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Extended parameters of the module *FAX

Select the *FAX module by entering option number 8 into the corresponding choice box. In the dialog program "Change i-effect Module Data", parameters can now be modified.

The following options for the *FAX module can be set:

Fax Parameters
Fax Service ProviderEnter the fax service provider's name. The fax is sent via telephone lines to the designated addressees.
Email Address Fax ServerEnter the email address of the fax server that is used to receive the fax jobs in the form of an email.
Currently, the following fax servers can be used:
User IDEnter a user ID to login to the fax-email-server.
PasswordEnter a password to login to the fax-email-server.
Archive PathDefine the directory where outbound faxes are to be stored.
Default path: /i-effect/<RELEASE>/archive/fax/send
Send ModeThis parameter determines the mode of sending. The fax can either be sent immediately to the recipient or the cost-effective night rate is used.
The following values are possible:
 *EXPRESSUsing this mode, the fax is sent immediately after transmission to the fax server. It is sent with high priority at a higher rate.



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