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Extended parameters of the module *TELEBOX

Select the *TELEBOX module by entering option number 8 into the corresponding choice box. In the dialog program „Change i-effect Module Data", parameters can now be modified.

The following options for the *TELEBOX module can be set:

*TELEBOX Details:
Record Length Stream FileEnter the record length of a dataset in data stream data.
NumberValid values: 1-8192
RetriesDefine the maximum number of attempts to establish *TELEBOX communication.


Valid values: 0-99
Default TimeoutDefine a timeout value until *TELEBOX communication is canceled in the case of error.
NumberValid values: 0-9999
Up/Download TimeoutDefine a timeout value until *TELEBOX communication is canceled in the case of upload or download failure.
NumberValid values: 0-9999
Default Telebox Send Path

Enter the default path from where *TELEBOX data is sent.

Default path: /i-effect//telebox/send

Default Telebox Receive Path

Enter the default path where *TELEBOX data is received.

Default path: /i-effect//telebox/receive

*TELEBOX Archive Settings:
Archive Inbound Messages ?Determine if inbound *TELEBOX messages will be archived.
*YESYES, *TELEBOX inbound messages will be archived.
*NONO, *TELEBOX inbound messages will not be archived.
Archive Path (Inbound)

Enter the path where inbound *TELEBOX data will be archived.

Default path: /i-effect//archive/telebox/receive

Archive Outbound Messages ?Determine if outbound *TELEBOX messages shall be archived
*YESYES, *TELEBOX outbound messages will be archived.
*NONO, *TELEBOX outbound messages will not be archived.
Archive Path (Outbound)

Enter the path where outbound TELEBOX data will be archived.

Default path: /i-effect//archive/telebox/send

Path for Erroneous Files

This parameter determines the name of the path where erroneous *TELEBOX data is moved.

Default path: /i-effect//archive/telebox/error

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