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Logbook filter function

Use optionF8to filter the displayed information by means of numerous selection criteria.

The following selection criteria are available:

SessionFrom Number Enter a value in this field to filter the information in the list according to session number.
Possible special value:
*FIRSTDisplay from the beginning of the logbook (most current entry)
To Number Enter a value in this field to filter the information in the list according to session number.
Possible special value:
*LASTDisplay to the end of the logbook (last entry)
Session Start BeginFrom Date Enter a value in this field to filter the information in the list according to session starting date.
Possible special value:

Display from the date of the first action.

From Time Enter a value in this field to filter the information in the list according to session starting time.
Possible special value:
*FIRSTDisplay from the starting time of the first action.
Session Start EndTo Date Enter a value in this field to filter the information in the list according to session starting date.
Possible special value:
*LASTDisplay to the date of the last action.
To TimeEnter a value in this field to filter the information in the list according to session starting time.
Possible special value:
*LASTDisplay to the ending time of the last action.
OtherUser Enter a value in this field to filter the information in the list according to username. Press F4 to display a list of all available usernames.

Final Status Enter a value in this field to filter the information in the list according to final status.
Possible values are:

*ALLThe information in the list is not filtered according to final status.
*OKOnly sessions with the final status *OK will be listed.
*ESCAPEOnly sessions with the final status *ESCAPE will be listed.
ModuleEnter a value in this field to filter the information in the list according to modules. Press F4 to display a list of all available modules.
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