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Any2Any Converter

Select "i-effect Conversion, Compression, Communictaion" Menu Item 10 from the main menu, to open the menu "i-effect Conversion Tasks".
Select 41 "i-effect Conversion Tasks" to reach mapping supported conversion.
A mapping created by the Mapper GUI can be started with menu item 1:

This programm dialog is used to determine mapping parameters. A partner can be specified, from the parameters will be taken.

The number of parameters available for selection depends on te the parameters.

Parameter Explanation:

Mapping ID (MAPID)

The ID under which the mapping is registered.
The following special values are available:

*AUTOSelecting *AUTO asks the modules registered in the i-effect Mapper if they can read the input file and if a partner with an assigned mapping can be extracted from this file. If successful, the mapping that was recognized will be started. If not successful, the conversion will be aborted.
TextEnter a previously configured mapping ID.
File System Input:

Enter the file system of the input file here.
The folowing options are available:

*NONENo file system will be assigned.
*IFSThe input file is stored in the IFS (Integrated File System).
*DB2Use "*" as a wild card for generic selection of the input files.
Input Path:

The path to the input file(s) that will be processed is entered here.
The following options are possible:

NameEnter the complete path name. (IFS file system)
generic*Use "*" as a wild card for generic selection of the input file. Please Note: the results of this generic input can only correspond to one file.

Library: The library of the source file in the DB2-File system.

Memeber File: The source member file in the DB2-file system.
Possible Special Value:

*ALLAll source member file in the DB2 inout file will be sent.
Mapping Type (FILETYPE)

This parameter specifies if the mapper will look for the correct module handler itself, if input files were selected. This is accomplished by anylizing the file contents. Time can be saved by directly selectin ght mapping module in this paramter.
Possible Special Value:

*AUTOAutomatic recognition of the structure of the input file.
Diretory Type (DIRTYPE)

After the input files have been selected, this paramter determines if the mapper will search for the correct directory itself, by analyzing the contents of the input file. The directory can be entered directly in this parameter, also.
Possible Special Values:

*AUTOAutomatic recognition of the directory by analyzing the file structure.
NameThe directory is named in this paramter. The format of directory input depends on the module involved in porcessing the file.

If the mapping supports specification of an originator, this parameter is used to indicate an originator.
Possible Special Value:

*ALLPossible Special Value:

As long as the mapping supports recipient selection, this parameter is used to specify a recipient.
Possible Special Value:

*ALLAll recipients will be processed.
Test Indicator (TEST)

As long as the mapping supports processing of test indicators, this parameter is used to specify which (test or productive) mappings will be processed.
Possible Special Values:

*ALLAll messages are processed (test and productive).
*TESTOnly test messages will be processed.
*PRODOnly productive messages will be processed.
*AUTOi-effect's configuration determines if text or productive messages are processed.
Output File (TOPATH)

Mappings that write output into a file system, use this parameter to determine the name of the output path.
Possible Special Values:

*FRMPATHThe output file will be created in the input directory.
TextThe IFS path of the error directory.
Error Path(ERRPATH)

For input and output files that couldn't be processed, an alternative path can be selected. These files will be placed in this directory.
Possible Special Values:

*DEFAULTThe default path for errors will be used. (Menuepunkt 80: Mit Programmodulen arbeiten - WRKEFFMOD 1).
TextIFS path of the archive directory.
Archive Path(ARCPATH)

Processed input or output files can be archived. This parameter specifies the name of the archive path.
Possible Special Values:

*DEFAULTThe default path for errors will be used. (Menuepunkt 80: Mit Programmodulen arbeiten - WRKEFFMOD 1).
TextIFS path of the archive directory.
Directory Type (DIRTYPE)

When input files have been selected, this paramter specifies whethere the mapper will search for the correct directory itself, based on the file contents. A directory can be di-rectly specified in this paramter.
Possible Special Values:

*AUTOAutomatic recognition of the diretory by analyzing the file structure.
NameThe directory is entered here. The format of directory input depends on the module used to process the file.
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