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Menu item 80: Working with program modules (WRKEFFMOD)

Select this menu item to license modules and to change default settings of installed modules.
i-effect® can be configured and adapted to client specific needs by calling up these menu items at any time. To some extent, modifications of the parameters will be realized immediately after entering the values; others will come into effect after restarting the sub systems (*AS2, *EMAIL, *CRYPT, *FAX, *HTTP and *OFTP).
Select menu item 80 in the i-effect main menu to work with program modules.

The following display will appear:

The dialog program shows the following parameters:

- "Product", the in-system description of the i-effect license program.
- The i-effect release number.
- Under "Position to", the list of modules can be repositioned by entering a character string. Repositioning is begun with the first module larger than or equal to the value entered into this field.
- The table shows the most important details of the licensed
module, e.g. module name.


To edit the entries, the following options can be used. Enter the option number into the choice box at the beginning of the line of the corresponding entry.

Add License Key
Information (option 1)
To enter the license number for modules that will be licensed, use option 1. The license number is automatically communicated to you after the manufacrurer has received the license order.
Change (option 2)- To change license program information for licensed modules, use option 2 in the corresponding choice box.
Display (option 5)- To display all details concerning the current licensing of the relevant module, use option 5 in the corresponding choice box. A new dialog program will appear. Current prohibitions, the license key, and possibly the expiration date of the demo version can be viewed.
Additional Parameters
(option 8)-
To edit adjustable parameters for licensed modules, use option 8.

Additional Parameters (Option 8)

Some i-effect modules have adjustable parameter values. These can be called up and edited by using option 8.

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