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The file "" contains additional options for the OFTP2 module. It contains parameter to optimize the performance of your machine and rarely used parameter. The file can be found in the installation directory in the OFTP2 directory.

The file is stored in the Ieffect installation folder in the OFTP2 directory. If the file does not exist or a setting is not specified, the corresponding default value is used. Lines beginning with # are ignored and can be used as comment lines.

OFTP2 allows following settings:

  • The file name pattern for received files
    Determines the pattern that is used to build the file name from the virtual file informations. Following variables can be used:

    ${dataset_name}The "dataset" name of the virtual file
    ${originator}The originator of the file
    ${destination}The destination of the file
    ${file_date}The creation date of the virtual file
    ${file_time}The creation time of the virtual file
    ${client_or_server}Will be replaced by 'client', if the file was received by client (STROFTP2 command)
    Will be replaced by 'server', if the file was received by a server
    ${user_data}Custom data that was set by originator and send with the virtual file

    To uniquely identify a file the dataset name, file date, and file time attributes must contained in the file name. Otherwise a error can occurr on delivery.
    Default value: file_naming_pattern=${client_or_server}-${dataset_name}_${originator}_${destination}_${user_data}_${file_date}_${file_time}

  • Maximum time to wait for file exchange
    The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for a exchange file while connected and awaitung an exchange file. For example, the OFTP2 module will wait for an EERP after receiving a file. The default value equals 10 seconds.
    Default value: exchange_wait_time_max=10000
  • Parameter for file delivery
    Es kann die Auslastung optimiert werden durch anpassen des Verhaltens der verwendeten Threads für die Zustellung von Dateien. Es gibt folgende Möglichkeiten:
    • Number of threads that never expire.
      Default value: file_pool_size_core=0
    • Maximum number of active threads.
      Default value: file_pool_size_max=10
    • Maximum time in seconds that idle threads wait for a new job.
      Default value: file_pool_alive_time=10
  • Parameter for notification delivery
    Es kann die Auslastung optimiert werden durch anpassen des Verhaltens der verwendeten Threads für die Zustellung von Benachrichtigungen. Es gibt folgende Möglichkeiten:
    • Number of threads that never expire.
      Default value: notif_pool_size_core=0
    • Maximum number of active threads.
      Default value: notif_pool_size_max=5
    • Maximum time in seconds that idle threads wait for a new job
      Default value: notif_pool_alive_time=10
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