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Incoming messages (EDIFACT -> DB2)

Partner master data for inbound EDIFACT messages can be defined here.

ProcessDetermines if EDIFACT files for the displayed message type and partner are to be converted.
*YESEDIFACT files are processed.
*NOEDIFACT files are not processed.
Interchange # - the next expected interchange numberIf the option "Check Interchange" is activated for checking the sequence number in the UNB segment, the next file to be processed for this partner with this message type MUST have the sequence number defined here. If not, conversion will be canceled. For every successful conversion, i-effect® automatically adds 1 to this number.
Check InterchangeSwitches the checking of the UNB sequence number on of off.
*YESThe interchange number is checked. Conversion will be canceled if the number of the previous field does not match the sequence number.
*NOThe interchange number is not checked
Reference / PasswordIf a value is entered into this field, the corresponding field in the UNB segment of the EDIFCAT file to be processed (service segment, header) is checked. Processing is con-tinued only if these values match.
Application ReferenceIf a value is entered into this field, the corresponding field in the UNB segment of the EDIFCAT file to be processed is checked. Processing is continued only if these values match.
Communication AgreementIf a value is entered into this field, the corresponding field in the UNB segment of the EDIFCAT file to be processed is checked. Processing is continued only if these values match.
TestIf a value is entered into this field, the corresponding field in the UNB segment of the EDIFCAT file to be processed is checked. Processing is continued only if these values match.
TableThe name of the i-effect conversion table that is to be used for this conversion. The table must describe the conversion of the defined message type. Use function key F4 to display a list containing all loaded mapping tables.
LOG Missing Mappings

If desired, all EDIFCAT data elements, for which no assignment to a DB2 field is defined, are logged in the logbook. Missing mappings can be easily found in a test run.

*YESUnassigned data elements are logged in the logbook.
*NONo logging of unassigned data elements.

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