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Settings of the *MAPGUI Eclipse plug-in

Step 1 - Open the settings dialog:

You can open the settings for the i-effect MapGUI via the gear wheel in the toolbar.

Step 2 - Connecting to the machine

The next step is to connect to the machine running your i-effect system. You make the settings under System in the marked area. Then click on Apply.

Step 4 - Connection established

After successfull connection your dialog will look like this:

You will now see that the MAPGUI has successfully connected to your system, and it is also licensed for use.

EFFEDI subsystem has not been started

If the RMI server (the EFFEDI Subsystem) is not started or is not accessible, the following error message appears:

Step 1 - Start the EFFEDI subsystem

Please restart the EFFEDI subsystem via WebControl or use following command.


Schritt 2 - Wait for connection

The connection is checked at short intervals and as soon as a connection to the subsystem can be established, the window is updated.

No valid license on the i-effect server

If you receive the following error messages, check whether you have a valid license for the * MAPGUI.

Step 1 - Open the i-effect menue in the green screen

Proceed in the green screen to the i-effect menu menue item 80 - Working with program modules.

Here you should find the entry *LICENSE under the module name *MAPGUI. If not bring in the license data.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.