which will be used for the execution of server tasks.
Possible Special Values:

*STDThe default job description SERVERTASK will be used.
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