If you want to create Xinvoices, fill in the tables below with your data. If you need help with the filling, please contact the support .
XInvoice |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTKEY | required | VARCHAR(15) | Internal Pagination Number | Internal invoice number (i-effect column) | 132 | HTDIRECT | required | CHAR(4) | Direction of XRechnung |
| *IN, *OUT |
Process control (required) |
Grouping of business process information (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTNPROCESS | optional | VARCHAR(255) | Process type | Business Process Type | Production material, other material, freight invoice |
Grouping of recommended use information (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTNAPPREF | required | VARCHAR(255) | Referenz zur Anwendung | Recommendation for use | XInvoice |
Grouping of properties that affect the entire document. (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTNDOCNR | required | VARCHAR(35) | Document number | invoice number | 2012-12345 | HTNDOCT | required | CHAR(3) | Document type (Code), | Code for the invoice type | 326 = Partial invoice 380 = Commercial invoice 384 = Corrected invoic 389 = Self-billed invoice 381 = Credit note further codes are in the code list | HTNDOCD | required | DATE '0001-01-01' | Document date | Date of invoice | 2018-12-10 |
Free text at document level (optional) |
Observe table ZF2INVTX. |
Grouping of transaction information (required) |
invoice item (required) |
Note table ZF2INVPI. |
Grouping of contract details (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGBYREF | required | VARCHAR(35) | Buyer reference | Buyer's reference | INV 082 |
Detailed information about the seller (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGSEID | optional | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the Seller | Identification of the seller (supplier number) |
| HTGSEGLN | optional* | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the Seller | Global identifier of the seller | 4000001000005 | HTGSEGLNT | required if HTGSEGLN is filled** | CHAR(5) | Type of global Identifier | Identification of the scheme | 0021 : SWIFT 0088 : EAN 0060 : DUNS 0177 : ODETTE other codes in the code list | HTGSENAME | required | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the Seller | Company name/name of the seller | Supplier GmbH | HTGSDESC | optional | VARCHAR(255) | Other remaining information of the Seller | Other legal information of the seller |
Details of the organisation (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGSOID | optional | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the Organization | Identification of the legal registration of the seller |
| HTGSOIDT | optional | VARCHAR(10) | Type of Organization Identifier | Identification of the scheme |
| HTGSOTRBN | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Trading Business name | Trade name of the seller |
Contact details of the seller (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGSECT | required | VARCHAR(50) | Contact Name of the Seller | Contact name of the seller | Karin Mustermann | HTGSECTD | optional* | VARCHAR(50) | Department name of the Seller | Department name of the seller | Invoicing |
Detailed information on the seller's telephone number (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGSETE | required | VARCHAR(50) | Phone number of the Seller | Seller's telephone number | +49 (123) 456789-0 |
Detailed information on the seller's email address (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGSEEM | required | VARCHAR(200) | Mail adress of the Seller | Email address of the seller | karin.mustermann@seller.tld |
Postal address of the seller (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGSEZIP | required | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the Seller | Postcode of the seller address | 80333 | HTGSEAD1 | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 1 of the Seller | Line 1 of the seller address | Supplier Street 20 | HTGSEAD2 | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 2 of the Seller | Line 2 of the seller address | Building 3 | HTGSEAD3 | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 3 of the Seller | Line 3 of the seller address | Building 3 | HTGSELC | required | VARCHAR(50) | City of the Seller | Place of the seller | Munich | HTGSECR | required | CHAR(3) | Country ISO of the Seller | Country of seller (code) | DE | HTGSCSDN | optional | VARCHAR(25) | Country federal state | Federal State |
Details of the electronic address (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGSURID | optional | VARCHAR(55) | Electronic address | Electronic address of the seller | 5790000435944 | HTGSURIDT | required if HTGSURID is filled | VARCHAR(10) | Electronic address type | Identification of the scheme | Codes can be found in the code list |
Detailed information on tax details of the seller (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGSETAX | optional | VARCHAR(35) | Taxnumber of the Seller | Tax number of the seller (FC) | 01/113/40209 | HTGSETAXT | optional | VARCHAR(35) | VAT of the Seller | Value added tax identification number (VA) | DE234567891 |
Detailed information about the buyer (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGBID | optional | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the Buyer | Identifier of the buyer (customer number) | B123456 | HTGBGLN | optional* | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the Buyer | Global identifier of the buyer | 4000001000006 | HTGBGLNT | necessary if HTGBGLN is filled.** | CHAR(5) | Type of global Identifier | Identification of the scheme | 0021 : SWIFT 0088 : EAN 0060 : DUNS 0177 : ODETTE other codes in the code list | HTGBNAME | required | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the Buyer | Company name/name of the buyer | Customers AG Middle |
Details of the organisation (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGBOID | optional | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the Organization | Identification of the buyer's legal registration |
| HTGBOIDT | optional | VARCHAR(10) | Type of Organization Identifier | Identification of the scheme |
| HTGBOTRBN | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Trading Business name | Trade name of the buyer |
Contact details of the buyer (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGBCT | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Contact Name of the Buyer | Contact name of the buyer | Hans Muster | HTGBCTD | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Department name of the Buyer | Department name of the buyer | Invoicing |
Detailed information on the telephone number of the contact person (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGBTE | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Phone number of the Buyer | Telephone number of the buyer's contact point | +49 (123) 56789-0 |
Detailed information on the email address of the contact person (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGBEM | optional | VARCHAR(200) | Mail adress of the Buyer | E-mail address of the buyer's contact point | hans.muster@buyer.tld |
Detailed information on the buyer's address (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGBZIP | required | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the Buyer | Postcode of the buyer | 69876 | HTGBAD1 | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 1 of the Buyer | Line 1 of the buyer address | Customer Street 15 | HTGBAD2 | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 2 of the Buyer | Line 2 of the buyer address | 3rd floor right | HTGBAD3 | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 3 of the Buyer | Line 3 of the buyer address | 3rd floor right | HTGBLC | required | VARCHAR(50) | City of the Buyer | City of buyer's address | Frankfurt | HTGBCR | required | CHAR(3) | Country ISO of the Buyer | Country code of the buyer address | DE | HTGBCSDN | optional | VARCHAR(25) | Country federal state | Federal State |
Details of the electronic address (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGBURID | optional | VARCHAR(55) | Electronic address | Electronic address of the buyer |
| HTGBURIDT | optional | VARCHAR(10) | Electronic address type | Identification of the scheme | Codes can be found in the code list |
Detailed information on tax details of the buyer (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGBTAXT | optional | VARCHAR(35) | VAT id of the Buyer | Value added tax identification number ("VA" in CII format) | DE234567781 |
Tax representative of the seller (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGTNAME | required | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the Seller Tax Representative | Name of the tax representative of the seller | Customers AG Middle |
Postal address of the tax representative of the seller (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGTZIP | optional | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the Seller Tax | Postcode of the tax representative's address |
| HTGTAD1 | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Address line 1 of the Seller Tax Representative | Line 1 of the tax representative document |
| HTGTAD2 | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Address line 2 of the Seller Tax Representative | Line 2 of the tax agent's document |
| HTGTAD3 | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Address line 3 of the Seller Tax Representative | Line 3 of the tax agent's document |
| HTGTLC | optional | VARCHAR(50) | City of the Seller Tax Representative | City of the tax attorney's office |
| HTGTCR | required | CHAR(3) | Country ISO of the Seller Tax Representative | Country code of the tax representative |
| HTGTCSDN | optional | VARCHAR(25) | Country federal state | Federal State |
Detailed information on the tax number of the seller's tax representative (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGTTAXT | required | VARCHAR(35) | USTid of the Seller Tax Representative | Value added tax identification number ("VA" in CII format) |
Detailed information on the corresponding order confirmation (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGORDERNR | optional | VARCHAR(35) | Order number | Sales order reference |
Details of the associated order (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGCORDNR | optional | VARCHAR(35) | Order number | Order reference |
Details of the associated contract (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTGCONTRNR | optional | VARCHAR(35) | Agreement number | Contract reference |
Justifying documents (optional) |
Note table ZF2INVDR. |
Detailed information on a project reference (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTSPPID | required | VARCHAR(10) | Project reference ID | Project reference |
| HTSPPNA | required* | VARCHAR(35) | Project name | Project name |
Grouping of delivery details (optional) |
Delivery information (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTLWRDID | optional | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the were recipients | Identification of the consignee | TO123456 | HTLWRDGLN | optional* | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the were recipients | Global identifier of the consignee (GLN) | 4000001000007 | HTLWRDGLNT | required if HTLWRDGLN is filled.** | CHAR(5) | Type of global identifier | Identification of the scheme | 0021 : SWIFT 0088 : EAN 0060 : DUNS 0177 : ODETTE other codes in the code list | HTLWRDREC | required | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the were recipients | Name/name of the consignee |
Delivery address (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTLWRDPLZ | Required | VARCHAR(10) | ZIP Code of the were recipients | Postcode of delivery address |
| HTLWRDAD1 | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 1 of the were recipients | Line 1 of the delivery address |
| HTLWRDAD2 | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 2 of the were recipients | Line 2 of the delivery address |
| HTLWRDAD3 | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Adress line 3 of the were recipients | Line 3 of the delivery address |
| HTLWRDCITY | required | VARCHAR(50) | City of the were recipients | City of delivery address |
| HTLWRDLC | required | CHAR(4) | Country ISO of the were recipients | Country code of delivery address |
| HTLWRCSDN | optional | VARCHAR(25) | Country federal state | Federal State |
Detailed information on actual delivery (optional) Note: In Germany, the date of delivery and performance is a mandatory information on invoices. This can be done here or at item level. |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTLDTD | optional | DATE '0001-01-01' | Actual Delivery Time | Actual date of delivery | 2018-12-10 |
Detailed information on the corresponding shipping notification (optional) |
Spaltenname | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTLDANR | optional | VARCHAR(25) | Despatch advice number | Shipping notification reference |
Detailinformationen zur zugehörigen Wareneingangsmeldung (optional) |
Spaltenname | Status | Spaltendefinition | Spaltenbeschreibung | Fachbegriff | Beispiel |
HTLWDANR | optional | VARCHAR(25) | Goods receipt notification number | Referenz auf die Wareneingangsmeldung |
Grouping of payment and settlement details (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTZGPCID | required | VARCHAR(15) | Creditor ID | Identification of the creditor |
| HTZGPZR | recommended | VARCHAR(200) | Intended purpose | Intended use |
| HTZGPTC | optional | VARCHAR(5) | Tax Currency Code | Code for the currency of the VAT accounting transaction |
| HTZGPIC | required | VARCHAR(5) | Invoice Currency Code | Code for the invoicing currency |
Creditor (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTZPRDREID | optional | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the Payment Receiver | Identification of the different payee |
| HTZPRDGLN | optional* | VARCHAR(35) | Global identifier of the Payment Receiver | Global identifier of the different payee |
| HTZPRDGLNT | required if HTZPRDGLN is filled.** | CHAR(5) | Type of global Identifier | Identification of the scheme | 0021 : SWIFT 0088 : EAN 0060 : DUNS 0177 : ODETTE other codes in the code list | HTZPRDREC | required | VARCHAR(255) | Company/Name of the Payment Receiver | Name/name of the payee |
Details of the organisation (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTZPROID | optional | VARCHAR(35) | Identifier of the Organization | Identification of the legal registration of the payee |
| HTZPROIDT | optional | VARCHAR(10) | Type of Organization Identifier | Identification of the scheme | Codes can be found in the ISO/IEC 6523 code list | HTZPROTRBN | optional | VARCHAR(50) | Trading Business name | Trade name |
Payment instructions (optional) |
Note table ZF2INVPT. |
Sales tax breakdown (required) |
Observe table ZF2INVTI. |
Detailed information on the accounting period (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTZBILLBP | optional | VARCHAR(15) | Beginning of the accounting period | Start of the financial period |
| HTZBILLBPF | required if HTZBILLBP is filled.* | CHAR(3) | Date Format | Date, Format | 102 | HTZBILLEP | optional | VARCHAR(15) | End of the accounting | End of the financial period |
| HTZBILLEPF | required if HTZBILLEP is filled.* | CHAR(3) | Date Format | Date, Format | 102 |
Surcharges and discounts at document level (optional) |
Observe table ZF2INVAC. |
Detailed information on payment conditions (optional) |
Note table ZFINVTP. |
Total sums at document level (required) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTZTSMSLT | required | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Total amount of positions | Sum of the net amounts of all invoice items | 6913.60 | HTZTSMSCT | optional | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Total amount of surcharges | Total surcharges at document level | 0.00 | HTZTSMSAT | optional | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Total amounts of discounts | Total discounts at document level | 0.00 | HTZTSMSTB1 | required | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Tax basic amount 1 | Total invoice amount without sales tax 1 | 6913.60 | HTZTSMSTT1 | optional | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Tax total amount 1 | Total invoice VAT amount Total tax amount in accounting currency 1 | 1313.58 | HTZTSMSRA | optional | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Rounding amount | Rounding amount |
| HTZTSMSGT1 | required | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Grand total amount 1 | Total invoice amount including VAT 1 | 8227.18 | HTZTSMSTPA | optional | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Deposit amount | Advance payment amount | 0.00 | HTZTSMSDPA | required | DECIMAL(15, 2) | Payment amount | Amount due for payment | 8227.18 |
Reference to previous invoices (optional) |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
HTZIRDIAID | required | VARCHAR(35) | Number of previous invoice | Number of the previous invoice |
| HTZIRDFIDT | optional | DATE '0001-01-01' | Invoice Date of previous invoice | Date of invoice |
Detailed information on the booking reference (optional) |
Note table ZF2INVBR. |
I-Effekt Felder |
Column name | Status | Column definition | Column description | Technical term | Example |
| VARCHAR(1) | State of Order | Status column | Empty string = Not processed, 1 = Processed |
| DECIMAL(15, 0) | i-effect Session Number | i-effect session number |
| DECIMAL(15, 0) | i-effect File Process Number | i-effect file process number |
| CHAR(255) | External recipient for SNDFILE | i-effect recipient from partner master data |
| CHAR(255) | External originator für SNDFILE | i-effect originator from partner master data |
*Field is not required in the UBL format of the X calculation
**Field is optional in UBL format of the X calculation