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Menu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 4

Color (COLOR)


This parameter determines the color of the text in the document that i-effect creates and the color of the background on which the text is presented.
This parameter contains 2 elements:

Text Color
Background Color

In each instance, colors can be defined in one of two ways:

    • Either a predefined color name such as *BLACK, *WHITE, *RED etc. The following list of predefined names includes all those normally recognized in HTML by browser applications.
    • Or an RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color number, equivalent to HTML color numbers.

      An RGB color number is a string consisting of six hexadecimal digits (0-F). The first two digits represent the red color value (00-FF). The next two digits represent the green color value (00-FF). The last two digits represent the blue color value (00-FF). For example, white is FFFFFF, while black is 000000, and red is FF0000. Unlike HTML, an i-effect color number should not be prefixed with a hash symbol (#).


    Text Color

    The first element specifies the color to be used when displaying black text in the original spooled file.
    Any text in the spooled file, which is not black, will retain its original color. Any black text will assume the color specified here instead.
    Specify one of the special values below or an HTML style color number.
    Special Values:




































    *LIGHTCYAN                                                 *PINK






    *LIGHTGREY                                                 *PURPLE







    *LIGHTSALMON                                               *ROYALBLUE

























    *LINEN                                                      :










    *MEDIUMBLUE                                                 :

































    ZeichenwertSpecify the RGB color number.
    Background Color

    The second element determines the color of the background on which the text appears.
    Options for both the text and background color are as follows (the table also indicates the corresponding color value). The list of predefined color names available from CVTSPLSTMF is a subset of those available from the other commands, which have the COLOR parameter.
    Specify one of the special values below or an HTML style color number.
    Special Values:







































    *LIGHTCYAN                                                 *PINK






    *LIGHTGREY                                                 *PURPLE





    *ROSYBROWN                                                  :


    *LIGHTSALMON                                               *ROYALBLUE

























    *LINEN                                                      :










    *MEDIUMBLUE                                                 :




























    Character ValueSpecify the RGB color number.
    PDF Options (PDF)

    This parameter manages a number of features for the PDF file, which will be created.

    This parameter contains 19 elements:

    PDF Viewer

    Determines the platform of the PDF viewer, which will be used to open the created PDF.

    *WINDOWSA Microsoft ® Windows PDF viewer will be used.
    *OTHERA viewer other than a Microsoft ® Windows viewer will be used.
    Bookmark Display

    The element determines whether the bookmarks, which were created at file creation, should be visible when the file is opened for the first time, or if the user must choose to have them displayed.

    *SHOWDisplay the bookmarks when the document is opened.

    Hide the bookmarks when the document is opened.

    It should be noted that the PDF file can be opened more quickly if BMARKACT (*HIDE) is selected, however, the user will need to make the bookmarks visible before they can be used to navigate the document.

    Magnification at the PDF's Initial Opening

    This element sets the scaling, which will be used, when the document is opened.

    *PDFDFTThe default magnification will be used.
    *FITWDWAdjusts the magnification so that the entire page fits in the viewer window.
    *ACTUALAdjusts the magnification so that the page is viewed at its actual size.
    *FITWIDTHAdjusts the magnification so that the page width fits in the viewer window.
    *FITVISAdjusts the magnification so that the text and graphics fit in the viewer window.
    8.33-1600.0The percentage magnification to apply.
    PDF Keyword for Indexing

    This element determines a set of keywords to be included in the "Document Info" section of the PDF file, which can be used by indexing and document management applications.

    *NONENo key words will be used.
    Character ValueSpecify the keywords as a single character string with keywords separated by a comma or semicolon.
    Data Compression

    It can be determined here, if data stream data of the PDF file should be compressed.

    Data compression is a trade-off between compression ratio and time. The higher the compression ratio that is attempted, the longer the data will take to compress. The options below enable selection of a high compression ratio (renders the smallest PDF files but takes longer to create) or the fastest conversion time (produces larger PDF files but runs more quickly).

    *OPTStream data in PDF files is compressed. The level of compression provides a good degree of data compression, but does not take long to compress.
    *NONEStream data in PDF files is not compressed. The resultant PDF files will be significantly larger than if data compression was applied, but will take less time to create.
    *FASTESTThe lowest and fastest level of data compression.
    *FASTERA compression ratio less than *FAST but higher than *FASTEST.
    *FASTA compression ratio less than *OPT but higher than *FASTER.
    *HIGHA compression ratio higher than *OPT but less than *HIGHER.
    *HIGHERA compression ratio higher than *HIGH but less than *MAX.
    *MAXThe maximum possible level of data compression is applied; PDF files will be as small as possible, but take the longest time to create.
    Fast Web View?

    Determines if the PDF "Fast Web View" option is implemented. This option can improve the time taken to open PDF files across a network.

    *YES"Fast Web View" will be applied.
    *NO"Fast Web View" will not be applied.
    Rotated or Not Rotated?

    Determines if the rotated pages will be rendered in their rotated alignment or in their original alignment.

    *YESIf the page is rotated, or if auto-rotation is applied (see next element), the page will be automatically rotated back into the standard orientation for easier viewing.
    *NOThe page, if rotated, is viewed in the rotated orientation.
    Rotation angle (degrees)

    The angle, by which the page is rotated in the PDF when *YES is specified for the previous element.

    *NONENo rotation will be used.
    9090 Degrees.
    180180 Degrees.
    270270 Degrees.
    Element 9: PDF Standard

    The PDF Standard that the new PDF document must meet.

    *ADOBEAdobe's PDF Specification.
    *PDFA PDF/A-1. Standard. PDF/A-1 is an international standard document file format for long-term archiving. It is also called ISO 19005-1.
    Element 10: Sub-standard

    The level of conformity to the previously selected standard.

    *NONENo level of conformity will be applied. This value is required if *ADOBE was selected in the previous element and is not allowed if *PDFA was selected.
    *LEVEL1ALevel 1A Conformity of the PDF/A-1 Standard.
    *LEVEL1BLevel 1B Conformity of the PDF/A-1 Standards.
    Element 11: Language Code

    A code that specifies the text language of the PDF document.

    *SYSVALThe language code will be taken from the QLANGID system value.
    *JOBThe language code will be taken from the LANGID job attribute.
    Element 12: Country Code

    This code is used to give more details for the language code that was selected in the previous Parameter. If EN was entered as the language code, the country code can clarify the language in greater detail as US (en-US) or British (en-GB).

    *SYSVALThe country code is taken from the QCNTRYID system value.
    *JOBThe country code is taken from the CNTRYID job attribute.
    Element 13: Author

    Name of the document's author.

    *NONENo author is specified.
    ZeichenwertName of the author.
    Element 14: Subject

    The document's subject

    *NONENo subject is specified.
    Character ValueThe document's subject.
    Number of copies to be printed

    Preset number of copies to be printed in the print dialog.

    *DFTThe value will not happen in the print dialog. If the PDF file is opened and the print dialog box, the value for this attribute is set by the PDF reader application and not through the PDF file that was generated by this command.
    *SPLFThe value is the NBR COPIES attribute of the spooled file removed.
    1-5Specify the number of copies that will be forwarded to the print dialog. Please note that PDF supports only values 1 to 5 All other values are ignored.
    Print scale

    Shows the scaling option in the print dialog.

     *DFTThe value will not happen in the print dialog. If the PDF file is opened and the print dialog box, the value for this attribute is set by the PDF reader application and not through the PDF file did was generated by this command.
    *NONEThe Print dialog box is set to the No scaling option.
    1-5Specify the number of copies that will be forwarded to the print dialog. Please note that PDF supports only values 1 to 5 All other values are ignored.
    Select source by PDF Satiengrößte

    Displays the "source by PDF size Select" option in the print dialog to.


    The value will not happen in the print dialog. If the PDF file is opened and the print dialog box, the value for this attribute is set by the PDF reader application and not through the PDF file that was generated by this command.
    *YESThe option is set to "Yes".
    *NOThe option is set to "No".
    Recompress IBM MMR images

    This element determines whether PDF image objects are compressed and embedded with IBM MMR compression method or with zlib-compression method (more compatibility).

    *NOIBM MMR compression is maintained.
    *YESThe embedded images will be recompressed with zlib-compression method Use this setting to enable PDF Direct print feature on e.g. Lexmark or IBM printers.
    Adobe Reader 7+ search option.

    Since version 7.0 (and later) of Adobe Reader lyrics are mixed together in part. This results in incorrect searches within the documents - despite a correct graphical display of the texts. This element specifies the this behavior does not occur and thus can be searched for within the document with the newer Adobe readers. This relates to the types Spoolarten * SCS.

    *NONo correction mode for Adobe Reader 7.0+.
    *YESCorrection mode for Adobe Reader 7.0+

    Exclude Page Number (EXCLPAGNBR)

    This parameter provides the opportunity to exclude pages from the output, for example, pages appearing in the spooled file, but which are not required in the output. For exam-ple, batch header and trailer sheets can be left unprinted by means of this parameter.
    Single Values:

    *NONENo pages will be excluded.
    Other Values(Up to 100 repetitions)

    This parameter contains 2 elements:

    Point of Exclusion

    The point in the spooled file where the excluded page(s) are located.


    At the start of the spooled file.

    The specified number of pages from the start of the spooled file will not be printed.


    At the end of the spooled file.

    The specified number of pages from the end of the spooled file will not be printed.


    At the start of each stream file.

    The specified number of pages from the start of the each set of pages selected for stream file creation will not be printed.


    At the end of the stream file.

    The specified number of pages from the end of the each set of pages selected for stream file creation will not be printed.


    Indicates that the "Numer of Excluded or *BLANK" element denotes a page number, not a number of pages.

    The page number specified will not be printed.

    Number of Excluded Pages or *BLANK

    The number of pages to exclude or the page number to exclude.

    1Excludes one page.
    *BLANKAll blank pages up to the next non-blank page (if *SPLFSTR or *STMFSTR) or back to the last non-blank page (if *SPLFEND or *STMFEND) will be excluded.
    1-999999Specify the number of pages or (for *PAGNBR) the page number to exclude.
    Exclude Pages Based on Key String (EXCLPAGKEY)

    Provides the opportunity to exclude pages from output, based on the appearance of a key string. For example, pages appearing in the spooled file, but which are not required in the output such as batch header and trailer sheets can be excluded from conversion by means of this parameter.
    Single Values:

    *NONENo pages will be excluded.
    Further Values(Up to 100 repetitions)

    This parameter contains 3 elements:

    Key String

    A key string identifying pages, which will be excluded.

    Every page on which the key string appears, or every page on which the key string does not appear (dependent on the following option), will be excluded.

    Character ValueSpecify the desired key string. This is case-sensitive and should be enclosed in single quotes if a lower-case or mixed-case value is desired.

    The way, in which the key string will be used.

    *CTContains. Any page, which contains the specified key string, will be excluded.
    *NCDoes not contain. Any page, which does not contain the specified key string, will be excluded.
    Number of Pages to Exclude

    Determines the number of pages to exclude when the key string is found (*CT) or not found (*NC).

    1Exclude one page.
    1-999999Enter the number of pages to be excluded.

    If, for example, the spooled file contains batch header sheets, and these contain the word "Batch" on them, they can be excluded from the stream file by specifying "Batch" as the key string with this parameter and *CT for the exclude option.

    CCSID of the Spooled file (SPLFCCSID)

    This parameter indicates the CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier), which i-effect should assume, when converting the spooled file's data content, if a CCSID has not been otherwise indicated. The CCSID specifies the encoding scheme used to represent the data and determines how particular code point values will be interpreted and converted in the stream file that will be created.
    Although more advanced printer data streams such as AFP and IPDS will include information indicating the encoding scheme used for data representation in the spooled file, SCS spooled files often contain no explicit information about the CCSID of the data.
    Possible Values:

    *SPLFi-effect will use whatever information is available from the spooled file to determine the correct CCSID.
    *JOB The CCSID of the current job will be used. If the CCSID of the job is 65535, the default CCSID attribute of the job will be used.
    *SYSVALThe value of the QCCSID system value will be used.
    *USERThe CCSID specified in the user profile of the user running the command will be used.
    1-65533Specify the CCSID to be used.

    Public Data Rights. (AUT)

    Determines the data rights given to *PUBLIC for the merged file.
    Possible Values:

    *RRead only
    *RXRead and execute
    *RWRead and write
    *RWXRead, write and execute (all)
    *XExecute only
    *WWrite only
    *WXWrite and execute
    *NONENo Authority
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