QRYFILE (Query File) | The QRYFILE (Query File) parameter only appears if FROMFILE(*QRYDFN) is specified, indicating that a Query/400 query should be run. This parameter indicates the names of the file(s) to be used as the input for queries. Up to 32 qualified file names and member names may be specified by this parameter. In order to specify a list of files and members, *QRYFILE must be specified here as the value of the query file name on the QRYDFN parameter. The single value *QRYDFN (the default) indicates that the files specified in the Query/400 query object will be used. This parameter contains 2 elements: File | File Name | The name of the file to be queried. This overrides the file name specified in the Query/400 object. |
The possible library values are: *LIBL | All libraries in the user and system portions of the job‘s library list are searched until the first match is found. | *CURLIB | The current library for the job will be used to locate the database file. If no library is specified as the current li-brary for the job, the QGPL library will be used. | Library Name | Enter a library name that will be searched. |
| Member | *FIRST | The first member is used. | member_name | The name of the member to be used. |
QMQRY (Query Management Query Options) | The QMQRY (Query Management Query Options) parameter only appears if FROMFILE(*QMQRY) is specified, indicating that the input is to be the output created by a Query Management (QM) query. This parameter indicates the name of the QM Query object to be run . See the QRYSLT parameter for details on how it relates to record selection performed with the query. See the SORT parameter for details on how it relates to record ordering performed with the query. This parameter contains 5 elements: QM Query Object | The first element is the qualified name of the QM Query object. Abfragename | Specify the name of the QM Query object (object type *QMQRY) which should be run . |
The possible library values are: *LIBL | All libraries in the user and system portions of the job‘s library list are searched until the first match is found. | *CURLIB | The current library for the job will be used to locate the database file. If no library is specified as the current li-brary for the job, the QGPL library will be used. | Library Name | Enter a library name that will be searched. |
| Member | *FIRST | The first member file will be used. | member_name | Name the member file to be used. |
| Query Management Report Form | The next element is the qualified name of the QM Report Form object. *DBEXPORT will retrieve column headings from the QM Report Form object specified here. If a QM Report Form object is not specified, headings will be taken from the output file created when the QM Query is run. *NONE | No QM Form is specified and column headings are taken from the temporary output file created when the QM Query is run. | *QMQRY | The value specified in the Query Management query prompt (QMQRY) is used to locate the report form. | QM-Form Name | Specify the name of the QM Form object (object type *QMFORM) from which headings will be retrieved. |
Possible Values for library are: *LIBL | All libraries in the user and system portions of the job‘s library list are searched until the first match is found. | *CURLIB | The current library for the job will be used to locate the database file. If no library is specified as the current li-brary for the job, the QGPL library will be used. | Library Name | Enter a library name that will be searched. |
| Allow Information from QRYDFN | This element determines if a query definition (*QRYDFN) object should be used when no query management query (*QMQRY) object is found, using the specified object name. *NO | A *QRYDFN object will not be used. | *YES | A *QRYDFN object will be used if no *QMQRY object of the specified name is found. | *ONLY | A *QRYDFN object will be used, no matter whether a *QMQRY object with the specified name exists or not. |
| Set Variables | This element is a list of up to 50 variables used in the QM query and the value assigned to those variables when the query is run. Values in this list appear in pairs of variables names and associated values. The variable name can be from 1 to 30 characters and the value from 1 to 55 characters in length. Alphanumerical variable values should be enclosed with single quotes (‚) but numeric values should not be. |
RCDFMT (Record Format) | Enables selection of record formats from the input file, which will be included in conversion. There is only one option: *ONLY | The input file contains only one record format. Use this option for all database files other than logical files, the latter might contain more than one record format. |
A list of from one to 20 record format names from the input file can be specified for inclusion in the conversion process. Prompt the CVTDBF command and specify *YES for the “Select Records and Fields“ component of the FROMFILE parameter. *DBEXPORT will display a list of up to 20 record format names from the input file, which can be selected. |
INCLFLD (Include Field) | Enables the selection of fields to be considered when converting the input file, and the sequence in which they will be presented in the output data stream file. There is only one option: *ALL | All fields from the input file are included and they occur in the stream in the order in which they occur in the input file. However, any fields specified by the EXCLFLD (Exclude Fields) parameter (see below) will be omitted. |
| A list of 1 to 300 qualified field names from the input file can be specified for inclusion in the conversion process. These fields will be presented in the stream file in the order in which they are listed on this parameter. Prompt CVTDBF command and specify *YES with the “Select Records and Fields” component of the FROMFILE parameter. *DBEXPORT will display a list of up to 300 qualified field names from the input file for selection. Each qualified field name consists of the field name and a qualified record format name. This allows *DBEXPORT to distinguish between fields of the same name in different record formats. If the input file contains only a single record format name, the special value *ONLY (default value) can be specified for the record format name, indicating that the field is to be taken from the single record format in the file. When converting Excel, CSV or HTML the second element of this parameter can be used to determine a heading for this field, unless HEADER(*NONE) has been specified. Possible Values: *HEADER | This value determines the text of the header in the HEADER parameter. | *AVAIL | i-effect® looks for the most fitting identifier of the incoming file in order to create headers. Description selection occurs as follows: If the fields in the inbound file have column headings (DDS COLHDG keyword), these will be used to create column headings; if the fields in the inbound file carry alias names (DDS ALIAS keyword), these will be used; if the fields in the inbound file have text descriptions (description) (DDS TEXT keyword), these will be used. For ASCII files with a pre-determined length, no header will be created. | *NONE | No header will be assigned. | *COLHDG | The header will be taken from the column heading. (DDS COLHDG keyword). | *COLHDG1 | The header will be taken from the first line of he column heading. | *COLHDG2 | The header will be taken from the second line of the column heading. | *COLHDG3 | The header will be taken from the third line of the column heading. | *COLHDG12 | The header will be taken from the first and second lines of the column heading. | *COLHDG13 | The header will be taken from the first and third lines of the column heading.. | *COLHDG23 | The header will be taken from the second and third lines of the column heading. | *ALIAS | The alias name will be used to generate the header. | *TEXT | The header will be taken from the TEXT field. | *FLDNAM | The field name will be used to generate the header. |
EXCLFLD (Exclude Fields) | The EXCLFLD (Exclude Fields) parameter enables specification of fields which should not be included in the output stream file. If the input file contains a large number of fields, but only a small number of fields should be excluded, it might be less complicated to specify these few fields by name, rather than listing a large number of fields for inclusion. There is only one option: *ALL | All fields from the input file are included and they occur in the stream in the order in which they occur in the input file. However, any fields specified by the EXCLFLD (Exclude Fields) parameter (see below) will be omitted. |
A list of from 1 to 300 qualified field names from the input file, which will be excluded from the conversion process, can be specified. These fields will be omitted from the data in the stream file. Each qualified field name consists of the field name and a qualified record format name. This allows *DBEXPORT to distinguish between fields of the same name in different record formats. If the input file contains only a single record format name, the special value *ONLY (default value) can be specified for the record format name, indicating that the field is to be taken from the single record format in the file. |
EXCEL (Excel Options) | This parameter only appears if TOFMT(*XLS) is selected. It controls many aspects of the creation of Excel format file from database files. This parameter contains 14 elements: |
| The single value *DFT (default value) selects the defaults for all of the elements des-cribed below. Excel File Format Version | This option determines the version of the Excel (BIFF) file format that will be implemented when the Excel file is created. *BIFF8 | BIFF 8 format is used. BIFF 8 is the format used by Excel 97 or higher versions. If the PC program supports this format, then it is the recommended format, as BIFF 8 files are normally more compact than BIFF 5 files . | *BIFF5 | BIFF 5 format is used. BIFF 5 is the format used by Excel 5.0. If an older PC program is used, which does not support BIFF 8, this format may be used instead. |
The maximum number of rows in a BIFF 5 worksheet is 16,384, and the
maximum in a BIFF 8 worksheet is 65,536. If the number of records in the
input file exceeds the limit for the format, which is being used,
*DBEXPORT will create additional worksheets for the overflow.
| Default Edit Code | If numerical fields in the input file have DDS edit codes or edit words defined for them, *DBEXPORT will convert the edit code or edit word to an Excel custom format for the corresponding column in the spreadsheet. This means that the data in the column will be displayed in a format that reflects the edit code or edit word of the original data-base field. If numerical fields in the input file do not have a DDS edit code or edit word associated with them, *DBEXPORT will format the data in the spreadsheet according to the value entered in this parameter instead. The value entered must either be *NONE (default value) to indicate that numerical data should not be edited in this way, or a valid IBM Power Systems edit code. Refer to the *DBEXPORT User Guide, the RPG Reference Manual, or the DDS Manual for file display for further details about valid edit codes and their effects. | Floating Currency Symbol | This option controls if a currency symbol (corresponding to the value in QCURSYM) will appear to the left of the first significant position if a default editing code was specified with the previous option. *NO | No floating currency symbol will appear. | *YES | Numerical data being edited by using the default edit code (described above) will be preceded by a floating currency symbol. The currency symbol is specified by the QCURSYM system value. |
| Date Format | This option determines the format in which date information in the database file is presented in the Excel file. Please note: This only applies to actual date fields in the database file. Numerical and alphanumerical fields containing date information cannot be identified as dates by *DBEXPORT. Please, refer to the DBFDATFMT parameter for further details on how *DBEXPORT can, in some circumstances, handle dates in numerical fields. Excel calculates dates in the number of days since January 1901. *DBEXPORT will convert any date fields in the input file to a numerical column representing a day count of this kind and will apply Excel formatting to display the column as a date. This parameter determines the date format. *MM | Dates are displayed with a 2-digit month. The date format is controlled by the regional options of the PC. For example, if the regional options are set to “US“, April 10th, 2003 will appear as 04/10/2003 (MM/DD/YY format). However, if the regional options are set to “UK“, this same date will appear as 10/04/03 (DD/MM/YY format). | *MMM | Dates are displayed with a 3-character month abbreviation. The actual date format is controlled by the regional options of the PC. For example, if the regional options are set to “US“, April 10th, 2003 will appear as Apr-10-03 (MMM-DD-YY format). However, if the regional options are set to “UK“, this same date will appear as 10-Apr-03 (DD-MMM-YY format) . |
| Time Format | This option determines the format in which time data from the input file is presented in the Excel file. Please note: This only applies to actual time fields in the database file. Numerical and alphanumerical fields containing times cannot be identified as a time by *DBEXPORT Excel represents times as a fraction of a day, e.g. 12 noon = 0.5. *DBEXPORT will convert time fields in the input database file to a numerical column representing a day fraction of this type, and will format it to display the value as a time. This parameter determines its format. *HMS | Times are displayed using the 24-hour clock including seconds, e.g. 3:30 pm is displayed as 15:30:00. | *HM | Times are displayed using the 24-hour clock without seconds, e.g. 3:30 pm is displayed as 15:30. | *HMSAM | Times are displayed in the AM/PM format including seconds, e.g. 3:30 pm is displayed as 3:30:00 PM. | *HMAM | Times are displayed in the AM/PM format without seconds, e.g. 3:30 pm is displayed as 3:30 PM. |
The format of the time displayed may differ from these examples (in particular, the separator character may vary) as the format is also influenced by the regional options of the PC. The following elements set various attributes in the Excel file which will be displayed when File->Properties is selected in MS Excel. | Worksheet name | This option specifies the name given to worksheets in the Excel file. *DFT | The default worksheet names are used. The de-fault worksheet name is stored in the message text of message SLP5000 in the *DBEXPORT message file SL_MSGF. It is supplied as “Sheet1“ (the default Excel English-language worksheet name) when *DBEXPORT is first installed. However, the text of this message can be changed if the default work-sheet name should be modified. Note: This change will need to be repeated each time a PTF or new version of *DBEXPORT is installed. | Sheet Name | Enter a valid Excel worksheet name. Excel worksheet names are from 1 to 31 characters in length and can contain any characters except: colons(:), backslash ( \), forward slash (/), question mark (?), asterisk (*), left-hand square bracket ([) and right-hand square bracket (]). |
If the data will not fit into a single worksheet, *DBEXPORT will create additional worksheets up to a maximum of 36. The names of the second worksheet and subsequent worksheets are based on the value specified with this parameter according to the following rules: 1. | If the name specified on this parameter, or the text retrieved from message ID SLP5000 in message file SL_MSGF, if *DFT is specified, ends in a “1“ (e.g. English “Sheet1“, or German “Blatt1“ or Dutch “Blad1“), this suffix is replaced by 2, 3, 4...9, A, B, C...Z (e.g. “Sheet2“...“SheetZ“, “Blatt2“...“BlattZ“, “Blad2“...“BladZ“). | 2. | If the name does not end in a 1, a numerical suffix is appen-d-ed to the name. For example, if the name is “Invoices“, subsequent worksheets will be called “Invoices2“...“InvoicesZ.“ |
| Title | Text input here will appear in the Title section of the Summary tab of the File Properties. *NONE | The file will have no title. | Titel_Text | Up to 32 characters of text for the title. |
| Subject | Text input here will appear in the Subject section of the Summary tab of the File Properties. *NONE | The file will have no subject. | Subject_Text | Up to 32 characters of text for subject. |
| Author | Text input here will appear in the Author section of the Summary tab in the File Properties. A number of special values are available to document the origin of the file. *NONE | The file has no author. | *USRPRF | The User ID of the user who created the file, e.g. SALESUSR. | *JOB | The name of job, which created the file, e.g. SALESJOB. | *QUALJOB | The qualified name of the job, which created the job e.g. 123456/SALESUSR/SALESJOB. | Autor_Text | Up to 32 characters of text for “Author.“ |
| Manager | Text input here will appear in the manager section of the Summary tab in the File Properties. *NONE | No manager will be assigned to the file. | Manager_text | Up to 32 characters of text for “manager.“ |
| Company | Text input here will appear in the Company section of the Summary tab in the File Properties. *NONE | No company will be assigned to the file. | Company_Text | Up to 32 characters of text for “Company.“ |
| Category | Text input here will appear in the Category section of the Summary tab in the File Properties. *NONE | No category will be assigned to the file. | Category_Text | Up to 32 characters of text for “Category.“ |
| Keywords | Text input here will appear in the Keywords section of the Summary tab of the File Properties. *NONE | The file has no keywords. | Keywords_text | Up to 128 characters of text for “Keywords”. |
| Comments | Text input here will appear in the Comments section of the Summary tab in the File Properties. *NONE | The file has no comments. | Comments_Text | Up to 256 characters for “Comments.“ |
| Font Name | Determines the font to be used. The PC which opens the file must have the font specified here. Excel will use a substitute font. *ARIAL | Arial will be used. | *COURIER | Courier New will be used. | *TIMES | Times New Roman will be used. | Font_Name | Sets the font. |
| Font Size | Sets the font size in points (pt). 10 | 10pt will be used. | Font_Size | Sets the font size in points (pt). | Options for Column Width | Sets the way in which the column width will be determined. |
| FIELDSIZE | Column width based on the maximum size of the corresponding data-base field or of the column title. *AUTOFIT | The column width is based on the maximum data size in the column. Please note: Currently, this option does not consider the width of numerical columns. |
| Max. Number of Lines per Worksheet | The maximum number of lines per worksheet. This also contains headings and titles. *XLSVER | The maximum number of lines per worksheet is the limit that is prescribed by the outbound file’s the Excel version (BIFF8 = 65536). |
| Column Format Configuration | Determines if the column format should be transferred. *YES | The column format will be transferred. This meant that the formatting (e.g. number format) of the cells will not be used for cells of the same column | *NO | The column format will not be transferred. This means that unused cells will remain in the default format. |
XLSPROTECT (Excel Worksheet Protection) | Sets the options for Excel worksheet protection. Protect Worksheets | *NO | The worksheet will not be protected. | *YES | The worksheet is protected from editing. |
| Password for Worksheet Protection | Sets the password, which allows editing worksheets. NONE | No password exists. Protection can be removed simply by choosing the appropriate menu option. | Character-value | Sets the password which allows editing work-sheets. This password has a maximum length of 15 characters. |
| Lock Headings | Determines if headings should be locked if the worksheet is protected. *YES | The headings will be locked and cannot be edited, if the worksheet is protected. | *NO | The headings will not be locked and can be edited, if the worksheet is protected. |
| Lock Data | Determines if the data lines will be locked, if the worksheet is protected. *YES | Data lines will be locked and cannot be edited if the worksheet is protected. | *NO | Data lines will not be protected and can be edited if the worksheet is protected. |
| Allow Actions | Describes which actions that can be taken, if the worksheet is protected. Please note: certain changes can only be made to cells that are not locked. Because i-effect® currently locks all cells of a protected worksheet, it is not possible to use this feature, currently Default setting for allowed actions. (Select the locked cells and unlocked cells) *NONE | No actions are allowed. | *SLTLOCKED | Select locked cells. Move the mouse pointer to the cells that have the box “locked” checked. (Format > Cells > Protection) | *SLTUNLOCKED | To select unlocked cells move the mouse pointer to cells that have the box “locked” unchecked. (Format > Cells > Protection) | *FMTCELLS | To format cells us the window “Format Cells” (Format > Cells > format cells) or the window “conditional formatting” (Format > Conditional Formatting) | *FMTCOLS | Columns can be formatted using all commands for column formatting, including column width or hiding columns. (Home tab, >Cellsgroup, Format button). | *FMTROWS | All commands for row formatting including changing of row high or hiding to format rows can be used. (Home tab, Cells >group, Format button). | *INSCOLS | Insert Columns. | *FMTROWS | Insert Rows. | *INSLINK | Insert Hyperlinks. New hyperlinks can also be inserted into unlocked cells. | *DLTCOLS | Delete Columns. Please note: if “Delete columns” is protected and “insert columns” is not also protected, columns can be inserted but cannot be deleted. | *DLTROWS | Delete Rows. Please note: if “delete rows” is protected and “insert rows” is not also protected, rows can be added by the user, but cannot be deleted. | *SORT | All of the sort commands can be used to sort data (Data > Sort /Filter). Please note: the sections of a protected worksheet that contain locked cells cannot be sorted, irrespective of this setting. | *AUTOFILTER | To change the filter settings of a section, when AutoFilter is activated, click on the arrow in the column. AutoFilter can neither be activated nor deactivated if a worksheet is protected, irrespective of this setting. | *PIVOTTABLE | *PIVOTTABLE Use PivotTable repots formatting, change layout, refresh, modify PivotTable reports or create new reports. | *EDTOBJ | Edit Objects. The following options are possible: Editing of objects that were not previously unlocked in the protected worksheet including maps, imbedded diagrams, forms, text fields and control elements. A macro button can be pressed and macro can be started, but the button itself cannot be deleted. Editing of inserted diagrams (e.g. formatting). The diagram will be adjusted to the new source data. Insertion and editing of comments. | *EDTSCN | Edit scenarios. Hidden scenarios can be viewed; protected scenarios can be changed and deleted. The user can change the values of single cells, if they are not locked and new scenarios can be added. |
XLSPRINT (Excel Print Setup) | Determines a password (maximum length of 15 characters) which will remove worksheet protection. Scaling | Determines how the data will be enlarged or reduced when printing to fit the required number of pages. To fit the data on the required number of pages, specify *FIT and a number of pages wide and tall with the XLSFITPAGES parameter. To scale the data by that percentage, specify *ADJUST and a percentage with the XLSADJUST parameter. *DFT | No print options are specified in the Excel file. Excel defaults will be used. | *FIT | The data will be adjusted to fit the specified number of pages wide and tall. | *ADJUST | Adjusts the data by applying a percentage scaling. The percentage by which the data is scaled is specified with the dependent parameter XLSADJUST. |
| Paper Size | *CNTRYID | The paper size is determined by the country ID of the job. If the ID is US (USA) or CA (Canada), letter paper is selected, otherwise A4 paper is selected. | *A3 | A3 (420 x 297 mm) | *A4 | A4 (297 x 210 mm) | *A5 | A5 (210 x 148 mm) | *B4 | B4 (364 x 257 mm) | *B5 | B5 (257 x 182 mm) | *LETTER | Letter (11.5 x 8 inches) | *LEGAL | Legal (14 x 8.5 inches) | *EXEC | Executive (10.5 x 7.25 inches) | *LEDGER | Ledger (17 x 11 inches) |
| Orientation | Page orientation. *LANDSCAPE | Landscape mode. | *PORTAIT | Portrait mode. |
| Print Gridlines | Determines whether gridlines of the Excel document will be printed or not. *NO | Gridlines will not be printed. | *YES | Gridlines will be printed. |
| Print Header on Each Page | Determines if headers will be printed on each page. *NO | The header row, if requested by the HEADER parameter, is printed only on the first page. | *YES | The header row, if requested by the HEADER parameter, is printed on each page. |
| Unit of Measurement | Measurement unit for page margins. *INCH | Inches. | *CM | Centimeters. | *MM | Millimeters |
| Left Margin | *DFT | Excel’s default will be used. | 0.0-999.99 | Size of the left margin, measured in the measurement unit specified above. |
| Right Margin | *DFT | Excel’s default will be used. | 0.0-999.99 | Size of the right margin, measured in the measurement unit specified above. |
| Top Margin | *DFT | Excel’s default will be used. | 0.0-999.99 | Size of the top margin, measured in the measurement unit specified above. |
| Bottom Margin | *DFT | Excel’s default will be used. | 0.0-999.99 | Size of the bottom margin in the unit of measurement specified earlier. |
| Page Header – Left Section | The left section of the page header. *NONE | The page header will have no left section. | Character Value | Left section of the page header. Excel placeholders can be entered in this character string. |
| Page Header – Middle Section | The middle section of the page header. *NONE | The page header will have no middle section. | Character Value | Middle section of the page header. Excel placeholders can be entered in this character string. |
| Page Header – Right Section | The right section of the page header. *NONE | The page header will have no right section. | Character Value | Right section of the page header. Excel placeholders can be entered in this character string. |
| Page Footer – Left Section | The page footer’s left section. *NONE | The page footer will have no left section. | Character Value | Left section of the page footer. Excel placeholders can be entered in this character string. |
| Page Footer – Middle Section | The page footer’s middle section. *NONE | (Deutsch) Es existiert kein mittlerer Abschnitt im Seiten-Fußbereich.The page footer will have no middle section. | Character Value | Middle section of the page footer. Excel placeholders can be entered in this character string. |
| Page Footer – Right Section | The page footer’s right section. NONE | The page footer will have no right section. | Character Value | Right section of the page footer. Excel placeholders can be entered in this character string. |
XLSADJUST (Adjust Pages to) | Determines the scaling percentage when XLSPRINT(*ADJUST…) is used. Percentage | 100 | Scale by 100% (no change). | 0-400 | Specify the percentage scaling. |
XLSFITPAGE | Determines the number of pages to which the data will be fitted when XLSPRINT(*FIT…) is used. Number of Pages Wide | The number of pages wide (horizontal). *AUTO | Excel will automatically calculate the number of pages required. | 0-65535 | Specify the number of pages to which the data will be fitted horizontally. |
| Number of Pages Tall | The number of pages tall (vertical). *AUTO | Excel will automatically calculate the number of pages required. | 0-65535 | Specify the number of pages to which the data will be fitted vertically. |
CSV (CSV-Options) | This parameter only appears if TOFMT(*CSV) is selected. This parameter controls several aspects of delimited ASCII file creation from the database file. This parameter contains 6 elements: The value *DFT (default value) selects the defaults for all of the elements described below. Field Delimiter | This option defines the character that separates fields in the delimited ASCII file that is to be created. Either enter the character to be used, or select one of the special values: *COMMA | A comma (,) will be used. | *TAB | A tab (x‘09‘) will be used. | *BLANK | A blank (x‘20‘) will be used. | *SEMICOLON | A semicolon (;) will be used. |
The file “Salesstats“ will be converted to a delimited file in CSV (Comma-separated Variable format). Fields are separated by commas. Alphanumerical data will be enclosed in double quotes. Records will be terminated by a carriage return/line feed pair. | String Delimiter | This element determines the character that encloses a string (alphanumerical) of data in the delimited ASCII file which will be created. Either type the character to be used, or select one of the special values: *DBLQUOTE | A double quote („) will be used. | *SGLQUOTE | A single quote (‚) will be used. | *NONE | No delimiter will be used. Alphanumerical data will not be enclosed by any special character. |
| Record Delimiter | This element determines the characters which will indicate the end of a record in the CSV file. *CRLF | Carriage return and line feed. One carriage return (x‘0D‘) and one line feed (x‘0A‘) character will each be used. | *CR | Only one carriage return (x‘0D‘) will be used. | *LF | Only one line feed (x‘0A‘) will be used. |
| Date Format | This option controls the format in which date information in the data-base file will be presented in the stream file. Please note: This only applies to actual date fields in the database file. Numerical and alphanumerical fields containing date information cannot be identified as dates by *DBEXPORT. Refer to the DBFDATFMT parameter for details on how *DBEXPORT handles dates in numeric fields, in some circumstances. *DBF | The date format is determined by the date format specified for the date field in the database file (DDS DATFMT and DATSEP keywords). | *EXCEL | The date will be converted into Excel format, i.e. a numerical value representing a day count. This format is ideal if the CSV file will be loaded by Excel or a similar application. Excel will recognize the data as a date and it can be edited and date functions can be used. | *ISO | ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) will be used. | *EUR | European format (DD.MM.YYYY) will be used. | *USA | USA format (MM/DD/YYYY) will be used. | *JIS | Japanese Industrial Standard (YYYY-MM-DD) will be used. |
All other options specify a date format and a separator character which divide the year, month and day portions of the date. | Format | *SYSVAL | The date format defined in system value QDATFMT will be used. | *JOB | The date format defined in the job attributes will be used. | *DMY | DDMMYY format | *DMYY | DDMMYYYY format | *MDYY | MMDDYYYY format | *YYMD | YYYYMMDD format | *CDMY | CDDMMYY format. The C indicates the century (0 = 20th, 1=21st). | *CMDY | CMMDDYY format. The C indicates the century (0 = 20th, 1=21st) | *CYMD | CYYMMDD format. The C indicates the century (0 = 20th, 1=21st) | *JUL | YYDDD format | *LONGJUL | YYYYDDD format |
| Separator Character | *JOB | The date separator character defined by the job attributes will be used. | *NONE | No date separator character will be used. | *SLASH | A forward slash (oblique or solidus) / will be used. | *HYPHEN | A hyphen (dash) - will be used. | *PERIOD | A period (full stop) . will be used. | *COMMA | A comma , will be used. | *COLON | A colon : will be used. | *BLANK | A blank will be used. | separator_char | Enter the separator character to be used to separate day, month, and year portions of the date. |
| Time Format | This option controls the format in which time information in the database file is presented in the stream file. Please note: This only applies to actual time fields in the database file. Numerical and alphanumerical fields containing times cannot be identified as times by *DBEXPORT. *DBF | The time format is the time format of the time field of the database file (DDS TIMFMT and TIMSEP keywords). | *EXCEL | The time will be converted into Excel format, i.e. a numerical value representing a number of seconds. This format is ideal if the CSV file will be loaded by Excel or a similar application. Excel will recognize the data as time and it can be edited and time functions can be used. | *ISO | ISO format (HH.MM.SS) will be used. | *EUR | European format (HH.MM.SS) will be used. | *USA | USA format (HH:MM:SS) will be used. | *JIS | Japanese Industrial Standard (HH:MM:SS) will be used. |
All other options specify a time format and a separator character which divides the hour, minute, and second portions of the time. | Format | | Separator Character | *SYSVAL | The time separator determined by system value QTIMFMT will be used. | *JOB | The time separator character determined by the job attributes will be used. | *NONE | No time separator character will be used. | *PERIOD | A period (full stop) . will be used. | *COMMA | A comma , will be used | *COLON | A colon : will be used. | *BLANK | A blank will be used. | separator_char | Enter the separator character to be used to separate hour, minute, and seconds. |
| Decimal Point Character | This element specifies the characters used to denote a decimal point when representing fields with one or more decimal places. *SYSVAL | The decimal format determined by system value QDECFMT will be used. | *JOB | The decimal format determined in the job attributes will be used. | *PERIOD | A period (full stop). will be used. | *COMMA | A comma , will be used. |
| Use Edit Codes and Words | This option determines if CVTDBF will use edit codes (EDTCDE) and edit words (EDTWRD) as defined by the DDS for formatting fields in the target file. *NO | Edit codes and words will not be used. | *YES | Edit codes and words will be used. |
| Remove Blanks | Determines if leading or trailing blanks should be removed from the field. *BOTH | Both leading and trailing blanks will be removed | *LEADING | Only leading blanks will be removed. Trailing blanks will not be removed. | *TRAILING | Only trailing blanks will be removed. Leading blanks will not be removed. | *NONE | Both leading and trailing blanks will not be removed |