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Mappings of variables

Include variables

Variables can be brought into the mapping in many ways:

To set constant values, open the dialog using the context menu or double click on the blue field and select the desired variables from the Drop-down menu. A variable can be selected directly from the context menu. Variables can also be dragged and dropped from the variables list onto the connection field.


Application example

This possibility has been discussed under mapping of constant values. Because it is possible to define one's own variables, it might be helpful to save the entire values at the end of a mapping. For example, if several invoices have been imported, the entire invoice volume can be mapped into a special database filed in the header record table. Or the beginning of the conversion. In this example, (EDIFACT -> DB2) variables mappings can be fixed to the UNZ segment. The UNZ segment represents the end of an EDIFACT message and is well suited for execution of such mappings.

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