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Create an FTP sender/receiver profile

To reach the menu where a FTP sending/reception profile (working in both directions) can be added, select menu item 52 in the i-effect main menu.
Press F6 to call up the menu where a new communication profile can be added. Then, select FTP communication using option number 1 in the corresponding choice box. In the following menu, please select *BOTH.

The following parameters can be configured:

Host Details:
Name/IPEnter the IP number or the DNS hostname of the partner's FTP server.
TCP/IP portEnter the port number of the partner's FTP server. The default port for the FTP protocol is 21.
User Details:
User IDEnter the user ID needed to login to the FTP server.
PasswordEnter the password corresponding to the user ID.
FTP Details:
Default Transmission Type

This parameter determines the type of transmission commonly used with this FTP server. The default setting can be overwritten for every single transmission.
Possible values:

*ASCIIThis setting is required to exchange data with ASCII machines that do not support EBCDIC.
*EBCDICThis setting is required to exchange data with EBCDIC machines. An unnecessary translation between ASCII and EBCDIC on both machines is avoided.
*BINARYThis setting is required to exchange binary data (e.g. Save Files). Data is transmitted one-to-one.

Default Mode

Enter the default FTP mode that is to be used.
Possible special values:

*ACTIVEThe FTP mode „ACTIVE" is used.
*PASSIVEThe FTP mode „ PASSIVE „ is used.
Description A short description of the FTP profile can be created here. This field has only a descriptive character, its content is arbitrary.
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