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The post-mapping group has four entry points:

  • Post Tasks
  • Post ERROR-Tasks
  • Post-job Tasks
  • Post-job ERROR-Tasks

The tasks defined here will be called up under specific circumstances.

Module shut down closes the mapping. With the EDIFACT module, for example, the files will be written into the output directory or the DB mod-ule will close the transaction with the database.

Postmapping Tasks

Post mapping tasks are called up directly after the mapping and before the module is shut down, if the mapping was finished successfully. In this way, actions can be performed at a specific place during mapping process, either to send special messages or to activate specific user tasks.

Postmapping Error-Tasks

Post error tasks are called up after a mapping and before the module is shut down, if an error occurred during the mapping and has the status ER-ROR. Specific tasks can be called up, if, for example an error should activate clean up operation or send certain notifications.

Post Job-Tasks

Post-job tasks are called up during module shut down, if the mapping itself and the actions for ending the mapping were successful. This way, additional specific actions can be defined.

Post Job Error-Tasks

Post-job error tasks are called up during module shut down, if the actions for ending a mapping were not run successfully.
Specific tasks can be called up, if, for example an error should activate clean up operation or send certain notifications.

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