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Menu item 11: Convert spool file to PDF (CVTSPLPDF) Part 3

Conversion of the Font Source (CVTFNTRSC)

This parameter allows user defined mappings for fonts used in the spooled file that are identified by a font resource name. Mappings may be defined here in order to improve the appearance of the report if FONT (*MAP) alone does not give satisfactory results. Up to 100 mappings may be defined.
Single Values:

*NONEThe default is *NONE. No font substitutions are required.
Other Values(Up to 100 entries)

This parameter contains 2 elements:

From Resource Where the specified font resource name appears in the spooled file, it will be mapped to the font typeface and point size specified here in the resultant output file.
i-effect sends notification of the font mappings that it has chosen by sending a message to the job log when the command is run. If the appearance of the spooled file in the stream file is not satisfactory, this parameter or the CVTFONTID parameter can be used to define font mappings.

Element 1: Name of the "from" Font
Font name and size in the output file.
nameEnter the name of a font resource referenced in the spooled file. This will usually be either a font character set defined in the FNTCHRSET parameter of the CRTPRTF (Create Printer File) command, or on the DDS FNTCHRSET keyword, or a coded font defined on the CDEFNT parameter of the CRTPRTF (Create Printer File) command, or on the DDS CDEFNT keyword.
Element 2: Font Size
Size of the source font.
*FONTNAMEThe font size is implied by the font re-source name.
4-36Enter the font size.
Element 3: Size Units
The unit type, in the above mentioned font size is measured.
*POINTSFont size is in point.
*CPIThe font size is a CPI value (characters per inch).

To Font


Element 1: Font
Target font and size.
Specify a built-in typeface or a font object.
















Courier Bold

Courier oblique

Courier Bold oblique


Helvetica Bold

Helvetica oblique

Helvetica Bold oblique

Times New Roman

Times New Roman Bold

Times New Roman Italic

Times New Roman Bold Italic


Zapf Dingbats


Alternatively, either a font resource object or a PostScript Type 1 font file can be specified.

Note: FONT (*EMBED) needs to be specified if the font is to be embedded in PDF.

If FONT (*MAP) is specified, i-effect® will use the font specified on this element of the CVTFNTRSC parameter to select a suitable standard font to map to, but will still use a mapped standard font not an embedded font.

These parameters require an IFS path name. If a font resource object is referenced, the object name must be specified in IFS format, i.e:




Font resource C0S0CR10 will be implemented by embedding font resource object C0S0CR10 in library QFNTCPL.


Font resource C0S0CR10 should be implemented by embedding the PostScript courier font supplied by IBM at the path given.

Please note that two files are required in order to successfully embed a PostScript font:

A PostScript Type 1 font file. This normally has a file extension of .pfb (e.g. /QIBM/PRODDATA/OS400/FONTS/PSFONTS/LATIN/HEL.PFB)
A PostScript Type 1 font metrics file. This normally has a file extension of .afm (e.g. /QIBM/PRODDATA/OS400/FONTS/PSFONTS/LATIN/HEL.AFM)
Specify the name of the font file (.pfb extension) on this parameter. i-effect will attempt to locate the corresponding font metrics file (.afm extension) in the same location. If either file cannot be found, or if either file is not recognized as the appropriate file type, an error will occur.
Element 2: Size
Target font size.
*FONTIDThis indicates that the size of the font used will be the same as the font size implied or specified by the from-font resource or from-font-size part of this parameter.
 4-36The font size in points.
Text Options (TEXT)

Determines various options relating to the processing of text in the spooled file.

Currently there is only one option:

Include overlay text?

Determines whether textual content derived from an overlay or page segment object is included in the output.
Overlays often contain constants, labels and heading text while the spooled file itself contains the variable data associated with those constants, labels and headings. For example, an invoicing application where the overlay contains text such as "Customer Name", "Invoice Number" and "Invoice Date" and the spooled file supplies the actual customer name, invoice number and invoice date information to be printed alongside those labels.
While the text from the overlay is often included in the file created, in other circumstances, for example identifying bookmark text, it might be more appropriate to ignore the overlay text and just process the variable data from the spooled file itself. This parameter indicates which option is to be chosen.
The following options are possible:

*OUTPUTOverlay text is included in the stream file that is created. However, text from overlays and page segments are ignored when processing text functions such as bookmarks, split triggers, and exit program parameters.
*YESOverlay text will be included.
*NOOverlay text will be excluded.
*SPLFi-effect determines whether to include overlay text based on the format of the spooled file being converted. Overlay text is excluded if the spooled file being converted is *SCS, otherwise it is included.
*IGNOVLDTAAll content from overlay and page segment objects (both text and non-text) are ignored and dropped from processing.

DBCS Conversion Options (DBCS)

Determines various options relating to the processing of DBCS (Double-Byte Character Set) data, i.e. data in languages such as Japanese, Chinese and Korean.

This parameter contains 3 elements:

DBCS coded font

The first element specifies the qualified name of the DBCS coded font to be used to implement DBCS text in the spooled file.
It is not normally necessary to specify a value with this parameter since the names of DBCS fonts to be used will be derived from instructions in the spooled file data stream.
If a DBCS spooled file has been created using a printer file, which specifies IGCCDEFNT (*SYSVAL), the name of the coded font will be obtained from the QIGCCDEFNT system value. However, if the spooled file has been transferred to a system (e.g. a non-DBCS system), which has the system value QIGCCDEFNT, set to *NONE, i-effect will be unable to identify the appropriate coded font to use. In those circumstances, this parameter can be used to specify the name of the font resource object (coded font) that should be used to display DBCS text in the spooled file.
Single Values:

*SPLFi-effect determines the DBCS coded font name from the spooled file attributes. Where the spooled file refers to the QIGCCDEFNT system value, the coded font is taken from the system value. If QIGCCDEFNT is set to *NONE, an error will be reported and a coded font name should be specified in this parameter.
*IGNORETells i-effect to ignore data that appears to be DBCS and treat it as SBCS.
Qualifier 1:
coded font
NameSpecify the qualified name of the font resource object to be used. The object specified must be of object type *FNTRSC with object attributes CDEFNT.
*LIBLLocates the font resource object through the job library list.
Qualifier 2:
*CURLIBThe font resource is located in the current job library.
NameSpecify the name of the library in which the font resource object is located.
DBCS Font Size

The second element specifies the DBCS font size.

It is normally not necessary to specify a value with this parameter since the font size of DBCS fonts to be used will be derived from instructions in the spooled file data stream.

*SPLFi-effect determines the DBCS font size from the spooled file attributes.
0.1-999.9Specify the font in points.
DBCS in Non-DBCS Spooled File?

This element tells i-effect what to do if it encounters what appears to be DBCS data in a spooled file, who's attributes indicate that the spooled file is not capable of holding DBCS data.

*NOi-effect ignores the apparent DBCS data and treats it as SBCS.
*YESi-effect treats the apparent DBCS data as DBCS.
DBCS characters per inch

The fourth element specifies the DBCS characters per inch fixed:


The DPI value for DBCS fonts is determined by IGCC DPI and CPI attributes of the spooled file


The DPI value for DBCS fonts, is calculated based on the font size that is specified in the second element of this parameter.


Define the characters to be used per inch, fixed. Note that this means of double-byte characters per inch is done (for example, a value of 5 is equivalent to CPI (10)).

Additional Margins (MARGINS)

With this parameter, additional margins or alignment adjustments can be made to the text within the spooled file.
If no value is specified on this parameter, i-effect will reproduce the margins defined in the spooled file and align text exactly as specified in the printer data stream, which may not necessarily be the way the data appears on the page when printed. This parameter can be used to make slight adjustments to ensure that the PDF reproduces the appearance of the printed page as closely as possible.

This parameter contains 8 elements:


This first element allows the definition of an additional left margin in the PDF.

This option may be useful where otherwise data appears too close to the left edge of the page to be easily read or printed on a PC printer with a no-print border.

If the spooled file is rotated, the term "left" refers to the page prior to rotation, in other words, the margin may appear at the top, at the bottom, or on the right, depending on the angle through which the page is rotated.

0No additional left margin is required.
*CALCi-effect calculates the margins that are required to align the overlay.
-99.999-99.999Specify a value between -99.999 and 99.999. This value is measured in the units defined by the "Unit of Measure" element of this parameter.

The second element allows the definition of an additional top margin in the PDF.

This option may be useful where otherwise data appears too close to the top edge of the page to be easily read or printed on a PC printer with a no-print border.

Please note that if the spooled file is rotated, the term "top" refers to the page prior to rotation, in other words the margin may appear at the bottom or on the left or right, depending on the angle through which the page is rotated.

0No additional top margin is required.
-99.999-99.999Specify a value between -99.999 and 99.999. This value is measured in the units defined by the "Unit of Measure" element of this parameter.
Overlays Left

The third element allows the definition of an additional left margin or horizontal shift for overlays only in the PDF.

Text, images, and other items that are held in overlays will be shifted horizontally by the amount specified in this parameter. A positive value will cause data to shift to the right and a negative value will case data to shift to the right.

This may be useful when the PDF being created with the default parameters appears to have the overlays slightly misaligned from the other content of the spooled file. This can occur, for example, if the printer positions the overlay differently than the instructions contained in the printer data stream (perhaps because data falls within the no-print border and could not otherwise be printed) and the application has been programmed to produce the correct results on that particular printer.

Please note: If the spooled file is rotated, the term "left" refers to the page prior to rotation, in other words the shift may appear at the top, bottom or on the right, depending on the angle through which the page is rotated.

0No additional horizontal overlay alignment is required.
-99.999-99.999Specify a value between -99.999 and 99.999. This value is measured in the units defined by the "Unit of Measure" element of this parameter.
Overlays Top

The fourth element determines an additional top margin or vertical shift for overlays only in the PDF.

Text, images, and other items that are held in overlays will be shifted vertically by the amount you specify on this parameter. A positive value will cause data to shift down the page and a negative value will case data to shift up the page.

This may be useful when the PDF being created with the default parameters appears to have the overlays slightly misaligned from the other content of the spooled file. This can occur, for example, if the printer positions the overlay differently than the instructions contained in the printer data stream (perhaps because data falls within the no-print border and could not otherwise be printed) and the application has been programmed to produce the correct results on that particular printer.

If the spooled file is rotated, the term "top" refers to the page prior to rotation, in other words the shift may appear at the top, bottom or on the right, depending on the angle through which the page is rotated.

0No additional vertical overlay alignment is required.
-99.999-99.999Specify a value between -99.999 and 99.999. This value is measured in the units defined by the "Unit of Measure" element of this parameter.
Horizontal Shift After Rotation

The fifth element determines the distance across the page by which the contents of the spooled file will be shifted from the position at which they are expected to be found.
When pages are rotated, especially when auto-rotation and/or COR (Computer Output Reduction) is applied, certain printers may shift data down the page in order to avoid printing data in the no-print border. i-effect cannot know whether a particular printer will do this or not. As a result, the PDF may not reproduce the appearance of the printed page 100% accurately. Where this occurs, applying a shift in this element or the next can usually correct the alignment.

*CALCi-effect decides whether any shift is necessary and what the size of that shift should be, based on the information available to it.
-99.999-99.999Specify a value between -99.999 and 99.999. This value is measured in the units defined on the "Unit of Measure" element of this parameter.
Vertical Shift after Rotation

The fifth element determines the vertical across the page by which the contents of the spooled file will be shifted from the position at which they are expected to be found.
When pages are rotated, especially when auto-rotation and/or COR (Computer Output Reduction) is applied, certain printers may shift data down the page in order to avoid printing data in the no-print border. i-effect cannot know if a particular printer will do this or not. As a result, the PDF may not reproduce the appearance of the printed page 100% accurately. Where this occurs, applying a shift in this element or the next can usually correct the alignment.

*CALCi-effect decides whether any shift is necessary and what the size of that shift should be, based on the information available to it.
-99.999-99.999Specify a value between -99.999 and 99.999. This value is measured in the units defined on the "Unit of Measure" element of this parameter.
Unit of Measurement

The seventh element determines the units in which the preceding options are measured.

Increase Page Size?

If additional margins are applied to the PDF, the eighth element indicates whether the size of the page should be modified to accommodate the additional margin, or whether data is simply shifted across the page.

*NOThe page size remains the same and the data is simply shifted across or up/down the page. If there is insufficient room on the page, certain data may not be printed on the page.
*YESThe page size is increased by the amount of the margin.
Include Files (INCLFILE)

Up to 20 stream files can be specified with this parameter, which will be included when the PDF stream file is created.

This option can be used for various purposes:

  • Inclusion of a company logo, watermark, or other graphic to enhance the appearance of a largely textual report.
  • Inclusion of a scanned image or other graphic of your preprinted stationary in the PDF file, so that it reproduces the appearance of the printed form exactly.

Included image file(s) must be in JPEG or GIF format.
i-effect needs to be able to access the image file at run time. The file must therefore be located either on Power Systems itself or at a location that can be accessed through an IFS path name.
Single Values:

*NONENo files will be included.
Further Values(Up to 20 repetitions):

This parameter contains 14 elements:

Name of the Included file
Path Name

The IFS path name identifying the file to be included.

i-effect will use this path to locate the file at the time the command is executed. If it cannot be located, or if the file is not in JPEG format, an error will be reported.

Refer to the OUTPFILE parameter for further details of how to define an IFS path name.

Image Format
*JPG (Deutsch) JPEG-Format
*GIF(Deutsch) GIF-Format
Inclusion Method

The method by which the JPEG file is included in the PDF
Possible Special Values:


The JPEG file is embedded in the PDF file that is created.

This approach has the advantage that only a single file is managed or distributed, and the JEPG file is guaranteed to be available when the PDF file is opened. However, it may significantly increase the size of the resulting PDF file.


The PDF contains an external link or reference to the JPEG file. The image file is accessed by the PDF viewer application (e.g. Acrobat Reader) when the PDF file is opened.

This approach minimizes the size of the PDF file, but means that the JPEG file must be managed and distributed with the PDF file.

Contained on Page

This element determines the pages, on which the image file will be inserted.
Possible Special Values:

*ALLOn every page
*ODDOn all odd pages
*EVENOn all even pages
*FIRSTOnly on the first page
*BFRLASTOn all but the last page
*AFTFIRSTOn all but the first page
*BACKAn extra page is inserted after each page in the spooled file and the image is included on this extra page. This option is useful with a preprinted form with information printed on the backside.
*FRONTAs with *BACK, an extra page is inserted after each page in the spooled file. Unlike *BACK, the image is included on the original page, not the inserted page.
*HEADERAn extra page is inserted at the start of each group of pages, which forms a single PDF file, and the image is included on this additional page. This option can be useful if you wish to have a header sheet at the start of the PDF file.
*TRAILERAn extra page is inserted at the end of each group of pages, which forms a single PDF file, and the image is included on this additional page. This option can be useful if a trailer sheet is required at the end of the PDF file.

When determining whether a page is odd- or even-numbered, i-effect uses the natural order of pages in the spooled file and takes no account of any internal page numbering. For example, if the spooled file has an unnumbered batch header sheet, and the page numbering starts at 1 on page 2 of the spooled file, i-effect will take no account of this and will count the first page odd, the second page even etc.


The X -coordinate (horizontal distance across from left to right in the specified unit of measurement) of the position on the page where the image should appear.

0The default is 0 (i.e. on the left edge.
-999.999-999.999Specify the horizontal coordinate where the image should be included.

The Y-coordinate (vertical distance down from top to bottom in the specified unit of measurement) of the position on the page where the image should appear.

0The default is 0 (i.e. on the top edge).
-999.999-999.999Specify the vertical coordinate where the image should be included.
Unit of Measurement

The following units of measurement are available for x and y coordinates:

External ReferenceNo longer supported. Is not followed and is only backward compatibility.
External Reference Type

No longer supported. Is not followed and is only only for backward compatibility.

Scaling Factor

The scaling factor. This allows the expansion and contraction of the JPG image as it appears in the PDF file.

1.0No Scaling.
0.001-999.999Specify the scaling factor to be applied.
Rotation Angle (in Degrees)

The rotation angle to be applied to the image when it is included.

The rotation angle can be used to ensure that the orientation of the included image is correct when viewed in Acrobat. For example, when the page itself is rotated.

*NONENo rotation.
90.090 degrees.
180.0180 degrees.
270.0270 degrees.
Based on a Key Character String

Interpretation of the X and Y coordinates defined earlier.

If the image should always appear in the same, absolute, fixed position on the page, *ABS should be specified for this element (this is the default value).

However, if the image position needs to vary, one option is to specify the location of the image relative to a piece of text (the key string) on the page.

*ABSThe X- and Y-coordinates defined above are interpreted as absolute coordinates, not relative to a key string.
Character ValueThe key string. The X- and Y-coordinates defined above are interpreted as offsets relative to the start of this key string.
Key String Occurrence

Determines the key string occurrence at which the image will be positioned on the page.

If the key sting occurs more than once, it can be predefined at which occurrence the image will appear.

*FIRSTThe first occurrence of the key string is the one that determines the positioning of the image.
1-999 Specify an occurrence between 1 and 999.
Key String Action

Determines whether the key string is included in the output or deleted.
If key string was included in the spooled file simply to indicate the location where an image should be positioned, it can be removed from the final PDF file by telling i-effect to remove it.

*KEEPKeeps the key string in the output.
*REMOVERemoves the key string from the output.
Include On page number

The page number on which the image is to be inserted. The value of this element can not be * NONE or 0 if * PAGNBR specified in the element "Includes on pages".
The value of this element must be * NONE or 0 if * PAGNBR was not specified "on pages Includes" in the element.

*NONEThe image is inserted on a given page.


The page number on which the image is inserted.
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