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Outbount communication

The page outbound communication displays information about outgoing communication. As a special feature, the display can be extended by freely definable index terms. 

Possible activities on this page:


Filter settings can also be made in this menu item at any time in order to select the necessary information more quickly. In the filter settings of this page, in addition to the search field, it is also possible to filter by sender and recipient, all index terms, transaction number, file ID, session number, date and time for creation, modification, registration and archiving, as well as by module name, status, archive status and message type.


The files that can be opened are indicated in the table by a bold font of the file name. Files can be opened by a mouse click on the file name, or by the entry Archive file in the context menu.


All sessions associated with the document can be opened from the context menu. Additionally, logs and error reports can be opened.

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Filestatus (OFTP2)

Files that have been received and for which a (negative) acknowledgement of receipt has been created have the status WAIT. The system waits for the receipt confirmation to be sent. As soon as the acknowledgement of receipt has been transmitted to the partner, the status changes to OK. If an error occurs while the file is being received or even during unpacking, decrypting and/or signature verification, the status is set to ERROR.

Special case controlled sending of a single file

If a single file is transferred in OFTP2 in a controlled way, it skips several states. The file is only entered with the status OK.

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