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Menu item 1: Ceate archiv (CRTARCHIVE)

This command is used to create an empty archive folder. You can choose between different archive-formats and methods of compression.

This display on you screen depends on the previousely entered parameters. This is shown by the expression "- only for ...". For example, the parameters that work with a destined file-system - easily detected by "- only for FS(*IFS)" and "- only for FS(*DB2)" - only visible if this is selected previousely.

The command to create an empty archive is

The following parameters can be used when calling this command


Name of the filesystem where the archive is to be created.

*DB2The archive will be created as a physical file, with a member.
*IFSThe archive will be created as a file in a path.

The format that should be used to create the archive.

Archive formats. They have no compression, therefore they are mostly combined with a compressor. You can choose between the following: *BZIP2, *GZ, *PACK200, *XZ, *LZMA
*ZIPArchive. The compression can be created individually for every single entry.
*JARJava archive (also called JAR-file) is a ZIP-file that can contain additional meta-data in the file "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF". JARs are mostly used for Java-programs.
*SEVENZIPSevenzip archive. For the whole archive you can choose between these compressions: *COPY, *LZMA2, *DEFLATE, *BZIP2


Compressor. Mostly used with an archive-format (c.f. individual archive-formats), but can compress single files aswell.

The method with which the archive is to be compressed. The selection depends on the selected archive-format.

When using the special value *DEFAULT the system selects the default mmethod according to the selected archive type.

Possible special values for Tar, Ar and Cpio:


for *TAR, *AR und *CPIO

*BZIP2A really good but slow compression. Most often used because it is free of patents.
*GZThe well known and commonly used Gzip compression
*PACK200Developed and optimized for the Jar-format.

The default compression in 7z format. Much better than the other formats.



*COPYThere is no compression happening. The file is copied into the archive in the original size.
*LZMA2The standard compression in the 7zip format. Significantly better than other formats.
*DEFLATEhe well known compression of Zip-formats is used.
*BZIP2A very good but slow compression. Mostly used because it is free of patents.


Only for FORMAT(*GZ) or COMPRESS(*GZ) 

i-effect is able to vary the algorithm in 9 different stages, beginning with "fast and not too compressed" up to "slow but highly compressed. By selecting 1 the program reaches its highest speed, by selecting 9 it reaches the highest compression, but it takes a lot longer.
The user can select his or her own favourite value and take the available machine-resources like main memory, performance of the processor etc. into account..


Only for FS(*DB2)

The qualified name of the archive-file to be created. With this name, a physical file is created in the library that equivalates the empty archive of the given format.

Name of the library that is created in the archive-file.

The archive file will be created in the current library.

Writing into the special library QTEMP is not supported.


Name of the member in the archive-file

The name of the member with the archive data corresponds to the name of the file.


Specifies the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device name where storage is allocated for the library containing the object to be used (the ARCFILE parameter). If the library is in an ASP that is not part of the thread's library name space, this parameter must be specified to ensure the correct object is used.

The primary ASP in an ASP group will be searched to find the library.

The system ASP (ASP 1) and all defined basic user ASPs (ASPs 2-32) will be searched to find the library. No primary or secondary ASPs


Nur bei FS (*IFS)

Name of the archive-file to be created as a complete path (i.e. /usr/usrlib1/ With this name on the given path a file is created that equivalates the empty archive with the given format..

The following variables are accessible in any combinations. The the according path is going to be generated automatically:

%TMP%Default value. The output path "/TMP"
%HOME%Using this option, i-effect® searches for the home path ("/HOME/USERNAME") of the current user.
%CURDIR%Current directory
%USER%Name of current user
%DATE%Current date DD.MM.YYYY
%YEAR%Current year YYYY
%YEAR2%Current year YY
%MONTH%Current month MM
%MONTHNAME%Name of current month.
%DAY%Current day
%WEEKDAY%Current day of week, e.g. 'Friday'.
%TIME%Current time HH:MM:SS.
%DEFAULTPATH%This variable inserts the standard path value from the standard settings of the *ZIP module.

Specifies the length (in bytes) of the records stored in the physical file. A value ranging from 1 through 32766 bytes can be specified for the record length.

Default record length.


Specifies the initial number of records in each member of the file, the number of records for each increment added to the member, and the number of times the increment is automatically applied. The number of records for each file member is specified as the number of records that can be
placed in it (this number includes any deleted records).

The number of records that can be added to each member of the file is not limited by the user. The maximum number of records for each member is determined by the system.


The STMFCODPAG (Stream File Code Page) parameter allows you to determinethe way in which i-effect will convert data from the format in which it is held on the iSeries (typically EBCDIC) to an appropriate format in the stream file (typically ASCII).

The rules used for deciding how iSeries data should be converted are complex, and depend on numerous factors, including the stream file format being created (as specified on the TOFMT parameter). In particular, PDF implements its own rules with regard to data encoding and these are followed in all instances. The value specified on the STMFCODPAG parameter is therefore ignored in relation to PDF creation and CVTSPL will convert the spooled file contents and all other data (such as the values specified on the TITLE or KEYWORDS parameters) to a format compatible with PDF.

You can use one of the special values:

(default) If appropriate Windows ASCII encoding scheme is selected. When converting a spooled file to TEXT on a US iSeries (CCSID 37), code page 1252 (Windows Western ASCII encoding) is selected for ASCII text, while on a Greek iSeries (CCSID 875), code page 1253 (Windows Greek) is selected.

A suitable Windows ASCII encoding scheme may be selected. For example, when converting a spool file to *TEXT on a US iSeries (CCSID 37), code page 1252 (Windows Western ASCII encoding) is selected for ASCII text, while on a Greek iSeries (CCSID 875), code page 1253 (Windows Greek) is selected.

If necessary, a suitable ISO ASCII coding scheme is selected. For example, when converting a spool file to *TEXT on a US iSeries (CCSID 37), code page 819 (ISO 8859-1), text is selected for the ASCII file, while on a Greek iSeries (CCSID 875), code page 813 (ISO 8859-7) is selected.

If necessary, a suitable ISO ASCII coding scheme is selected. For example, when converting a spool file to *TEXT on a US iSeries (CCSID 37), code page 819 (ISO 8859-1) is text for the ASCII file, while on a Greek series (CCSID 875), code page 813 (ISO 8859-7) is selected.

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