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Menu item 12: Convert into RTF format (CVTSPLRTF)

  1. Choose menu item 12 "Convert Spool into RTF" or enter the command CVTSPLRTF to convert spooled files into RTF files. From the interactive program WRKEFSPLF (Work with i-effect Spooled Files) option 11 can be entered in front of the desired line. In the appearing program interface, enter *RTF next to conversion, under conversion configuration.

  2. Enter the desired parameters, which are described here.

RTF is the common format to then further process your soldiers in modern word processors.

The (CVTSPLRTF) command converts spooled files to stream files in RTF (Rich Text Format). RTF is a common format used to process spooled files with a modern word processor.

If a word processing application will be used to access the spooled file data, RTF is the format to choose.

RTF (Rich Text Format) is a format understood and handled by most, if not all, modern WP programs, including MS Word, Lotus WordPro, MS WordPad etc.

Spooled File (FILE)The description of this parameter can be found under Menu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
OUTPFILEThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
JOBNAMThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLNBRThe description of this parameter can be found under Menu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
STMFOPTThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
PAGESIZEThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
CUSTOMPAGEThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
PRTDEVThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
PAGEOPTIONThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLITThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLITPAGEThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLITPOSThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLITKEYThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXITPGMThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXITPGMPRMThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXITPGMPOSThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXITPGMKEYThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
Font (FONT)

This parameter determines how i-effect handles fonts when creating a stream file from a spooled file.
Single Values:

*MAPi-effect maps Power Systems fonts to an equivalent PC font from the PDF basic font set (listed below). This option will minimize the size of the created file, but the appearance of the text in the RTF file may not necessarily exactly reproduce the appearance of the text in the spooled file when printed, but will normally be very close to it.

This parameter contains 2 elements:


Enter one of the following fonts to be used.

*COURIEROnly Courier will be used.
*COURIERBOnly Courier bold will be used.
*COURIEROOnly Courier oblique will be used.
*COURIERBOOnly Courier bold oblique will be used
*HELVETICAOnly Helvetica will be used.
*HELVBOnly Helvetica bold will be used.
*HELVOOnly Helvetica oblique will be used.
*HELVBOOnly Helvetica bold oblique will be used.
*TIMESOnly Times New Roman will be used.
*TIMESBOnly Times New Roman bold will be used.
*TIMESIOnly Times New Roman italic will be used.
*TIMESBIOnly Times New Roman bold italic will be used.
*SYMBOLOnly Symbol will be used.
*DINGBATSOnly Zapf Dingbats will be used.
Font Size

Choose one of the following options to determine font size.

*CALCi-effect selects an appropriate font size based on the font and CPI information in the spooled file.
4-36Specify the font size in points.

CVTFONTIDThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
CVTFNTRSCThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
TEXTThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
DBCSThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
RTF Options (RTF)

Allows the setting of margins and other factors governing the appearance of text in a RTF document.
Power Systems spooled files are often developed in a way that the text in the spooled file appears very close to the page's edge. When the spooled file is converted to an RTF document, and the RTF document is opened with a word processor, such as Microsoft Word, this can cause problems because the word processor will typically apply a margin related to the no-print border of the default printer. This may cause the page not to fit correctly and word wrap may occur.
Adjusting the margins that are defined in the document by means of this parameter may overcome this issue.

This parameter contains 6 elements:

0The default is 0 (no left margin).
0.0-999.999Specify the left margin in the units defined below.
0The default is 0 (no right margin).
0.0-999.999Specify the right margin in the units defined below.
0The default is 0 (no top margin).
0.0-999.999Specify the top margin in the units defined below.
0The default is 0 (no bottom margin).
0.0-999.999Specify the bottom margin in the units defined below.
Unit of Measurement

Specify the unit in which the preceding elements are defined.




Distance between Paragraphs

The sixth element is the spacing between paragraphs of the RTF document, which is measured in points. A point is 1/72 of an inch.
The paragraph spacing determines the vertical positioning of the text.

*CALCPutting a gap between sections in the RTF document is calculated so that the data to fill the available vertical space. The calculation is based on the vertical coordinate or row number of the data and the overflow line number.
*SPLFAn alternative calculation is only due to the backward compatibility.
-99-99The applicable section spacing in points. If a fixed distance value is used, the text on the page can move up or down in comparison to the original spool file, depending on whether the font size is increased or reduced. 

COLORThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXCLPAGNBRThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
EXCLPAGKEYThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
RSCDIRThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
STMFCODPAGThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
SPLFCCSIDThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
AUTThe description of this parameter can be found underMenu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 1
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