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The certificates used by i-effect are managed on this page. Currently, two keystores for *CRYPT and *OFTP2 can be managed, between which you can switch via a menu.

The keystore paths and passwords can be customized in the module configuration of the *CRYPT and *OFTP2 modules.

Possible actions on this page:


In the filter settings you can filter by the following properties:

Import certificate

If you want to import a certificate, select the button in the menu bar or choose Import Certificate in the context menu.

A certificate file of the following formats can be imported: .der / .pem / .cer / .cert / .p7b.

The alias can be customized for each certificate.

Export certificate

Exports certificates as a file in .DER or .PEM formats, as well as key pairs as keypairs or certificate chains with customizable options.

Create key pair

A new key pair will be created. Additionally, the following extensions can be added:

  •           Basic Constraint
  •           Key Usage
  •           Extendiingg Key Usage
  •           Subject Alternative Name

For more information about the use of certificates in i-effect, see this link: Use of certificates and key pairs in IFS

Use of certificates:

The table shows how often a certificate is used in the master data.

In addition, the context menu can be used to display the exact entries in which a certificate is used. Clicking on the entry opens a new tab and the corresponding entry is opened for editing.

Renaming and deleting certificates

When renaming and deleting certificates, all usages in the master data are automatically updated to the new name or removed.

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