%Variables% in *SERVER Module
The following variables (%NAME%) can be used in process automation and when creating workflows in the *SERVER module. They stand within a command parameter as placeholders and are replaced by the corresponding values at runtime.
Name | Description | Application examples | Examples - triggered values |
%IFSPATH% | The path name of the IFS file selected for processing. | RPLSTRIFS FRMPATH('%IFSPATH%') FRMIFSFILE('%IFSFILE%') REPLACE((HEX25 *CRLF)) | RPLSTRIFS FRMPATH('/home/ieffect/edi/in') FRMIFSFILE('invoic.edi') REPLACE((HEX25 *CRLF)) |
%IFSFILE% | The file name of the IFS file selected for processing. | RPLSTRIFS FRMPATH('%IFSPATH%') FRMIFSFILE('%IFSFILE%') REPLACE((HEX25 *CRLF)) | RPLSTRIFS FRMPATH('/home/ieffect/edi/in') FRMIFSFILE('invoic.edi') REPLACE((HEX25 *CRLF)) |
%IFSFILEBASE% | The base file name (file name without path and extension) of the IFS file selected for processing. | RUNMAP TOPATH('%OUTPUTPATH%/%IFSFILEBASE%_%TIMESTAMP%.edi') | RUNMAP TOPATH('/HOME/IEFFECT/EDI/OUT/orders_2021-02-01-') |
%DB2FILE% | The file name of the DB2 file selected for processing. | CPYF FROMFILE(%DB2LIB%/%DB2FILE%) FROMMBR(%DB2MBR%) | CPYF FROMFILE(EDIIN/ORDERS) FROMMBR(ORDERS) |
%DB2LIB% | The library name of the DB2 file selected for processing. | CPYF FROMFILE(%DB2LIB%/%DB2FILE%) FROMMBR(%DB2MBR%) | CPYF FROMFILE(EDIOUT/INVOIC) FROMMBR(INVOIC) |
%DB2MBR% | The partial file name of the DB2 file selected for processing. | CPYF FROMFILE(%DB2LIB%/%DB2FILE%) FROMMBR(%DB2MBR%) | CPYF FROMFILE(EDIOUT/DESADV) FROMMBR(DESADV) |
%SPLUSER% | The user name of the job that created the spool file. | HLDSPLF FILE(%SPLFILE%) JOB(%JOBN%/%SPLUSER%/%SPLJOB%) SPLNBR(%SPLFILNR%) | HLDSPLF FILE(INVNEW1) JOB(133576/IEFFECT/MANUALTASK) SPLNBR(1) |
%JOBN% | The number of the job that created the spool file. | RLSSPLF FILE(%SPLFILE%) JOB(%JOBN%/%SPLUSER%/%SPLJOB%) SPLNBR(%SPLFILNR%) | RLSSPLF FILE(INVNEW1) JOB(133576/IEFFECT/MANUALTASK) SPLNBR(1) |
%USRDTA% | The user data attribute (USRDTA) of the spool file. | CVTSPLPDF OUTPFILE('%HOME%/%USRDTA%.pdf') | CVTSPLTXT OUTPFILE('/HOME/IEFFECT/INVNEW1.txt') |
%USRDFNDTA% | The USRDFNDTA attribute of the spool file. | SNDEMAIL RECIPIENT('%USRDFNDTA%') | SNDEMAIL RECIPIENT('info@menten.com') |
%TMP% | The name of the temporary system directory. | CVTSPLPDF OUTPFILE('%TMP%/%SPLFILENAME%') | CVTSPLPDF OUTPFILE('/TMP/INVNEW1.pdf) |
%HOME% | The "home path" ("/HOME/USERNAME") of the user running this job. | CVTSPLXLS OUTPFILE('%HOME%/%SPLFILENAME%') | CVTSPLXLS OUTPFILE('/HOME/IEFFECT/INVNEW1.xls) |
%CURDIR% | The current directory of the user with whom the server job was started. | RUNMAP TOPATH('%CURDIR%/%MSGTYPE%_%ABSENDER%_%EMPFAENGER%_%TIMESTAMP%.edi') | RUNMAP TOPATH('/HOME/IEFFECT/INVOIC_40077310000XX_40210170000XX_2021-02-01-') |
%USER% | Name of the current user. | SNDEMAIL RECIPIENT('%USER%') | SNDEMAIL RECIPIENT('i-effect@menten.com') |
%DATE% | Current date in the format DD.MM.YYYY | RUNMAP TOPATH('%OUTPUTPATH%/ORDERS_%_%DATE%.edi') | RUNMAP TOPATH('/HOME/IEFFECT/EDI/OUT/ORDERS_04.02.2021.edi') |
%YEAR% | The current year in the format YYYY. | RUNMAP TOPATH('%OUTPUTPATH%/ORDERS_%YEAR%.%MONTH%.%DAY%.edi') | RUNMAP TOPATH('/HOME/IEFFECT/EDI/OUT/ORDERS_2021.02.04.edi') |
%YEAR2% | The current year in the format YY. | RUNMAP TOPATH('%OUTPUTPATH%/ORDERS_%YEAR2%.%MONTH%.%DAY%.edi') | RUNMAP TOPATH('/HOME/IEFFECT/EDI/OUT/ORDERS_21.02.04.edi') |
%MONTH% | The current month in the format MM. | RUNMAP TOPATH('%OUTPUTPATH%/ORDERS_%YEAR%.%MONTH%.%DAY%.edi') | RUNMAP TOPATH('/HOME/IEFFECT/EDI/OUT/ORDERS_2021.02.04.edi') |
%MONTHNAME% | The advertised current month. | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('Salesreport for %DAY% %MONTHNAME% %YEAR%') | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('Salesreport for 04 february 2021') |
%DAY% | The current day in the format DD. | RUNMAP TOPATH('%OUTPUTPATH%/ORDERS_%YEAR%.%MONTH%.%DAY%.edi') | RUNMAP TOPATH('/HOME/IEFFECT/EDI/OUT/ORDERS_2021.02.04.edi') |
%WEEKDAY% | The name of the current day of the week. | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('ORDERS vom %WEEKDAY%, %DATE%, %TIME%') | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('ORDERS vom Freitag, 04.02.2021. 14:32') |
%TIME% | The current time in the format HH:MM:SS. | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('ORDERS vom %WEEKDAY%, %DATE%, %TIME%') | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('ORDERS vom Freitag, 04.02.2021. 14:32') |
%TIMESTAMP% | The current time stamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.MSMSMS | RUNMAP TOPATH('%CURDIR%/%MSGTYPE%_%ABSENDER%_%EMPFAENGER%_%TIMESTAMP%.edi') | RUNMAP TOPATH('/HOME/IEFFECT/INVOIC_40077310000XX_40210170000XX_2021-02-01-') |
%SESSIONNUMBER% | The current i-effect session number | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('Processing error occurred, Serverjob: %SERVERTSAKID%, Logbook session number: %SESSIONNUMBER%') | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('Verarbeitungsfehler aufgetreten, Serverjob: 2543, Logbuch Sitzungsnummer: 364523') |
%SERVERTASKID% | Current running server task number. | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('Processing error occurred, Serverjob: %SERVERTSAKID%, Logbook session number: %SESSIONNUMBER%') | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('Verarbeitungsfehler aufgetreten, Serverjob: 2543, Logbuch Sitzungsnummer: 364523') |
%SERVERJOB% | Current running server task number. | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('Processing error occurred, Serverjob: %SERVERJOB%, Logbook session number: %SESSIONNUMBER%') | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('Verarbeitungsfehler aufgetreten, Serverjob: 2543, Logbuch Sitzungsnummer: 364523') |
%LASTSERVERTIMESTAMP% | Timestamp of the last call of this server job in the format YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.MSMSMS | CVTDBFXL FROMFILE(*SQL) TOSTMF('/HOME/IEFFECT/Vorgangsprotokoll_%TIMESTAMP%') SQL('SELECT * FROM ieffectdb/vorgang WHERE REGTIMSTMP < ''%LASTSERVERTIMESTAMP%''') | CVTDBFXL FROMFILE(*SQL) TOSTMF('/HOME/IEFFECT/Vorgangsprotokoll_%TIMESTAMP%') SQL('SELECT * FROM ieffectdb/vorgang WHERE REGTIMSTMP < ''2021-02-01-''') |
%GETENVVAR:EnvVarName% | The value of the environment variable "EnvVarName". | CVTSPLPDF OUTPFILE('/%SRVDIR%/%GETENVVAR:ORDER_NR%.pdf') | CVTSPLPDF OUTPFILE('/HOME/IEFFECT/SERVER/OUT/1234567.pdf') |
%ARCHIVEFILE% | The full path name of the archive file stored in the process management. | PRCFWD FRMIFSFILE('%ARCHIVEFILE%') | PRCFWD FRMIFSFILE('/HOME/IEFFECT/EDI/ARCHIVE/orders.edi') |
%SQL_LOOKUP:sqlQuery% | Result of the execution of the SQL query "sqlQuery". | SNDEMAIL RECIPIENT('demo@menten.com') | SNDEMAIL RECIPIENT('demo@menten.com') SUBJECT('Preislistennummer: 1234567 erfolgreich versendet') |
%UNH_MESSAGETYPE% | The message type from the UNH segment of an EDIFACT file (UNH data element S009-0065). | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('%UNH_MESSAGETYPE%' IFTMIN) ('%UNH_MESSAGERELEASE%' 96A)) DELETE(*YES) | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('//home/ieffect/edi/in') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('IFTMIN' IFTMIN) ('%UNH_MESSAGERELEASE%' 96A)) DELETE(*YES) |
%UNH_MESSAGERELEASE% | The message release from the UNH segment of an EDIFACT file (UNH data element S009-0054). | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('%UNH_MESSAGETYPE%' IFTMIN) ('%UNH_MESSAGERELEASE%' 96A)) DELETE(*YES) | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('//home/ieffect/edi/in') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('IFTMIN' IFTMIN) ('96A' 96A)) DELETE(*YES) |
%UNB_ORIGINATOR% | The sender from the UNB segment of the EDIFACT file (UNB data element S002-0004). | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('%UNB_ORIGINATOR%' 5674872354376)) DELETE(*YES) | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('5674872354376' 5674872354376)) DELETE(*YES) |
%UNB_ORIGINATORQ% | The sender qualifier from the UNB segment of the EDIFACT file (UNB data element S002-0007). | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('%UNB_ORIGINATOR%' 5674872354376) ('%UNB_ORIGINATORQ%' 14) DELETE(*YES) | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('5674872354376' 5674872354376) ('14' 14)) DELETE(*YES) |
%UNB_RECIPIENT% | The recipient from the UNB segment of the EDIFACT file (UNB data element S003-0010). | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('%UNB_RECIPIENT%' 5674872354376)) DELETE(*YES) | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('5674872354376' 5674872354376)) DELETE(*YES) |
%UNB_RECIPIENTQ% | The recipient qualifier from the UNB segment of the EDIFACT file (UNB data element S003-0007). | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('%UNB_RECIPIENT%' 5674872354376) ('%UNB_RECIPIENTQ%' 14) DELETE(*YES) | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('5674872354376' 5674872354376) ('14' 14)) DELETE(*YES) |
%UNB_INTREF% | The data exchange reference from the UNB segment of the EDIFACT file (UNB data element 0020). | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('%UNB_INTREF%' 1234872)) DELETE(*YES) | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('1234872' 1234872)) DELETE(*YES) |
%UNB_TEST% | The test indicator from the UNB segment of the EDIFACT file (UNB data element 0035). | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('%UNB_ORIGINATOR%' 5674872354376) ('%UNB_TEST%' 1)) DELETE(*YES) | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('5674872354376' 5674872354376) ('1' 1)) DELETE(*YES) |
%UNH_MESSAGEVERSION% | The message version from UNH segment of the EDIFACT file (UNH data element S009-0052). | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('%UNB_ORIGINATOR%' 5674872354376) ('%UNB_TEST%' 1) ('%UNH_MESSAGEVERSION%' D)) DELETE(*YES) | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('%UNB_ORIGINATOR%' 5674872354376) ('%UNB_TEST%' 1) ('D' D)) DELETE(*YES) |
%UNH_MESSAGEAGENCY% | The message controlling digit from the UNH segment of the EDIFACT file (UNH data element S009-0051). | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('%UNB_ORIGINATOR%' 5674872354376) ('%UNB_TEST%' 1) ('%UNH_MESSAGEVERSION%' D) ('%UNH_MESSAGEAGENCY%' UN)) DELETE(*YES) | CPYEFFEDI FRMIFSFILE('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('/home/ieffect/edi/in/IFTMIN/D96A') PARMS(('%UNB_ORIGINATOR%' 5674872354376) ('%UNB_TEST%' 1) ('D' D) ('UN' UN)) DELETE(*YES) |
%WEBCONTROLSESSIONLINK% | With the help of this variable, a link is provided that can be used to refer directly to the session logbook of the respective session within i-effect WebControl. | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('Verarbeitungsfehler aufgetreten, Serverjob: %SERVERTSAKID%, Logbuch Sitzungsnummer: %SESSIONNUMBER%') MSGTEXT('Webcontrol Sitzung: %WEBCONTROLSESSIONLINK%') | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('Verarbeitungsfehler aufgetreten, Serverjob: %SERVERTSAKID%, Logbuch Sitzungsnummer: %SESSIONNUMBER%') MSGTEXT('Webcontrol Sitzung: https://MAPIK.GL.MENTEN.DE:443') |
%SERVERJOBDESCRIPTION% | The short description of the server entry. | ||
%SERVERERRORMESSAGES% | The job log messages of the current job with a rating >= 30 | ||
%SERVERERRORMESSAGESHTML% | The job log messages of the current job with a rating >= 30 formatted as HTML text. | ||
%STATUS% | When using the server variable %STATUS% as a special value in MSGTEXT parameter of the SNDEMAIL command, the message text is taken from a template supplied with the product. This is an HTML template that can be used during the workflow of a server task to send status information. The template shows the most important parameters of the completed job as well as a link to the corresponding session in WebControl. | SNDEMAIL SUBJECT('Verarbeitungsfehler aufgetreten, Serverjob: %SERVERTSAKID%, Logbuch Sitzungsnummer: %SESSIONNUMBER%') MSGTEXT('%STATUS%') | |
%IFSPATH_IND:occurence% | The part of the path name of the IFS file whose index is specified in the parameter "occurence". | CPYEFFUNIQ FRMIFSFILE('%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') TODIR('HOME/IEFFECT/EDI/ARCHIVE/%IFSPATH_IND:4%') | CPYEFFUNIQ FRMIFSFILE('/home/ieffect/edi/invoic/invoic.edi') TODIR('HOME/IEFFECT/EDI/ARCHIVE/INVOIC') |
%GETSEQUENCE:sequence% | The value of the specified SQL sequence "sequence". | RUNMAP MAPID('INVOIC_XML') FS(*NONE) | RUNMAP MAPID('INVOIC_XML') FS(*NONE) TOPATH('/HOME/IEFFECT/EDI/OUT/XML/INVOIC_327567.xml') |
%CONTRL_EMAIL_FROM% | With the help of this variable, the e-mail address of the sender of the EDI message can be transferred for further processing. | SNDEMAIL RECIPIENT('%CONTRL_EMAIL_FROM%') SUBJECT('%IFSFILE%') MSGTEXT('Diese Nachricht wurde maschinell erstellt') ATTACH('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') | SNDEMAIL RECIPIENT('edifact@Host.Domain') SUBECT('CONTRL__99107430000XX_99009630000XX_20210204_120228887.txt') MSGTEXT('Diese Nachricht wurde maschinell erstellt') |
%CONTRL_EMAIL_TO% | With the help of these variables, the e-mail address of the sender of the EDI message can be transferred for further processing. | SNDEMAIL RECIPIENT('%CONTRL_EMAIL_TO%') SUBJECT('%IFSFILE%') MSGTEXT('Diese Nachricht wurde maschinell erstellt') ATTACH('/%IFSPATH%/%IFSFILE%') | SNDEMAIL RECIPIENT('edifact@Host.Domain') SUBECT('CONTRL__99107430000XX_99009630000XX_20210204_120228887.txt') MSGTEXT('Diese Nachricht wurde maschinell erstellt') |