The command „Merge PDF files" (MRGPDF) merges 2 or more PDF files into one, new combined PDF file.
PDF Files to be Merged (FROMPDF)
Defines the files which will be merged together to create a new PDF file. 2 to 16 files can be merged with one another. The order, in which the files are listed in this parameter, is important. The files will be merged in the order in which they appear in the list. Every file will be attached to the file which precedes it in the list.Contains 3 further elements:
Name of the PDF File
The path name of the desired file.
Enter the path of one of the PDF files which will be merged.
The file's password which allows the user to open it.
If the file is password protected, the password must be entered in this parameter. If the file is protected by an owner password, which does not allow editing or copying without the owner password, then the owner password must be entered here.
The file is not password protected.
Enter a valid password for the file.
Page Rotation
The angle of rotation which will be applied to all pages of the file that will be merged.
If the files have different page alignments, this can be changed here by specifying a rotation to one or more of the files. This is done in order that the resulting file has one alignment.
The alignment is that of the original file.
No rotation will be applied.
A rotation of 90 degrees will be applied.
A rotation of 180 degrees will be applied.
A rotation of 270 degrees will be applied.
Merged PDF File (TOPDF)
Determines the name of the PDF file, which will be created. Possible Values:
The file's name is the same as the name specified in FROMPDF.
Enter the parth name of the new file.
Replace Existing PDF File? (REPLACE)
Determines if the file, which was specified in TOPDF, will be replaced if a file with the same name exists. Possible Values:
The file will not be replaced. An error occurs if a file with the same name already exists.
The file will be replaced.
Security of the Merged PDF File (PASSWORD)
Determines the security features the newly created PDF file will have. Special Value:
The security settings of the file specified in FROMPDF will be used.
Contains 7 further elements:
Password Protection for the Merged PDF File?
Determines which password will be used for the target file, if any.
A password will be specified.
The target file will not be password protected.
The target file will not be password protected, but the files options will be limited.
User Password
Defines the user password for the target file. The user password opens the file, but only the options. which have been specified in the parameter's following elements, are allowed.
If this field is left blank, the file has no user password. The user will not be asked for a password, when the file is opened, but only the options will be available, which are defined in the parameter's following elements.
Character Value
Enter a user password.
Owner Password
Defines the owner password for the target file. The owner password opens the file and allows all operations, independently of all restrictions defined by the parameter's following elements.
If this field is left blank, the file has no owner password. It is not possible to allow the disallowed operations.
Character Value
Enter the owner password.
Allow Printing?
Determines if the document can be printed.
The document can be printed.
The document cannot be printed.
Allow Editing?
Determines if the document can be edited in Acrobat.
The file can be edited.
The file cannot be edited.
Allow Copying of Text?
Determines if text can be copied from the file.
Text can be copied.
Text cannot be copied.
Allow Comments?
Determines if comments can be made.
Comments can be made.
Comments cannot be made.
"File not found" Action (NOTFOUND)
Determines how MRGPDF acts if one or more of the files specified in FROMDPF cannot be found. Possible Values:
If one or more of the files listed in the FROMPDF parameter are not found, processing will be stopped and an error message will appear.
If one or more of the files listed in the FROMPDF parameter are not found, processing will be continued with the next file. The file which was not found will be skipped.
Public Data Rights (AUT)
Determines the data rights given to *PUBLIC for the merged file. Note: The owner of the output file is the user who can use this command. If the first file in the FROMPDF parameter is owned by another user, the file changes ownership. Rights and lists of rights, which are connected with the directory, in which the output file is located, will automatically be carried over into the output file. Personal rights that are connected to the first file in the FROMPDF parameter will be lost. Possible Values:
Public data rights will be taken from the first file defined by the FROMPDF parameter.
Read only
Write only
Execute only
Read and write
Read and execute
Write and execute
Read, Write and execute
no authorization
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