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Meaning of the name i-effect

The name i-effect is a result of the technical benefits of the software:

  • i-effect achieves optimal integration of data using the IBM Power Systems
  • IBM Power Systems users can integrate IBM Power Systems and external business data, using i-effect, to consolidate and speed up global business processes using IBM Power Systems
  • Cross-platform B2B-communication is made more efficient
  • i-effect, which meets the most modern requirements made of an application, runs reliably in the background
  • All its processes can be automated.


i-effect is a modular standard solution. The modules cover the areas of spool conversion, SQL-based database export and import, data compression and encryption, as well as communication and distribution of IBM Power Systems files. All functions can be automated. i-effect's modular structure offers a wide range of high-performance functions for application areas, which allows users to individually tailor the modules to their needs.
The individual modules can be combined. As an all-in-one solution, i-effect fulfills all business requirements of data integration.

Application Fields of the Modules

i-effect has a modular structure. The following gives a brief description of the benefits of each module.

*SPOOL and *DBEXPORT: Conversion provides flexibility

The module *SPOOL allows the user to process IBM Power Systems spooled files on other systems and platforms. *SPOOL converts IBM Power Systems spooled files into modern industrial standard formats, for example: PDF as the de facto standard for distribution of electronic documents, HTML for website display, XLS for processing of data-tables, and RTF for processing in all modern word processors.

The following formats can be generated with *SPOOL:

*TEXT ASCII-TextThe contents of the spooled data are converted into ASCII text, which is delimited by the combination of carriage return and line feed.
*HTXT HTML-TextText of the spooled data is converted into HTML and is viewable with a browser. Variable fonts, bold print, and other text attributes will not be converted. This format should be used to view conventional IBM Power Systems reports using a browser when column alignment and text position are more important than the exact appearance of the report.
*HTML HTMLContents and attributes of the spooled data are converted, to be viewed, in a browser in HTML format. Text attributes such as font size, font type, bold text, and underlined text will be rendered in the new file, but the text position in the original can be different than the new file.
This format should be used if column alignment and text position are less important than style and properties of the report text.
*PDF Portable Document FormatThe contents and attributes of the spooled data are converted into a PDF. PDFs can be viewed and printed using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
*RTFRich Text FormatContents and attributes of the spooled data are converted into RTF format. RTF files can be viewed and printed with almost all word processors such as MS Word, Word-Pad or Lotus Word Pro.
*GIFGraphics-Interchange-FormatThe spooled data is converted into GIF format. Files can be printed or viewed using an appropriate picture processing program.
*TIFF_G4 Tagged Image File FormatSpooled data is converted into TIFF_G4 format. Files can be printed or viewed using an appropriate picture processing program.
*TIFF_PBTagged Image File FormatSpooled data is converted into TIFF_PB format. Files can be printed or viewed using an appropriate picture processing program.


Excel worksheet

The data can be transferred into a MS Excel worksheet for further use.
*CSVDelimited ASCII-TextThe text content of the spooled data is converted into the delimited ASCII text format. The margins are created by a combination of carriage return and line feed.
Using the DELIMITERS parameter the delimiters can be specified in order to separate fields and string delimiters. This option can also create files in CSV format and other similar formats to import them into spreadsheet software and other PC applications.
*SAV ArchiveThe spooled data is saved in the compressed archive-format. They can be decompressed with the CVSTMSPFL command.

*DBEXPORT is a SQL based product and accommodates, using push-technology with DB/2-files, PC formats such as XLS and HTML.

* DBEXPORT can process the following data and sources:

  • Spontaneous SQL queries 
  • SQL queries that are stored in a part of source file  
  • Query/400-queries 
  • Query management (QM / 400) visits 
  • Physical Power Systems (AS / 400) files 
  • Logical Power Systems (AS / 400) files     

* DBEXPORT, the results or content spend these input sources streamable files in the following formats:

  • XLS (EXCEL), [both the BIFF 8 format (compatible with Excel 97 and higher) and the BIFF 5 format (compatible with Excel 5 and higher)  
  • HTML
  • CSV (Comma Separated Value) and any other limitation text formats  
  • Fixed Text Format

*ZIP: Compression saves memory

By compressing your business data, you reduce your storage and communication costs. The module *ZIP compressed to the logic of gzip, the de facto standard of data compression. It reduces your data storage requirements by 90%. With * ZIP example, you can manage your ZIP archives. It is 100% compatible with other archive programs and therefore the ideal support for the exchange of data between different systems. You can save your compressed data with other platforms to exchange for i-effect converts between ASCII and EBCDIC.

* EMAIL, *AS2, *HTTP , *OFTP, *FTP and *FAX: Communication in all directions

The module *EMAIL is for sending and receiving IFS files converted spool files (z. B. as a PDF document), ZIP archive files or any other data from your system through a standard SMTP server.

The module *AS2 is used to send and receive data over an HTTP / HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) connection and allows direct connection to a partner in order to transmit data safely and promptly.
Electronic business documents in any format (EDI, XML, CSV, txt etc.) will be encrypted if necessary and with an electronic signature provided to the counterparty.
The return of one status message reveals whether data transmission was successful.

The *HTTP module is used to send and receive any data via HTTP POST. This can provide some via SSL secure connection (HTTPS) be used.

The modules *OFTP integrates oftp (OFTP) in i-effect and offers full support OFTP. The OFTP Server is able to accept files from partners and also deliver to partners.

The module *FTP allows data via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to send and receive.

With *FAX sending any printing system easily via the Internet gateway to a fax service provider. With email and eFax communication you do not need additional hardware and software. The maintenance and management costs for faxing omitted. Due to the enormous power of the Internet-fax service your fax messages reach the receiver almost simultaneously. In addition, you can send with *FAX and SMS.

*SERVER: Full process automation

You save administration time and costs with the complete automation of the i-effect-functional processes. The *SERVER module calls the functions on time or event driven.

*CRYPT: Advanced signing and encrypting

The module *CRYPT is used to sign / verify PDF files and the encryption / decryption of any file. In combination with the module * EMAIL may encrypted and signed emails generate (S / MIME).

*SIGG: Qualified electronic signature

i-effect *SIGG (Qualified Electronic Signature) enables files in general and PDF files in particular qualified according to the requirements of the German Digital Signature Ordinance (the Ordinance) and the German Signature Law (SigG) to sign. i-effect *SIGG (Qualified Electronic Signature) is working to ensure a high level of security within a closed system environment.

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