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The file "" can be used to set the default behavior to retry file sending. In the OFTP2 protocol the transmission can be rejected (SFNA) for various reasons or be faulty after transmission (EFNA). In this file, adjust whether the file is to be sent again.

The file is stored in the Ieffect installation folder in the OFTP2 directory. If the file does not exist or a setting is not specified, the corresponding default value is used. Lines beginning with # are ignored and can be used as comment lines.

You can configure each rejection reason individually. Three values are available for this:

  • never - The file is not sent again
  • always - The file is always sent again
  • indicator - The recommendation in the SFNA is followed

The following settings are available:

  • 01 Invalid filename.
    Erklärung: The virtual filename does not contain valid ODETTE characters. Ensure that only upper case alphabetic characters, numbers 0 to 9 and characters & ()-./ are used.
    Standardwert: SFNA.INVALID_FILENAME=never
  • 02 Invalid destination.
    Erklärung: The destination EDI code (file or message node) is not profiled in the Comms Manager section of the Administrator.
    Standardwert: SFNA.INVALID_DESTINATION=indicator
  • 03 Invalid origin.
    Erklärung: The origin EDI code (file or message node) is not profiled in the Comms Manager section of the Administrator.
    Standardwert: SFNA.INVALID_ORIGIN=indicator
  • 04 Storage record format not supported.
    Erklärung: The storage format for the virtual file cannot be supported by the destination. This would occur if, for example, a Variable length record was sent to a machine that could only handle Fixed length records.
  • 05 Maximum record length not supported.
    Erklärung: The maximum record length that the destination machine can handle has been exceeded.
  • 06 File size is too big.
    Erklärung: The file is too large for either the OFTP or the remote site to handle.
    Standardwert: SFNA.FILE_SIZE_EXCEED=never
  • 10 Invalid record count.
    Erklärung: The 'Number of records' field, stored on the EFID, does not match the number counted during the transmission.
    Standardwert: SFNA.INVALID_RECORD_COUNT=indicator
  • 11 Invalid byte count.
    Erklärung: The 'Number of bytes' field, stored on the EFID, does not match the number counted during the transmission.
    Standardwert: SFNA.INVALID_BYTE_COUNT=indicator
  • 12 Access method failure.
    Erklärung:The remote site has had a problem storing the virtual file. This is often caused by the receiver running out of disk space.
    Standardwert: SFNA.ACCESS_METHOD_FAILURE=indicator
  • 13 Duplicate file.
    Erklärung:The Virtual filename, Date, and Time should be unique. This message states that a second virtual file has been transmitted with exactly the same name, date and time as an existing file.
    Standardwert: SFNA.DUPLICATE_FILE=never
  • 14 File direction refused.
    Erklärung: A sender only cannot receive a file and vice versa.
    Standardwert: SFNA.FILE_DIRECTION_REFUSED=always
  • 15 Cipher suite not supported.
    Erklärung: If present in a SFNA, the algorithm used to sign/encrypt the file is not supported. Agree with your trading partner which cipher suite you will use. If present in an EFNA, the signature failed verification. The file has become corrupted.
  • 16 Encrypted file not allowed.
    Erklärung: If present in a SFNA, the receiver does not want files to be encrypted. If present in an EFNA, the file could not be decrypted. It has become corrupted.
  • 17 Unencrypted file not allowed.
    Erklärung: If present in a SFNA, the receiver requires files to be encrypted. If present in an EFNA, the file could not be decompressed. It has become corrupted.
  • 18 Compression not allowed.
    Erklärung: The receiver does not support advanced OFTP compression.
    Standardwert: SFNA.COMPRESSION_NOT_ALLOWED=never
  • 19 Signed file not allowed.
    Erklärung: The receiver does not support signed files.
    Standardwert: SFNA.SIGNED_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED=never
  • 20 Unsigned file not allowed.
    Erklärung: The receiver does not support unsigned files.
    Standardwert: SFNA.UNSIGNED_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED=never
  • 21 Invalid file signature.
    Erklärung: File signature failed verification. The file has become corrupted.
    Standardwert: SFNA.INVALID_FILE_SIGNATURE=always
  • 22 File decryption failure.
    Erklärung: File could not be decrypted. It has become corrupted.
    Standardwert: SFNA.FILE_DECRYPTION_FAILURE=always
  • 23 File decompression failure.
    Erklärung: File could not be decompressed. It has become corrupted.
  • 99 Unspecified reason.
    Erklärung: There has been an error that does not fit into any of the above categories.
    Standardwert: SFNA.UNSPECIFIED=indicator
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