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The group includes JOB ready relevant to a processing order data. Currently, only the path information of the input and output file and the directory path for the error case.

Constant Name


*JOB.ABSOLUTEINPUTAbsolute path of the input data.
e.g .: / path / to / input_data_type / input file.edi
*JOB.INPUTFILEName of the input data.
e.g .: input file.edi
*JOB.INPUTPATHPath to the input file.
e.g .: / path / to / output file /.
*JOB.ABSOLUTEOUTPUTFILEAbsolute path of the output file.
e.g .: / path / to / output file / output file.edi
*JOB. OUTPUTFILEName the output file.
e.g .: output file.edi
*JOB. OUTPUTPATHPath to the output file.
e.g .: / path / to / output file /
*JOB. ABSOLUTERRORFILEAbsolute path of the error file.
e.g .: / path / to / errors directory / output file.edi
*JOB. ERRORFILEName of error file.
e.g .: output file.edi
*JOB. ERRORPATHPath to the error file.
e.g .: / path / to / errors directory /
*JOB. ABSOLUTEARCFILEAbsolute path of the archive file.
e.g. / Path / to / archive / input file.edi
*JOB. ARCFILEName of the archive file.
e.g .: input file.edi
*JOB. ARCPATHPath to the archive file.
e.g .: / path / to / archive /
*JOB. SESSIONNRThe meeting point for this mapping (the ID under which this process can also be found in the logbook)

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