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Menu bar

The menu bar can be found at any page with a table view. It is the first item below the control bar. The menu bar consists of different buttons, which either are shown in form of an icon or in form of a text link and as you click on them they either perform an action or open up more menus with settings

The button filter configuration on the left hand side will open up a menu to show and edit filter settings.
If there are system filters or own filter settings saved on the asked page, you have the possibility to click on a button on the right hand side which will fade in (load Filter).
Next to this the menu create report can be used to export data sets as PDF or Excel. Via the menue table columns a menue  for editing the table view will open.

Additionally and dependent on the page there are more buttons with the following functions:

Menu for multiple selection

If there are table entries selected with a checkbox on a page, this icon is displayed. It has a counter with the number of all marked entries, in addition a menu can be opened by clicking on the icon.

In this menu the selection can be reset. Depending on the page, there is also the option to delete selected entries or other page-specific options.

Reset table
Reloads the table

Create an entry
Opens a pop-up for creating new entries.
You only find these sections under master data, configuration and automation.

Imports an object (e.g. certificates, mappings)

Configure an automatic update of the table- and page contents. A black, filled icon means the timer is active for this page.

Reset view and filter
Also removes all filter settings, loaded filter and entered terms of the search line. Besides a reset to the first page of the view, every other table settings like sorting, column width, selection and order of the columns and the number of entries per page saved in the system and settings of the basic configuration are reset.
If there is a standard filter for the latest table defined, it will be loaded.


Server (only in the section "Automation")

This menu shows the latest status of the module *SERVER. If the i-effect server is strated, the font is green, is the server inacitve the font is red.
An exclamation mark after the name means that the status could not be determined.
The status is automatically updated a few seconds after loading the page. If it has not been determined before, the font is black.
Via the menu the server can be started or terminated.

Reorg (only in the Monitoring section)
The Reorg menu is displayed in the Monitoring section (except for printouts). With this function, archived entries can be restored to the system using the i-effect Reorg function.

Select Keystore
This function is only available on the Certificates page in the Master Data section.

Create a report
With this menu you can create a report of the data records selected by checkbox or filter. Possible formats are PDF or Excel.

Table colum
Open a menu to show and hode table columns and to change their sorting.


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