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Details: 8=EDIFACT information

To add addresses to an entry, select menu item 50. Then, enter option number 10 "Additional Addresses" into the corresponding choice box.

The following display will appear:

The following overview describes the available options of the program interface.

Add (option F6)To add a new address, use option F6 (function key 6). In the appearing program interface, choose an address name and define the type of address.
Change (option 2)To change an address, use option 2 in the corresponding choice box.
Copy (option 3) To copy an existing address to a new entry, use option 3 in the corresponding choice box.
Delete (option 4)To delete an address, use option 4 in the corresponding choice box.
Display (option 5)To display an address, use option 5 in the corresponding choice box.

Press F6 to enter a new address.
The following display will appear:

AddressEnter the additional address that is to be used for the selected partner. This must be a valid email address, fax number or mobile phone number, depending on the desired use.
Address TypeEnter the type of the entered address.
Possible values are:
*EMLFRMThe entered address is treated as email sender address.
*EMLTOThe entered address is treated as email addressee.
*EMLCCThe entered address is treated as CC email address.
*EMLBCCThe entered address is treated as BCC email address.
*FAXTOThe entered address is treated as fax addressee number.
*SMSTOThe entered address is treated as SMS addressee number.

Using address type *EMLFRM, wild cards can be added to the address name. Valid are " * " and " ? ". By this, when receiving emails all emails coming from the USA for example will be assigned to a standard partner and will be filed accordingly.

*@*.com for every email coming from the USA
*@myCompany.* for every email coming from myCompany
marketing@*.de / sales@*.defor all emails coming from Germany having the sender "marketing" / "sales"



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