The keystore is no longer displayed completely in Portecle
The content of the i-effect keystore is no longer completely displayed in Portecle (i-effectKeyManager). The display contains only the entries of the key pairs, the certificates are missing completely.
Please perform the following steps with administrator rights on your Windows system:
- Open with an editor the file "C:\Program Files\Java\<your JRE 1.8 version>\lib\security\" (Please adjust the path name according to your Java installation and Windows version (32/64 bit))
- Now look in the file for the line "keystore.type.compat=true".
- Replace the value with "false" and save the change.
After the next start of Portecle all entries will be displayed again.
As of Java 8 Update 60 (8u60), Oracle has introduced a new keystore compatibility mode setting which is active by default.
Information from Oracle site to this:
"Keystore type detection support for JKS and PKCS12 keystores. Keystore compatibility mode: For compatibility reasons, the Java keystore type JKS now supports keystore compatibility mode by default. In this mode, JKS keystores can access both JKS and PKCS12 file formats. To disable keystore compatibility mode, set the keystore.type.compat security property to the string value false."