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Command overview

The following command interface is provided in order to integrate i-effect®into already existing applications or routines.

The command IEFFECT calls up the i-effect main menu where all functions are centralized.

Commands for (Spool-)Conversion

This command serves the reconversion of data stream files in the SAV file format into spool files. Spool Conversion - Menu item 32

The CVTDBF command allows the export of Power Systems database tables as data stream files in the PC file format. SeeConversion

The RUNMAP command starts a mapping.
See Mapper V2 on the IBM Power Systems

Commands for Data Compression

The command STRGZIP starts a compression or decompression. The use parallels the description in Chapter 5.
For compression, see Compression - Menu item 7
For decompression, see Compression - Menu item 8

This command creates a blank ZIP archive.
SeeMenüpunkt 1: ZIP-Archiv erstellen (CRTARC)

This command is used to add files to an archive.
See Menüpunkt 3: Dateien zum ZIP-Archiv hinzufügen (ADDZIP)

With this command files from an archive are extracted.
See Menüpunkt 5: Dateien aus ZIP-Archiv extrahieren (EXTARCFIL)


With this command files are deleted from an archive.
See Menüpunkt 6: Dateien aus ZIP-Archiv löschen (DLTARCFIL)


This command converts entries from an archive.
See Menüpunkt 6: Dateien aus ZIP-Archiv löschen (DLTARCFIL)

Commands for Automation

This command is used to work with i-effect®server entries. Spool conversions, compressions or email mailings can be defined and automatized. The program shows the existing entries in an overview and allows to create, change and delete entries.
See Process Automation - Menu item 40

This command allows to add an entry to the server pool of the i-effect®server.
See Process Automation - Menu item 40

This command allows to change an entry to the server pool of the i-effect®server.
See Process Automation - Menu item 40

This command allows to display an entry to the server pool of the i-effect®server.
See Process Automation - Menu item 40

This command calls up the interactive program to select data sources.
See Process Automation - Menu item 40

This commands adds a new entry to the data selection table.
See Process Automation - Menu item 40

This commands changes an entry to the data selection table.
See Process Automation - Menu item 40

This commands displays an entry to the data selection table.
See Process Automation - Menu item 40

This command calls up the interactive program to define processing steps.
See Process Automation - Menu item 40

This command starts the i-effect®server.
See Process Automation - Menu item 41

This command ends the i-effect®server.
See Process Automation - Menu item 42

Commands for Communication

The SNDFILE command sends EDIFACT files via predefined partner- and communication profiles. See Communication - Menu item 5

The command SNDAS2 is used to send AS2 data. The AS2 is a standard for transmission of B2B-data via http to defined business partners.
See AS2 Communication - Menu item 10

The SNDTELEBOX command is used to send data via TELEBOX400 (X.400).
See TELEBOX Communication - Menu item 20

The command RCVTELEBOX is used to receive TELEBOX (X.400) data and file it.
See TELEBOX Communication - Menu item 21

The SNDEMAIL command is used to send a text or any file attachments from the IBM Power Systems with email. See EMAIL Communication - Menu item 30

The RCVEMAIL command is used to receive emails from a POP3 or IMAP compatible mail server and to store them on the IBM Power Systems (in the IFS directory).
See EMAIL Communication - Menu item 31

The SNDFAX command is used to send spooled files from the IBM Power Systems as a fax.
See eFAX Communication - Menu item 40

The SNDSMS command is used to send text as an SMS. The text is sent by the *EMAIL module to an Internet service provider, who in turn sends it as an SMS.
Because SMS and FAX transmission is handled by the same service provider,
licenses for i-effect®*BASE, *FAX, and the *EMAIL modules are required to use these functions. See eFAX Communication - Menu item 34

The SNDFTP command is used to transmit data from a predefined partner profile via FTP. See FTP Communication - Menu item 50

The command RCVFTP is used to receive data over a predefined partner profile via FTP.
See FTP Communication - Menu item 51

The SNDOFTP command is used to send data via the OFTP protocol.
See OFTP Communication - Menu item 60

The RCVOFTP command is used to receive data via the OFTP protocol.
See OFTP Communication - Menu item 61

The command SNDHTTP is used to send data over a predefined partner profile via HTTP or HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol (Secure)).
See HTTP Communication - Menu item 70

Commands for Encryption and Signature

The command DECRYPT is used to decrypt any file.
See Decrypt Files

The command ENCRPT is used to encrypt any file.
See Encrypt Files

The command SIGNPDF is used to sign the desired PDF files.
See Sign PDF File

The SIGNQDATA command is used to digitally sign different file formats and files in general but especially PDF files.
See Start Signature Job

The command VERIFYPDF verifies the signed PDF files.
See Verify PDF Signature

Commands for Administration

The command RMVEFFLNK can remove or archive any IFS files. It is possible to either delete all files or select files to be deleted.
See Remove no longer required Files (RMVEFFLNK)

The command STREFREORG can organize all logbook files, archive directories, and internal protocols generated by i-effect®. It is possible to either delete all files or select files to be deleted.
See Process Automation - Menu item 83

The command WRKEFFMOD is used to manage all modifiable parameters of the installed modules. Additionally, every module can be licensed anew if the license number has been communicated.
See Administration in i-effect - Menu item 80

With this command a list of all logbook entries can be displayed.
See Administration in i-effect - Menu item 81

Commands for Administration

This command is used to end i-effect®sub systems.
See Administration in i-effect - Menu item 86

With this command a designated i-effect®server entry can be held.
See HLDEFFSRVE (Hold Server Entry)

With this command a designated i-effect®server entry can be released.
See RLSEFFSRVE (Release Server Entry)

This command is used to starti-effect®sub systems. This will be required if the default settings of the module concerned have been modified.
See Administration in i-effect - Menu item 85

Commands for Report Creation

The command RUNREPORT can be used to create a report.

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