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Menu item 33: Copy IFS data into spool files (CPYIFS2SPL)

The CPYIFS2SPL command enables copying of IFS data of the following printer-data-stream formats into a spooled file:

*SCS (SNA-Zeichenstrom)SNA = System Network Architecture
*IPDSIPDS = Intelligent Printer Data Stream
*AFPDS (AFP-Datenstrom)AFP = Advanced Function Presentation
*LINEIBM 1403 line printer data
*AFPDSLINEIBM 1403 data and AFPDS data combined
*USERASCII (ASCII-Datenstrom)User defineable data stream. e.g. a PCL datastream

If PCL printer data streams are copied into a spooled file, it to possible to e.g. print PC printer output on Power Systems printers or convert it on the System i, e.g. into PDF files or to other target formats supported by i-effect (XLS, CSV, HTML, RTF etc.)
Licenses for the modules *BASE, *SPOOL, and *SPPOL+ are required to use this command.

Source File of Spooled Data (FILE)

Select the file containing the spooled data to be copied into a spooled file.

Enter the path and the file name!

Print File (PRTFILE)

Enter the print file in which the attributes for the spooled file to be created are defined. A print file is an Power Systems object that contains the attributes of a given output device and sets the attributes of the spooled files accordingly.
This parameter contains 2 elements:

NameEnter the name of the print file.

Enter the name of the corresponding library.

*LIBLThe library will be sought in the current library list!
Output Queue (OUTQ)

Enter the output queue into which the spooled file will be created.
The parameter contains 2 elements:

NameEnter the name of the output queue.

Enter the name of the corresponding library.

*LIBLThe library will be sought in the current library list!
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