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Menu item19: Convert Spool file into other spool file(s) (CVTSPLSPLF)

The command "Convert Spooled File to Spooled File" converts a spooled file into one or more other spooled files.

  • To copy a spooled file.
  • It can be used for many different purposes:
  • To split a spooled file into several smaller spooled files, based on user defined criteria.
  • To remove unwanted pages from the spooled file.

Spooled File (FILE)The description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
OUTPFILEThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
JOBNAMThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLNBRThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLITThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLITPAGEThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLITPOSThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLITKEYThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXITPGMThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXITPGMPRMThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXITPGMPOSThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXITPGMKEYThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXCLPAGNBRThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXCLPAGKEYThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
Owner of the New Spooled File (OWNER)

Determines the user, who is the owner of the spooled file(s) being created.
Possible Values:

*CURRENTThe current user is the owner.
*SPLFThe owner is the owner of the original spooled file. An error will occur, if the owner has no user profile in the system.
nameName the user profile of the new spooled file's owner.
Output Priority (OUTPTY)

Determines the output priority to be assigned to the new spooled file.
Possible Values:

*JOBThe ouptut queue's priority is definded by the OUTPTY attribute by running the command.

The ouput priority of the original spooled file will be used.

A restoration error will occur if the priority is higher than the user's maximum level of output priority for spooled file restoration. This error can be avoided by entering a lower priority.

1-9Specify the output priority (1-9).
Output Queue (OUTQ)

Defines the output queue in which the new spooled file(s) will be created.
Single Values:

*JOBThe queue defined in the OUTQ attribute of the job will be used.
*SPLFThe output queue of the source spooled file will be used.
1-9Specify the output priority (1-9).

There are two further parameters:

Output Queue
NameName the output queue in which the spooled file(s) will be created.
*LIBLThe output queue will be called up from the library list.
*CURLIBThe output queue is in the current library.
NameEnter the library's name in which the output queue exists.



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