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RUNMAP - Start Mapping

EDFEDI Subsystem

The mapper's core runs as a subsystem on the IBM Power Systems. It ties all existing licensed modules together and makes them available for mapping processes.

It also provides the connection to the GUI, which provides the directories of the modules, tasks, further information, etc.

There are basically two ways to start and end the subsystem:

  1. 85 from the i-effect Menu and "*EDI" starts the system or 86 and "*EDI" ends the system.
  2. The subsystem can also be started from the i-effect Menu with STRSBS EFFEDI and ended with ENDSBS EFFEDI.

The RUMAP-command starts a mapping. It sends the job information to the subsystem that is required to create a mapping order.

The RUNMAP-Command in Detail


Mapping ID used during mapping that is assigned to a specific mapping definition. The default is *AUTO. Selecting an input file is required here. The mapper will automatically select the correct mapping ID based on the file contents and partner master data. A mapping ID can also be directly entered in this parameter.

The mapping ID is e.g determined for overwriting a mapping in the i-effect MAPGUI.




Determines the file system in which the input file is stored.

*DB2The input file is a member of a physical file in the DB2 database.
*IFSThe input file is a file in the IFS file system("/"-file system)
*NONEThere is not input file. Should only be used for a mapping that uses a database as it's data source.


only with


Specification of the path in the IFS file system from which files will be read by this command.


nur bei


Specification of the files from the path in FRMPATH. By using the wild cards "*" and "?" several files can be selected for processing at once.

*All files in the selected directory will be processed.
generic*Part of the file's name may be substituted with an asterisk (*). Please enter the first part of the name followed by (*) to receive a list of all the files whose names begin with this first part entered. For generic names the following formats are possible:
ABC*All files beginning with the characters ABC will be processed, e.g. "ABC", "ABSD" or "ABCTEST".
"a*"All files whose names are in quotation marks and begin with an "a" are processed, e.g. "a", "aB", "aD".
*.ediAll files, whose extension is "edi" will be processed.

If RUNMAP is called up without *SERVER, only one (!) file per call can be passed on.



only with *DB2

Specify the DB2 input file for processing.

*ALLAll files in the source directory/ library will be processed.
NameEnter the name of the input file.
genericUse an asterisk "*" as a wild card for generic selection.

Furthermore, you can specify the library and the member file:

For the library, you can use a library in a DB2-file system instead of *DEFAULT.

For the part file, you can specify a source file member in the DB2 file system instead of *ALL.


If input files were selected, this parameter specifies if the mapper will find the correct Module-Handler by analyzing the file contents. By directly selecting the mapping module in this parameter the time required to start the mapping process will be reduced.

*AUTOAutomatic identification of the input file's structure.
*EDIFACTThe input file is an EDIFACT file.
*XMLThe input file is an XML file.
*X12The input file is an X12 file.
*CSVThe input file is a CSV file.
*FLATFILEThe input file is a FLATFILE file.


If input files were selected, this parameter specifies if the mapper will find the correct file definition by analyzing the file contents. The directory can be directly specified in this parameter, if desired.

*AUTOAutomatic recognition of the directory by analyzing the file structure.
NameThe directory is entered into this parameter. The format for directory specification depends on the module, which process the file. The directory form for *EDIFACT is ORDERS/D/93A/UN/EAN0005.

ORIGINATORIf a orginator can be selected for the mapping, this parameter is used to specify the orginator. The default is: *NONE.
RECIPIENTIf a recipient can be selected for the mapping, this parameter is used to specify the recipient. The default is: *NONE

If the mapping or module supports processing of test indicator, this parameter specifies which (test or productive) mappings are processed.

*AUTO(Default) i-effect configuration controls test or productive message selection.
*ALLTest and productive messages will be processed.
*TESTOnly test messages will be processed.
*PRODOnly productive messages will be processed.

 Mappings that write their output into a file system use this parameter to identify the name of the output path.

*FRMPATHThe input path.
*NONEThere is no output file (if the database is the target).
NameSpecify the output file's absolute path.

An alternate path can be specified for input or output files that cannot be processed. Erroneous files will be moved to this directory or, if possi-ble, will be written there in their output file structure for future analysis.

Default is the directory error within the MAPPER module directory.


Processed input and output files can be archived. This parameter specifies the archive path.

Default is the directory archive within the MAPPER module directory.

Please note that this parameter is not intended for output files. For this, use the command "Target path for Copy / Move" in the data selection 12 in the server task.


It is possible, with i-effect, to remotely call up certain tasks from other IBM System i in the network. It is also possible to call up this command remotely. The sever on which i-effect is installed and licensed must be specified in this case. The parameter consists of three elements.

To display the parameters please press F9 to show other commands.

DNS Name or IP

Enter either the DNS name or the IP address of the i-effect-server.

*LOCALHOSTThis default value specifies that the command is called up on the same system where i-effect is installed. It is required that a port be assigned in the next parameter.


Enter the port from which the i-effect command will be called up. This port is dependent on the area for TCP/IP

Ports specified in the default settings of the *BASE module. (Menu item 80).

Type of Call

This parameter defines whether the calling server first waits for feedback or is immediately available for further actions.

*SYNCHSynchronous means that the system will wait for an answer from the remote side, with for example SNDOFTP, all files will be sent, before further actions can be taken.
*ASYNCHThe iSeries server is immediately available for further actions, as processing of the remote-controlled call runs in the background.

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