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ZF2INVHT - Head Information

ZF2INVHT - Head Information

If you want to create Xinvoices, fill in the tables below with your data. If you need help with the filling, please contact the support .

Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTKEYrequiredVARCHAR(15)Internal Pagination NumberInternal invoice number (i-effect column)132
HTDIRECTrequiredCHAR(4)Direction of XRechnung
Process control (required)
Grouping of business process information (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTNPROCESSoptionalVARCHAR(255)Process typeBusiness Process Type

Production material, other material, freight invoice

Grouping of recommended use information (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTNAPPREFrequiredVARCHAR(255)Referenz zur AnwendungRecommendation for use


Grouping of properties that affect the entire document. (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTNDOCNRrequiredVARCHAR(35)Document numberinvoice number2012-12345

 Document type (Code),


Code for the invoice type

326 = Partial invoice

380 = Commercial invoice

384 = Corrected invoic

389 = Self-billed invoice

381 = Credit note

further codes are in the code list

HTNDOCDrequiredDATE '0001-01-01'

Document date

Date of invoice2018-12-10
Free text at document level (optional)
Observe table ZF2INVTX.
Grouping of transaction information (required)
invoice item (required)
Note table ZF2INVPI.
Grouping of contract details (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTGBYREFrequiredVARCHAR(35)Buyer referenceBuyer's referenceINV 082
Detailed information about the seller (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTGSEIDoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the SellerIdentification of the seller (supplier number)
HTGSEGLNoptional*VARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the SellerGlobal identifier of the seller4000001000005
HTGSEGLNTrequired if HTGSEGLN is filled**CHAR(5)Type of global IdentifierIdentification of the scheme

0021 : SWIFT

0088 : EAN

0060 : DUNS

0177 : ODETTE

other codes in the code list

HTGSENAMErequiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the SellerCompany name/name of the sellerSupplier GmbH
HTGSDESCoptionalVARCHAR(255)Other remaining information of the SellerOther legal information of the seller
Details of the organisation (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample


optionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the OrganizationIdentification of the legal registration of the seller


optionalVARCHAR(10)Type of Organization IdentifierIdentification of the scheme


optionalVARCHAR(50)Trading Business nameTrade name of the seller
Contact details of the seller (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTGSECTrequiredVARCHAR(50)Contact Name of the SellerContact name of the sellerKarin Mustermann
HTGSECTDoptional*VARCHAR(50)Department name of the SellerDepartment name of the sellerInvoicing
Detailed information on the seller's telephone number (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTGSETErequiredVARCHAR(50)Phone number of the SellerSeller's telephone number+49 (123) 456789-0
Detailed information on the seller's email address (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTGSEEMrequiredVARCHAR(200)Mail adress of the SellerEmail address of the sellerkarin.mustermann@seller.tld
Postal address of the seller (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTGSEZIPrequiredVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the SellerPostcode of the seller address80333
HTGSEAD1optionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 1 of the SellerLine 1 of the seller addressSupplier Street 20
HTGSEAD2optionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 2 of the SellerLine 2 of the seller addressBuilding 3


optionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 3 of the SellerLine 3 of the seller addressBuilding 3
HTGSELCrequiredVARCHAR(50)City of the SellerPlace of the sellerMunich
HTGSECRrequiredCHAR(3)Country ISO of the SellerCountry of seller (code)DE
HTGSCSDNoptionalVARCHAR(25)Country federal stateFederal State
Details of the electronic address (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTGSURIDoptionalVARCHAR(55)Electronic addressElectronic address of the seller5790000435944
HTGSURIDTrequired if HTGSURID is filledVARCHAR(10)Electronic address typeIdentification of the schemeCodes can be found in the code list
Detailed information on tax details of the seller (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTGSETAXoptionalVARCHAR(35)Taxnumber of the SellerTax number of the seller (FC)01/113/40209
HTGSETAXToptionalVARCHAR(35)VAT of the SellerValue added tax identification number (VA)DE234567891
Detailed information about the buyer (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample


optionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the BuyerIdentifier of the buyer (customer number)B123456


optional*VARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the BuyerGlobal identifier of the buyer4000001000006


necessary if HTGBGLN is filled.**CHAR(5)Type of global IdentifierIdentification of the scheme

0021 : SWIFT

0088 : EAN

0060 : DUNS

0177 : ODETTE

other codes in the code list


requiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the BuyerCompany name/name of the buyerCustomers AG Middle
Details of the organisation (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample



Identifier of the Organization

Identification of the buyer's legal registration



Type of Organization Identifier

Identification of the scheme



Trading Business name

Trade name of the buyer
Contact details of the buyer (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTGBCToptionalVARCHAR(50)Contact Name of the BuyerContact name of the buyerHans Muster
HTGBCTDoptionalVARCHAR(50)Department name of the BuyerDepartment name of the buyerInvoicing
Detailed information on the telephone number of the contact person (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample


optionalVARCHAR(50)Phone number of the BuyerTelephone number of the buyer's contact point+49 (123) 56789-0
Detailed information on the email address of the contact person (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample


optionalVARCHAR(200)Mail adress of the BuyerE-mail address of the buyer's contact pointhans.muster@buyer.tld
Detailed information on the buyer's address (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample


requiredVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the BuyerPostcode of the buyer69876


optionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 1 of the BuyerLine 1 of the buyer addressCustomer Street 15


optionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 2 of the BuyerLine 2 of the buyer address3rd floor right


optionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 3 of the BuyerLine 3 of the buyer address3rd floor right


requiredVARCHAR(50)City of the BuyerCity of buyer's addressFrankfurt


requiredCHAR(3)Country ISO of the BuyerCountry code of the buyer addressDE



Country federal state

Federal State
Details of the electronic address (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample


optionalVARCHAR(55)Electronic addressElectronic address of the buyer


optionalVARCHAR(10)Electronic address typeIdentification of the schemeCodes can be found in the code list
Detailed information on tax details of the buyer (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample


optionalVARCHAR(35)VAT id of the BuyerValue added tax identification number ("VA" in CII format)DE234567781
Tax representative of the seller (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample



Company/Name of the Seller Tax Representative

Name of the tax representative of the sellerCustomers AG Middle
Postal address of the tax representative of the seller (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample



ZIP Code of the Seller Tax

Postcode of the tax representative's address



Address line 1 of the Seller Tax Representative

Line 1 of the tax representative document



Address line 2 of the Seller Tax Representative

Line 2 of the tax agent's document



Address line 3 of the Seller Tax Representative

Line 3 of the tax agent's document



City of the Seller Tax Representative

City of the tax attorney's office



Country ISO of the Seller Tax Representative

Country code of the tax representative



Country federal state

Federal State
Detailed information on the tax number of the seller's tax representative (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample

USTid of the Seller Tax Representative

Value added tax identification number ("VA" in CII format)
Detailed information on the corresponding order confirmation (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTGORDERNRoptionalVARCHAR(35)Order numberSales order reference
Details of the associated order (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample


optionalVARCHAR(35)Order numberOrder reference
Details of the associated contract (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTGCONTRNRoptionalVARCHAR(35)Agreement numberContract reference
Justifying documents (optional)
Note table ZF2INVDR.
Detailed information on a project reference (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample

Project reference ID

Project reference

Project name

Project name
Grouping of delivery details (optional)
Delivery information (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTLWRDIDoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the were recipientsIdentification of the consigneeTO123456
HTLWRDGLNoptional*VARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the were recipientsGlobal identifier of the consignee (GLN)4000001000007
HTLWRDGLNTrequired if HTLWRDGLN is filled.**CHAR(5)Type of global identifierIdentification of the scheme

0021 : SWIFT

0088 : EAN

0060 : DUNS

0177 : ODETTE

other codes in the code list

HTLWRDRECrequiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the were recipientsName/name of the consignee
Delivery address (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTLWRDPLZRequiredVARCHAR(10)ZIP Code of the were recipientsPostcode of delivery address
HTLWRDAD1optionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 1 of the were recipientsLine 1 of the delivery address
HTLWRDAD2optionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 2 of the were recipientsLine 2 of the delivery address
HTLWRDAD3optionalVARCHAR(50)Adress line 3 of the were recipientsLine 3 of the delivery address
HTLWRDCITYrequiredVARCHAR(50)City of the were recipientsCity of delivery address
HTLWRDLCrequiredCHAR(4)Country ISO of the were recipientsCountry code of delivery address
HTLWRCSDNoptionalVARCHAR(25)Country federal stateFederal State

Detailed information on actual delivery (optional)

Note: In Germany, the date of delivery and performance is a mandatory information on invoices. This can be done here or at item level.

Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTLDTDoptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Actual Delivery TimeActual date of delivery2018-12-10
Detailed information on the corresponding shipping notification (optional)
SpaltennameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTLDANRoptionalVARCHAR(25)Despatch advice numberShipping notification reference
Detailinformationen zur zugehörigen Wareneingangsmeldung (optional)
HTLWDANRoptionalVARCHAR(25)Goods receipt notification numberReferenz auf die Wareneingangsmeldung
Grouping of payment and settlement details (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTZGPCIDrequiredVARCHAR(15)Creditor IDIdentification of the creditor
HTZGPZRrecommendedVARCHAR(200)Intended purposeIntended use
HTZGPTCoptionalVARCHAR(5)Tax Currency CodeCode for the currency of the VAT accounting transaction
HTZGPICrequiredVARCHAR(5)Invoice Currency CodeCode for the invoicing currency
Creditor (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTZPRDREIDoptionalVARCHAR(35)Identifier of the Payment ReceiverIdentification of the different payee
HTZPRDGLNoptional*VARCHAR(35)Global identifier of the Payment ReceiverGlobal identifier of the different payee
HTZPRDGLNTrequired if HTZPRDGLN is filled.**CHAR(5)Type of global IdentifierIdentification of the scheme

0021 : SWIFT

0088 : EAN

0060 : DUNS

0177 : ODETTE

other codes in the code list

HTZPRDRECrequiredVARCHAR(255)Company/Name of the Payment ReceiverName/name of the payee
Details of the organisation (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample




Identifier of the Organization

Identification of the legal registration of the payee




Type of Organization Identifier

Identification of the scheme

Codes can be found in the ISO/IEC 6523 code list




Trading Business name

Trade name

Payment instructions (optional)
Note table ZF2INVPT.
Sales tax breakdown (required)
Observe table ZF2INVTI.
Detailed information on the accounting period (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTZBILLBPoptionalVARCHAR(15)Beginning of the accounting periodStart of the financial period
HTZBILLBPFrequired if HTZBILLBP is filled.*CHAR(3)Date FormatDate, Format102
HTZBILLEPoptionalVARCHAR(15)End of the accountingEnd of the financial period
HTZBILLEPFrequired if HTZBILLEP is filled.*CHAR(3)Date FormatDate, Format102
Surcharges and discounts at document level (optional)
Observe table ZF2INVAC.
Detailed information on payment conditions (optional)
Note table ZFINVTP.
Total sums at document level (required)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTZTSMSLTrequiredDECIMAL(15, 2)Total amount of positionsSum of the net amounts of all invoice items6913.60
HTZTSMSCToptionalDECIMAL(15, 2)Total amount of surchargesTotal surcharges at document level0.00
HTZTSMSAToptionalDECIMAL(15, 2)Total amounts of discountsTotal discounts at document level0.00
HTZTSMSTB1requiredDECIMAL(15, 2)Tax basic amount 1Total invoice amount without sales tax 16913.60
HTZTSMSTT1optionalDECIMAL(15, 2)Tax total amount 1Total invoice VAT amount Total tax amount in accounting currency 11313.58
HTZTSMSRAoptionalDECIMAL(15, 2)Rounding amountRounding amount
HTZTSMSGT1requiredDECIMAL(15, 2)

Grand total amount 1

Total invoice amount including VAT 18227.18
HTZTSMSTPAoptionalDECIMAL(15, 2)Deposit amountAdvance payment amount0.00
HTZTSMSDPArequiredDECIMAL(15, 2)Payment amountAmount due for payment8227.18
Reference to previous invoices (optional)
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample
HTZIRDIAIDrequiredVARCHAR(35)Number of previous invoiceNumber of the previous invoice
HTZIRDFIDToptionalDATE '0001-01-01'Invoice Date of previous invoiceDate of invoice
Detailed information on the booking reference (optional)
Note table ZF2INVBR.
I-Effekt Felder
Column nameStatusColumn definitionColumn descriptionTechnical termExample


State of Order

Status column

Empty string = Not processed,

1 = Processed

DECIMAL(15, 0)i-effect Session Numberi-effect session number

DECIMAL(15, 0)i-effect File Process Numberi-effect file process number

CHAR(255)External recipient for SNDFILEi-effect recipient from partner master data

CHAR(255)External originator für SNDFILEi-effect originator from partner master data

*Field is not required in the UBL format of the X calculation

**Field is optional in UBL format of the X calculation

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