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What is the "workspace"?

A so-called workspace must be specified the first time Eclipse is running. Eclipse will automatically offer to attach the workspace to your profile. Generally speaking, a workspace is a storage space for projects, mappings and project depending files. Settings for Eclipse will also be saved at this point (A workspace can be set up practically anywhere).

If the CheckBox has not been selected, which would result in setting the specified workspace as the default, the dialog will be displayed every single time Eclipse is running, as it is possible to create various Eclipse workspaces. In case you require only one workspace, the CheckBox can be selected without worry, because workspaces can be changed within Eclipse at any time.

Reset mapping perspective

To restore the original state of the perspective you choose window from the menu bar and click on the entry reset perspective.
(Info) Please note that you will lose all individual settings!

I have changed my IBM i password. Where can I change the password stored in the MAPGUI?

Start the MAPGUI and select Window-Preferences


Select *MAPGUI in the left navigation bar (1) and open the DB settings by clicking on “Configure” (2)


Click on your existing definition (1)  and select “edit” (2)


Change your password (1), click save (2) , click commit(3), then click close(4)



(Warnung) In case you changed you password on the IBM i system, and already tried to use the MAPGUI, your userprofile might have beend disbaled. Enable you user profile after having changed the password here.

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