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Send data via FTP (SNDFTP)

To use the functions described here, you need a license for the i-effect modules *BASE and *FTP.

The SNDFTP command is used to send any data via FTP using predefined partner profiles.

When transferring objects from DB2 ( FS(*DB2) ) to another IBM Power Systems system ( TARGETPATH(*FRMPATH) or TARGETPATH(/qsys.lib/...) i-effect uses the standard commands SAVOBJ and RSTOBJ.

When you place your mouse over your username in the upper right corner in WebControl, the following drop-down menu opens:

Use the menu item "Execute command" from the drop-down menu. The "Execute command" window opens:

Here you select *COMMUNICATE for processing (1) and *FTP/SEND for the conversion type (2). With the "Edit command" button you can edit the following parameters for the command:

Receiver Partner-IDAt this point, refer to a partner profile created in the master data. If you enter the value *NONE, no recipient partner ID is assigned. The specifications required for the recipient must then be specified in other parameters of this command.
Profile No.At this point, refer to a communication profile created in the master data. If the value *NONE is specified, no communication profile is assigned. The specifications required for the remote system must then be specified in further parameters of this command.
Source file systemEnter the file system of the input file here. Choose between *DB2, the DB2 file system, and *IFS (Integrated File System).
Source path (*IFS)The input file to be sent is entered here.
Source file (*DB2)Source fileSelect *ALL to send all files in the source directory / source library or specify the name of the input file to be sent.

LibraryThe library of the source file in the DB2 file system.

Part fileThe source part file in the DB2 file system.
Target pathEnter the path for storing the file in the target system. With the value *FRMPATH, the target path is taken from the specification for the source path.
Target fileEnter the file name of the file in the target system here. With the value *FRMFILE, the target file name is taken from the specification for the source file.
ReplaceSpecify here whether the transferred file is to overwrite a file with the same name in the target system.
Command Target systemHere you can transfer up to 50 FTP commands for the target system via FTP. This command is executed remotely.
Command timeIf you want to have a command executed on the remote system, you can define here whether it is executed before or after the transfer. The values *BEFORE and *AFTER are available for selection. The command is executed before or after the FTP transfer, depending on your selection.
Pattern for renamingSpecify here whether the transferred file should be renamed on the target system after it has been successfully sent and, if necessary, a new name or name pattern.
Delete after transmissionSpecify here whether the transferred source file should be deleted after sending.
EncryptionDetermines whether the connection should be encrypted.

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